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Go Go Gophers is full of hilarious moments that will leave you laughing with the Gopher Indians.


  • Just about any time Ruffled Feather speaks. Seriously, who wouldn't laugh at that unintelligible speech?
  • Several regulations in Colonel Coyote's army book.
  • Numerous puns in Sgt. Homa's closing lines.

    Season 1 
Moon Zoom

  • The first regulation in Colonel Coyote's rule book to be mentioned.
    Col. Coyote: Think? Think? You're in the army, Sergeant. You're not supposed to think! Regulation 3X705 expressly forbids it!
  • As Sgt. Homa tells Col. Coyote about the gophers stealing guns from the fort's arsenal, a thought balloon appears, showing Ruffled Feather bringing the guns to Running Board until the latter falls under the weight of them.
  • Ruffled Feather dropping a pile of rocks on Col. Coyote, one of which has a carved message reading, "Kernel go home!"
  • At the gophers' discussion about Col. Coyote, Ruffled Feather throws a rock at Running Board to show that he hit the colonel with the gophers' message.
  • The reason Running Board turns down Ruffled Feather's idea of punching the colonel in the face?
    Running Board: Hurt-um our fists on his face.
    • Soon after this, Ruffled Feather gets a better idea: build a rocket and send the coyotes to the moon!
  • Col. Coyote tells Sgt. Homa that "the army requires blind obedience" when telling him to ignore the detour signs the gophers put up. This, of course, was what the gophers wanted, and the coyotes fall in a hole, prompting this line from Sgt. Homa:
    Sgt. Homa: Well, I'm sure enough blind obedient now, sir. Can't see a thing.
  • The Gopher Indians trick the coyotes into falling off a cliff, on the edge of which was a fake root beer parlor built by Ruffled Feather. After the coyotes walk through the door and fall off the cliff, Sgt. Homa gives this line as they climb out of the hole made from the fall:
    Sgt. Homa: They oughta get that first step fixed. It's a mite long.
  • The gophers locking the coyotes in the rocket and sending it to the moon.

Trojan Totem

  • Colonel Coyote gets toppled by a huge pile of rifles (stolen by the gophers) when he opens his closet.
  • The next day, Col. Coyote and Sgt. Homa (both out of uniform) follow a trail of clothes to the well and find the rest of the cavalry's missing uniforms (stolen and hidden by the gophers). As Col. Coyote leans into the well, Ruffled Feather knocks him into it with a plank from inside the totem pole.
    Sgt. Homa: You sure threw yourself into the search, Colonel.

  • The entire cavalry's clothes had shrunk from being soaked in the well for hours.
  • Col. Coyote goes for a wild ride when he pulls a feather from the totem pole door (the feather was attached to a dynamite wire) and an explosion causes the totem to bounce around the fort.
    • As Sgt. Homa invites viewers to watch the next episode, a stick of lit dynamite (from the totem) lands near him and explodes, and both coyotes and the totem end up falling down the well.

Introducing General Nuisance

  • Col. Coyote's story about being in an Indian attack gets a surprising interruption.
    Col. Coyote: It was at the Big Little Horn, Sergeant. There I was: Indians to the left, Indians in front, and Indians to the right. Then suddenly, from the rear-" (General Nuisance opens the door from behind, causing the colonel to fly into the wall.)
  • When Col. Coyote heads to the water hole to fill his and Gen. Nuisance's canteens, Ruffled Feather smacks the colonel into the water with a paddle from behind a tree.
  • Soon after Col. Coyote fixes stew for his lunch break with General Nuisance, Running Board (from behind some rocks) takes the pepper shaker, unscrews the cap, and empties the contents into the stew. This causes General Nuisance to become a Fire-Breathing Diner when he tastes the stew.
  • The trading post scene.
    Running Board: Trinkets! Buy-um nice Indian trinkets! Get-um cheap here!

