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Headscratchers / Alfred J. Kwak

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  • You know that thing that lifts Alfred up from the elephant's back in the intro? What WAS that thing?
    • Judging from its skull-like face, it might very well be the embodiment of Death, who is apparently constantly hovering over Alfred on his perilous adventures.
  • Episode one: if Henk the mole is blind, how could he knew that there are 7 eggs in the nest without touching them first?
    • He is not blind, merely somewhat sensitive to light: hence the sunglasses.
    • Another one from the first episode: When a blackbird and a crow are scrutinizing the eggs of Johan and Anna they give several sniding remarks about them. At one point the crow says the eggs are proably plain wind-eggs. Considering it is a crow saying this and he would judge the eggs from his own viewpoint, wind-eggs are common amongst crows.
      • Is this a headscratcher or does it belong in Fridge?
  • Just what kind of animals are the castle guards supposed to be? They all have grey, warty skin, and seem to all have different mixed-and-matched animal body parts. Some kind of inbred mutants, perhaps?
  • Why would Alfred keep bringing Pikkie on trips that involve priceless glittering objects - even after the many times he's proven unable to keep his magpie-ness under control?
    • Actually, all the Pikkie incidents we know off (until the thing with the pot of gold) happend in his childhood. He is later not shown causing trouble, actually, he is shown handling diamonds at his job and not getting particularily crazy about them. So, the thing with the pot of gold does come as a relative surprise for the characters.
    • Also, Pikkie only came along for two trips; in the Atlantis episodes (doing his job), and the rainbow episodes (only time Alfred brought him).
  • Why was one of Alfred's siblings grey and another had large brown spots? Did Anna cheat on Johan or something?
  • Episode 13: Why did inspector Sherlock think the footprints belonged to Krabnagel? The prints only had three toes (Krabnagel has four or five) and were very clearly a bird's.
  • What actually happened in "De Ontvoering"?
    • Dolf had to get his weapon shipment to Yil, but Sunshine was going to Salem. Dolf puts the guns in Sunshine's hold anyway, and they then get accosted by the Yil navy who have somehow been tipped on the guns. Was this his plan or actually a setback? The answer hinges on whether the guns were intended for the government or not, or if if Yil was just a stop on the way to somewhere else, which remains highly unclear in the episode.
  • What specific mole species is Henk? I'm sure i've seen a photograph of a brownish mole with an upturned pink snout somewhere, but i don't remembr the species and have no keywords to google with.
    • He's clearly an European Mole, the snout and the fur color are just right[1][2][3]. There re propably better pictures in Google, but you get the gist.
  • So, Waterland became a constitutional monarchy. What kind of a political system has a king and a president at the same time?
    • "president" could be short for "minister-president", which at the time the show was originally broadcast was the common term for "prime minister" in the Netherlands. (it being "premier" nowadays)
    • Or did Franz change his mind about constitutional monarchy and just decide to step down for good?
  • Why do they always eat in Alfred's living room? A table has been consistently visible through the kitchen doorway.
  • How large is the interior of Alfred's house, actually?
  • Episode 44: How did neither Dolf, Wannes, nor the henchmen notice Lispel's car following them? It was tailing them pretty close and even had it's lights on!
  • Episode 44: Where did Wannes go to hide, anyway? How didn't anybody find him?
    • In the same episode, why did Lispel warn Dolf about the police coming? He wasn't getting paid and he had been after revenge just the previous day. He propably wanted to mock Dolf, but why didn't he want Dolf to actually get arrested?
  • Episode 45: Why didn't children or any of the nurses come down with mozons? It's said they didn't, but how?
  • How did they get the shoe bed inside Henk's house? The doorways are way too small!
  • Where are Winnie's earrings attached to?
  • According to Winnie's introductory arc, colonialism happened in their world like it did in ours. In that case, why are the royal family of Waterland (Netherlands) lions which originate from Africa? The royal court also has a hippo and a crocodile, both species african, and a turkey which is an american species.
