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Playing With / Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?

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  • Basic: Character has a weird name and other characters often remark on it.
  • Straight: Alice and Bob name their daughter and son Quesadilla and Disastro. The other characters comment on it often.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob name their children "Mhaverich" and "Aliviyah", which are oddly spelled versions of "Maverick" and "Olivia". Some other characters find these spellings rather strange.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob are Funny Foreigners from another country.
    • Alice and Bob both grew up with common names and hated it, so they named their children uniquely.
    • Alice and Bob named their children before Have a Gay Old Time changed the meaning.
    • Alice, being ignorant of the language, but wanting to honor the land, chose from a name book … and copied over the copyright notice.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob name their kids Charles and Daisy, and everyone comments on how normal their kids' names are.
  • Subverted: Quesadilla and Disastro are just nicknames that people comment on. Their real names are Ellie and Fred.
  • Double Subverted:...which are nicknames for Ellelyniana and Fredaroki.
  • Parodied:
    • Their names are Charles and Daisy, and everyone still comments on how weird their names are.
    • Saying anything about Quesadilla and Disastro's names are Berserk Buttons for them- enough that they turn into a Hulk-like creature whenever someone does so.
  • Lampshaded: "I blame mom and dad for giving us such ridiculous names"
  • Enforced: Through Developer's Foresight, Any Non-Player Character meeting the Player Character will react appropriately to abuses of Hello, [Insert Name Here], from the characters In-Universe acknowledging your character's name as The Unpronounceable, commenting on Punctuation Shaker, asking if your parents hated you if your name contains any cuss word, or commenting if you used the name of a historical figure, fictional character or celebrity from the setting.
  • Discussed:
    Joseph: Wait, so your names are-
    Quesadilla: Yeah, yeah, my brother and I know the gist.
    Disastro: (mimicking Joseph's voice) "Quesadilla and Disastro? What weird names!" This isn't the first time we heard that line, buddy.
    Disastro: Yeah, and those too.
    Quesadilla: stunned silence
  • Zig-Zagged: Quesadilla and Disastro have overly long names, with some being normal, and others being weird names. To avoid kids making fun of them, they go by one of their normal names. Then someone finds out the weird names...
  • Averted: No one says anything about Alice and Bob's kids' names.
  • Defied: Bob wants to give his children funny names, but Alice says no.
  • Deconstructed: Everyone comments on their names when they're babies, but eventually get bored of it.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Bob rename their kids a new weird name every month or so, so no one gets bored talking about it.
