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Mythology Gag / Dragalia Lost

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  • In the main home screen, the characters can be seen walking and/or bobbing their heads to the tune of the background music "Bokura no Network". On November 16, 2018, when DAOKO uploads the official music video for the song on YouTube, there are indeed citizens walking on the streets alongside DAOKO, and one bystander bobs her head sideways, just like in the game.
  • The "Knights of Glory" banner is a reference to Knights of Glory, a now defunct Cygames RPG, right down to the logo.
    • In addition, several character and dragon designs were reused and tweaked. Such examples include the Greatwyrms as generic dragons and Ezeleth, Aeleen, and Xainfried as an Elemental seeker, Valkyrie and Dragoon classes in Knights of Glory respectively.
  • Chronos's child form resembles Vyrn from Granblue Fantasy.
  • Androids are called "Marions" in the Japanese version of the game, short for "marionettes," a reference to Orchid, a puppet girl featured in several of Cygames' previous works including Rage of Bahamut and Granblue Fantasy. Laxi and Mascula are also named after species of orchids, and possess an "Orchis System."

    Fire Emblem 
  • During the 2020 rerun of "Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes," this picture was created in homage to the box art of the original Famicom version of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • Many of the Fire Emblem characters' quotes reference not just the series, but also Fire Emblem Heroes as well.
  • The Spring Festival or references to their own costumes get brought up when they see sylvans.

    Mega Man 
  • During the Mega Man: Chaos Protocol crossover event, each of the Greatwyrms’ attack pattern references a Robot Master from Mega Man 2.
    • Midgardsormr scatters tornados around the arena, before blowing them to the opposite side of the field from himself. After a couple of rounds of that, he will hop to the opposite side himself by first making a small jump and then a larger jump. This is almost identical to Air Man’s attack pattern.
    • Zodiark scatters timed explosives around his arena. The explosives are designed after Crash Man’s Crash Bombs.
    • Jupiter sets Metal Blades up before rolling them one-by-one in a straight line at the player characters. His arena also switches between pulling players toward the center and pulling them toward the walls, much like how Metal Man’s arena has a conveyor belt on the floor that switches between pulling Mega Man to the left and right sides of it.
    • Brunhilda will shoot 3 fireballs in a line that erupt into pillars of fire upon landing, then will charge along the line created by the pillars. This also is how Heat Man attacked.
    • Mercury can launch bubbles that bounce around her arena, similar to Bubble Man’s Bubble Lead, or she can shoot a fast, single-directional bullet of water, which is Bubble Man’s other attack. Her arena also has whirlpools that careless players may stumble into, much like how Bubble Man’s arena has spikes along the roof which Mega Man may accidentally jump into due to the extra jump power he gets from being underwater.

    Monster Hunter 
  • The homescreen has Vanessa trying to make a Well-Done Steak like you can in the games.
  • In Hunter Berserker's story, he mentions being able to craft a staple recipe in the game, Mega Potion, by combining Potion with Honey.
  • The limited wyrmprints for the game have many of the characters in hunter themed sets of armor.
    • "The Lurker in the Woods" has Laxi in Kirin armor, most likely favoring long sword style and Lin You in Amatsu armor, likely favoring switch axe style.
    • "Unexpected Requests" has Jurota in Naracuga armor.
    • "Felyne Hospitality" has Pia in Gammoth armor.

  • With the Japanese audio enabled and clicking on the announcement of the crossover, Joker's voice actor reads out the text in a tone and manner similar to the iconic Night of the Phantom from Nippon Budokan where a trailer for Persona 5 was revealed.
  • During the "Caged Desire" story as well as Joker's Adventure Story, the group do Baton Passes after hitting a Shadow's weakness before finally hitting them with an All-Out Attack.
