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Playing With / Implacable Man

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Basic Trope: A villainous Determinator with Nigh-Invulnerability.

  • Straight: B.O.B. is a robotic humanoid with far greater bodily durability than an actual human, and nothing will stop him from attempting to kill Alice at all costs.
  • Exaggerated: Bobzilla is an impossibly massive reptilian Kaiju who can't even be harmed by direct exposure to the interior of a blue-giant star, and he won't even let all the military forces in the world stop him from destroying humanity and terraforming the world to his own liking.
  • Downplayed: Bob is a normal human with greater determination to achieve his personal goals and bodily durability than most other humans, but once his targets get extremely far away from him, he'll stop chasing them entirely.
  • Justified:
    • Bobzilla was created by nuclear radiation, so he's endowed with much greater physical gifts than non-mutated creatures.
    • Bob has been denied what he wants in life one too many times, so he stands in the wake of a rapid evolution ray to grant himself major bodily durability upgrades that will help him achieve his goals much more easily.
    • B.O.B. was specifically designed with durability and pursuit of his targets in mind.
  • Inverted:
    • "Bob" is a species of extraterrestrial parasites that can be easily killed with fire, bullets, water, and ice, and said parasites also completely give up on finding suitable hosts once they get too far away from them.
    • Bob is a heroic being with extremely uncanny bodily durability, allowing him to partake in missions and pursue goals that would get most other entities killed in mere seconds.
  • Subverted: Bob is frequently stated to be nearly unkillable, but once Alice shoots him with a rocket launcher, he gets instantly blasted to smithereens.
  • Double-Subverted: But then, Bob rapidly regenerates and continues his duel with Alice.
  • Parodied: Bob constantly goes around wearing a shirt saying "I'm an implacable man!" on it, and he takes every opportunity he gets to show off his uncanny bodily durability.
  • Invoked: A sapient computer system grants Bob Nigh-Invulnerability to prevent him from being easily killed while out on the job of killing people for said sapient computer system.
  • Defied: Alice is fully aware of certain entities being able to shrug off attacks most other entities can't, so she looks for a way to eliminate their Nigh-Invulnerability no matter what.
  • Implied: Alice hears of certain beings that are capable of surviving devastating attacks on their bodies and not very easily deterred from achieving their goals, so she randomly attacks people to discover the true extent of the aforementioned atributes in them.
  • Exploited: Bob is aware of his heightened bodily durability and determination to achieve his daily goals, so he uses the aforementioned traits to lethally overwhelm his enemies.
  • Zigzagged: Some entities have both heightened bodily durability and determination to achieve their daily goals. Other entities have heightened bodily durability (but no heightened determination to achieve their daily goals). A third group of entities has heightened determination to achieve its daily goals (but no heightened bodily durability), and a fourth group of entities has neither heightened bodily durability nor determination to achieve its daily goals.
  • Averted: Bob's bodily durability and determination to achieve his goals are no higher than those of the average human.
  • Lampshaded: "Have you ever noticed how some humanoid entities have far greater bodily durability and determination to achieve their goals than others?"
  • Discussed: "The reason why some humanoid entities have far greater bodily durability and determination to achieve their goals than others is because of the dark purposes they're created for."
  • Conversed: "Well, there's always at least one entity with far greater bodily durability and determination to achieve his goals than others for me to mop up in this world."
  • Enforced: Studio executives request for the work to feature entities with far greater bodily durability and determination to achieve their goals than most others to help play into both the Rule of Cool and the Rule of Drama.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob's heightened bodily durability and determination to achieve his goals quickly allow him to slaughter every enemy he comes across.
    • B.O.B.s pursuit of his target is so singleminded that he eventually succumbed to the injuries gradually inflicted by Alice.
  • Reconstructed:
    • But after a while, other enemies of his find ways to damage him to the point where he can't rise up from his ashes ever again.
    • B.O.B.s pursuit continues even when Alice isn’t putting distance between them, allowing B.O.B to keep attacking or even ambush Alice while she’s injured and/or unprepared.
    • Those "gradual injuries" Alice inflicted required big guns, big bombs, big cars, big beasts, big backup and big knives. If she had not lucked into finding a single bit of that literally huge firepower, she would surely have died (and by those final few seconds she certainly thought she was going to).
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Though Bob can rapidly regenerate from gruesome injuries, both the way he gets injured in the first place and the way he heals afterwards cause his enemies to point and laugh at him.
    • All that Bob has going for him is his implacability. Otherwise, he is a very feeble, stupid and unintimidating little man who gets constantly curb-stomped. The result is a Droopy-esque montage of Bob's foes kicking the crap out of him (sometimes literally) and going away laughing only to become increasingly (and comically) unnerved at noticing Bob is unharmed, only inches behind them and, oh yeah, still coming.
  • Played for Drama: Bob's physical and personality attributes cause everyone in his world to constantly be on edge and prepare themselves for the worst whenever he even steps near someone else.
  • Played for Horror: Bob's mere existence causes everyone in his world to suffer from panic attacks and commit suicide upon even just thinking about him.
