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YMMV / FBI: Most Wanted

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  • Applicability: The suspect being hunted by the FBI in "Incendiary" is pissed at his mom who's forced to work odd jobs when his immigrant mother has high educational qualifications back in Vietnam in the 1990s. Many immigrants who settle in other countries (usually with better living/educational standards) find that most of their educational achievements may not be considered, forcing them to take up courses again or just take odd jobs to make ends meet unless he/she can find a way to get their credentials certified.
  • Complete Monster: See here.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Nothing's said about what happened to Amy/Katie Langtry after Charlie kills John while helping Estevan Martín Maldonado escape in "El Píncho". Esteban's last seen dragging Katie from the cabinet.
  • Magnificent Bastard:
    • "Chattaboogie": Evan Greeter is the charming but ruthless heir to "the Board", a Hillbilly Moonshiner syndicate turned drug ring. Betrayed by the others, despite personal assurances they would look after his mother, Evan vows revenge. Whilst patiently spying on the operation, Evan discovers Susan Kleinman's secret partnership with Clayton Smith, laundering gold for The Cartel and was planning to eliminate the others. Assisted only by his girlfriend Maggie, Evan beats Susan to punch by killing the Shallet siblings and kidnapping Smith, tricking the authorities into believing Smith committed the murders. Forcing all he needs out of Smith, Evan stages his suicide, then outsmarts and kills the remaining board member Allen and his operatives. Stealing the latest gold shipment, Evan traps Susan, calling her out for her betrayal and revealing his plans to take over running both operations. In spite of being caught by the FBI, Evan has the foresight to have already sent his mother and her boyfriend off to an international cruise with a stolen fortune, ensuring them luxury for the rest of their lives.
    • "Iron Pipeline": Joshua Fogelman was an ordinary suburban family man, until his nine-year-old daughter Mya was murdered in a mass shooting. Transformed into "a Man on fire" Joshua threw himself into ensuring this could never happen again. When his media campaign failed, Joshua turned to a more audacious plan. Tracking down an illegal gun dealer, Joshua bought an AR-15 and after doing his research travelled to a convention for the North-Eastern Rifle Federation. Patiently waiting for his opportunity, he infiltrated the convention and kidnaped the president at gunpoint, planning to force him to broadcast a picture of what the gunman did to Mya at the convention and force the members to confront the carnage they helped enable. Discovering the FBI had cancelled the convention and cornered by the feds, coming up with a a new plan on the spot, Joshua instead forcing him to upload the footage onto their social media feed. Succeeding, he surrendered finally letting the grief of his daughter’s death catch up with him.
