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Quotes / Mother 3

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"Oh, I'm so very happy you talked to me. Unless we're especially lucky, characters like me without notable personalities often wind up overlooked and ignored. But I'm happy. You talked to me. You've acknowledged me, in other words. Oh, I'm so happy!"
A Friendly Ghost being talked to by the player character

"Thank you for taking the time to read this sign. This sign loves you."
A sign

"The Frightbot told a story so scary you'll never go to the bathroom at night again."
Battle dialogue while fighting a Frightbot

"Everyone's waiting for you. Everyone's waiting to throw rocks at you, spit on you, and make your life hell. Who's 'everyone'...? Everyone you love."

"Mother 3 makes me want to be a better person. I wish I could explain why that is. All I know is that I can't say the same for just about anything I've seen — movie, book, or otherwise, in at least a decade."

"The meaning behind a game changes a lot between players. Players add more than half of the meaning and value to games, which is more than any other mode of expression. So I feel like that half that you've added is entirely your own... all I did was provide assistance. [...] My personal feelings steer me to want to affirm everything the player thinks about the game. I wanted to make MOTHER 3 like a mirror. One that reflects the heart of the player off of the screen."

"MOTHER 3 is a Japanese RPG starring an adolescent Heroic Mime Farm Boy from a Doomed Hometown and his dog, who join forces with a Lovable Rogue and a Tomboy Princess Black Magician Girl to fight a World-Conquering Evil Overlord and his Army of Brainwashed soldiers in a race to trigger the Seven Cosmic Keystones and Seal Away an Ultimate Evil which will bring about The End of the World as We Know It.

"Wait—nevermind, this game deserves a better explanation."

"MOTHER 3 is a game about humankind's corruption of the natural world, the alienating effects of modern life on communities and families, the ethical treatment of animals, the folly of living vicariously in one's past, brotherly love and rivalry, and familial love.

"...Or really anything, really. But mostly that."
Original description of Mother 3 on TVTropes
