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Quotes / And Show It to You

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Church: Poor Jimmy was the last one to go. Tex walked up to him, pulled Jimmy's skull out right of his head and beat him to death with it.
Tucker: Wait a second. How do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible.
Church: That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming.
(flashback to Tex repeatedly beating Jimmy with a skull)
Jimmy: This doesn't seem physically possible!

I'm gonna shut you down, I'm teaching you a lesson
Rip out your CPU and show it to you still processing

Dude. That's my heart. (keels over, dead)
Jaffers's friend, Suburban Knights

"Kali ma shakti deh! [Mother Kali, give (me) power!]"
— Mola Ram, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, just before performing a cardioectomy as a ritual sacrifice to the Goddess.

Homer: Hey, boy! How was class?
Bart: Today, we learned how to rip a man's heart out and show it to him before he dies!
Homer: Ooh. That'll learn him.

"This is it, Warden. 'When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead.' As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you. Let us show them our hearts, and then show them theirs."

Ultron: Wanda... if you stay here, you'll die.
Wanda: I just did. Do you know how it felt? [tears out Ultron's "heart"] ...It felt like that.

I'd say it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but taking out anybody's remaining kidney without anesthetic is truly sadistic.
Dr. Willmore, Millennium (1996) "Lamentation"

"You still don't get it, do you? He'll find her! That's all he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down her throat, and pull her fucking heart out!"
Kyle Reese, The Terminator

I will enjoy removing his insides and displaying them to him as a part of his outsides. [Beat] I believe I will wear his liver as a hat.
Istas, InCryptid: Discount Armageddon

Guile: Bison! I'm gonna rip your lousy heart out, you filthy bastard!
Bison: Heh heh heh... Afraid I don't have one.

Omni-Man: Remember what I promised you? Now swallow.
DEATH BATTLE!, Omni-Man making good on his promise to feed Homelander his own heart for murdering his wife Debby.

I've built you before
I can tear you apart
I'll reach into your core
And I'll rip out your heart!
Dr. Roxanne Prism, I Expect You To Die 3: A Cog In The Machine Villain Song theme
