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Playing With / That Makes Me Feel Angry

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Basic Trope: A character says his or her emotions out loud.

  • Straight: Alice is in a bad mood. She says, "I'm angry."
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice mentions she has strong feelings about a situation but doesn't specifically mention what those feelings are.
  • Justified:
    • Bob's annoying her and not taking the hint, so Alice has to spell it outright.
    • Alice is a computer with a monotone voice and no human features, and therefore has absolutely no other way to express her feelings than by stating them.
    • Alice has anger-management issues, so her therapist has her saying what she's feeling instead of having her fists do it for her.
    • Alice is the kind of person to look happy all the time due to genetics, even when angry. So she has to spell it out to convince Bob.
    • Alice and Bob are texting each other, so they can't use tone to tell the other how they feel.
    • Alice is a character in an opera. Singing about how lonely she is is part of the drama.
    • While the fact that Bob got her tickets for New York Yankees Vs Dallas Knights makes her feel happy, it doesn't fully offset how angry she is about him accidentally destroying her home. In other words, he still has some (or a lot of) making up to do.
    • Alice is comfortable with talking about her feelings.
    • Alice is from a culture that is different from the majority of the main cast (maybe even a flat-out alien one) which expresses emotions differently, and therefore she must find ways to clarify her emotions.
    • Alice is close to her Rage Breaking Point, UN-DER-STAND?
  • Inverted: Alice is very emotional, but won't say anything.
  • Subverted: Alice begins to tell Bob exactly what she feels but it turns to angrish anyway.
  • Double Subverted: Then she stops, composes herself, and calmly lets Bob know she is angry and why.
  • Parodied: Alice is slightly disgruntled. She says, "I feel about 7.35% angrier than on average, and about 3.55% grief. I also feel 6% lonely, and are at 12.25% on the Existential Crisis score. Not to mention I feel 23% sanguine, 23% choleric, 27% phlegmatic and 27% melancholic today. My answers to the Rorschach inkblot test today are 1) a bat, 2) two elephants touching trunks, 3) a bra, 4) a view of a man from underneath, 5) a bat, 6) a bird as seen from above, 7) a vase, 8) two pink rodents, 9) fire and ice interacting, and 10) the remains of a man eaten alive by blue crabs and yellow/orange blobs."
  • Zig Zagged: Alice tells Bob she is angry and as she does so, her voice rises more and more until she is simply hitting Bob with a Cluster F-Bomb and finishes her rant by punching him. Then she calms down and calmly tells him, "And this is why I am upset and hope that we can avoid this situation in the future."
  • Averted: Alice is in a bad mood without saying it.
  • Enforced:
    • The creators of the show don't know how to show that Alice is angry, so they have her say her feelings out loud instead.
    • The work is meant to teach children what different emotions look like, so it has the characters state their emotions as they show the common signs of that emotion.
    • The work is part of a language learning course, so it's using this trope in order to put the words for each emotion on clear display.
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Alice is going through therapy right now and realizes that stating her feelings in a collective manner is more beneficial than simply losing her temper.
  • Exploited: Alice calmly lets the Big Bad know she is angry in an attempt to creep him out due to her Tranquil Fury.
  • Defied: Alice shuts herself in, too angry to speak.
  • Discussed: Bob talks to his friends about Alice and her tendency to talk about her feelings as opposed to showing them.
  • Conversed: "This writer is crap. He has his characters state what they are feeling but he never has them show it."
  • Deconstructed
  • Reconstructed: Alice becomes friends with people who have No Social Skills and finds this trait helpful. Which makes her feel happy.
  • Played For Laughs: The series makes it a Running Gag for Alice to carry around a thesaurus and look up a new word for her feelings each time. Or she just uses Perfectly Cromulent Words.
  • Played For Drama: Alice is in severe pain due to being paralysed and/or having her face deformed. She can't show her feelings.

Aww. The page is over. And that makes me sad.