  • Ruffled Feather explaining his idea of scaring General Nuisance.
  • The gophers' surprise attack on Col. Coyote and General Nuisance.
    • Which is soon followed by the gophers pretending to be scared as the colonel chases after them.
  • Col. Coyote getting struck in the rear with an arrow at the end.
    Sgt. Homa: Seems like the colonel always gets it in the end.

Gatling Gophers

  • Col. Coyote's demonstration of his new gatling gun causes it to destroy his office.
    Sgt. Homa: That sure oughta take care of those Indians, all right- if it don't take care of us first.

  • The coyotes are on a raft on the river, and Col. Coyote thinks he sees the Gopher Indians in a canoe ahead (really a cut-out on a pulley). Whenever he fires the gatling gun, the raft goes backwards, and the coyotes go over the waterfall.
  • The scene where the Gopher Indians cut down the tree the coyotes and gatling gun are in.
  • The gophers pushing a huge boulder down the path of the coyotes' covered wagon.

The Cleveland Indians

  • Col. Coyote wants to get the gophers to move to Cleveland because of a newspaper article saying "Cleveland Welcomes Indians". He thinks that the baseball players are real Indians, prompting the following exchange:
    Sgt. Homa: But, Colonel, this article's from the sports section. The Cleveland Indians are a baseball team.

  • While Col. Coyote is inviting the gophers to come with him to Cleveland, he chokes from trying to smoke his pipe.
  • The gophers blocking traffic by setting up camp in the middle of Main Street in Cleveland.
    • Soon a police officer comes to arrest the colonel and gophers, and the latter duo use the Kneel, Push, Trip trick on him, followed by Ruffled Feather knocking the officer out with his own club.
  • The Gopher Indians are disappointed when they discover the Cleveland Indians aren't Indians at all and respond by hitting them with baseball bats.
  • The Gopher Indians causing a ruckus at a nightclub.
  • The gophers ask Col. Coyote what he'll do for them if they go back to Gopher Gulch. He says he'll do anything at all, and they make him their servant.

Medicine Men

  • When Col. Coyote gets his bologna shipment:
    Supply wagon driver: Here's your load of bologna.

  • This retort (translated from Ruffled Feather) is perhaps one of Running Board's funniest lines:

  • The following exchange in Col. Coyote's office:
    Col. Coyote: Imagine those Indians giving me a headache. I've never had a headache in my life! (From behind him, Ruffled Feather hits the colonel on the head with a hammer.)
    Sgt. Homa: Well, you've sure got one now.

  • Both the gophers' trick itself for giving the colonel a stomachache and the way Ruffled Feather explains it to Running Board beforehand.
  • When Col. Coyote wants to hide his bologna stash, he makes Sgt. Homa hide it in the cannon. Later as the gophers are running from the cavalry, the colonel tells the sergeant to fire the cannon. Sgt. Homa tries to remind him that the bologna's in the cannon, but the colonel doesn't listen. When the cannon is fired, the gophers catch the bologna in the blanket they brought earlier (to trade for the bologna).
    Sgt. Homa: Well, it looks like the colonel's not the only one who's full of baloney.

Mesa Mess

  • Col. Coyote getting hit in the head with a stone thrown through the window in the beginning.
  • The fact that the note on the rock has several spelling errors.
  • The scene where the gophers test the trapdoor on Lonesome Mesa (after they finish building it).
  • When Col. Coyote charges towards Lonesome Mesa, he soon flies off his horse and hits the mesa headfirst. Then he falls during his first attempt at climbing it.
  • Soon after the coyotes are on top of Lonesome Mesa, Running Board pulls the lever, the trapdoor opens, and the coyote fall through the chute and land in a horse-drawn delivery carriage, which the gophers soon speed away on.

Termite Terror

  • The gophers' conversation about the colonel's secret weapon (an Indian-fighting instruction book) and theirs (a termite that eats any amount of wood super fast).
  • All the termite-attack scenes.
  • The following exchange between the coyotes at the end of end of the episode.
    Sgt. Homa: Begging the colonel's pardon, but what does that book say now? (Col. Coyote checks his book)
    Col. Coyote: It says, "The End".

