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Nightmare Fuel / FBI: Most Wanted

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Many of the fugitives hunted by the FBI Fugitive Task Force are nothing short of terrifying.

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     Season 1 

     Season 2 

     Season 3 

     Season 4 
  • The episode "Chains".
  • "Black Mirror" introduces the Varitek brothers Rudolph and Jacob who plan to viciously disfigure a teen couple as an attempt to battle the Antichrist for the death of the brothers' father due to Behcet's disease.

     Season 5 
  • In "Footsteps", Ray's father revealed how the Ghost Squad broke Kamal Berk by forcing him to listen to an audio tape of his five-year-old daughter Jeyla screaming for her father after being abducted by the CIA. As Remy, Sheryll, and Ray listen to the audio tape, they are understandably disturbed from hearing Jeyla's terrified screams.
    Jeyla: "BABA! BABA! BABA! BABA!"
  • "Bonne Terre" has the plot of nearly killing someone else who didn't kill two teenage girls in the 2010s. However, a couple of person who know the victims think that the person did it and not the real suspect.