Who's a Dummy?

  • Col. Coyote crashes through his office wall demonstrating his football tackle.
    • Later during the gophers' conversation at their tepee, Ruffled Feather demonstrates a tackle while explaining the colonel's plan, and bounces off the tepee wall and lands on the ground.
  • Both scenes where the coyotes mistakenly attack the gophers' wooden decoys. The second time they tackle the dummies, they fall off a cliff.
  • When the gophers are preparing their first plan, Running Board has trouble starting a fire, so Ruffled Feather gets out a lighter. Later, when preparing their third plan, this time Ruffled Feather's lighter won't work, so Running Board gets out a match.
  • During both times the gophers make their dummies, Ruffled Feather takes one of Running Board's feathers to put on the former's dummy. Running Board doesn't notice this the first time, but at the second time, he sees Ruffled Feather take it, and just shrugs.
  • When the coyotes try to cross the bridge (the colonel mistakes the gophers on their side for dummies, and there's no decoys on the other side) the gophers chop down the posts on their side of the bridge, and the coyotes wind up falling in the river.
    Sgt. Homa: Now who's the dummy?

Tapping the Telegraph

  • As Ruffled Feather tells Running Board about General Nuisance's squeeze plan (the one with the telegraph stations) he grabs Running Board by the throat for a few seconds for emphasis. What makes it funnier is Running Board's face when he's choking.
  • All the scenes where the gophers intercept the general's telegrams and send phony telegrams to the colonel, and the coyotes wind up in trouble.

Bold as Gold

  • Col. Coyote's pickax practice winds up with him swinging it into the ceiling, while he holds onto the pickax.
  • The gophers sending a mine cart full of rocks after the coyotes through the mine and off a cliff.
  • The gophers open a dam while the coyotes pan for gold in the stream, and the coyotes get caught up in the rushing water.
  • The coyotes get chased by a rockslide caused by the Gopher Indians toppling a pile of rocks painted gold (which the coyotes mistake for real gold).
  • Sgt. Homa gives this gem while inviting viewers to watch the next episode:
    Sgt. Homa: We'll be waiting for you if we don't get caught in this gold rush!

Up in the Air

  • The gophers think Col. Coyote is crazy for building a "big bird" (an airplane).
  • Sgt. Homa gets knocked in the air and into the plane when the propeller starts spinning.
    • Then the plane turns upside down for a bit while it's in the air, causing him to hang onto the plane until it's right-side up again.
  • When Ruffled Feather sees the plane and tells Running Board:
    Running Board: What? You seen-um big bird? (sees plane, shocked) Oopie doopie! Me see-um, too!

  • The Gopher Indians attack the coyotes' airplane from their own "flying machine" (an eagle).
    • Then after the coyotes bail out of the destroyed plane and open their umbrellas, the gophers shoot the umbrellas, too.

The Big Banger

  • Col. Coyote shows Sgt. Homa the bucket of water on the door trick, but unfortunately, the victim who walks through the door is General Nuisance.
  • All of the gophers' tricks to sabotage the coyotes' attempts to fire the Big Banger (cutting the rope while the cannon is being brought up a slope, building a short bridge for the coyotes and cannon to fall off, cutting down a tree the Big Banger was tied around, and stealing it to use against them).
  • Col. Coyote thinks the army motto is "Don't give up the ship".

    Season 2 
He's for the Berries

  • In Col. Coyote's dream, he eats wild gopherberries and becomes a giant.
  • The Gopher Indians drop a boulder on Col. Coyote's hand, then push another one onto his head.
  • Col. Coyote shrinks before he can thrash the gophers, and they're soon about to thrash him, just before Sgt. Homa wakes the colonel from his nap.
  • Col. Coyote gets too scared to go berry picking after Sgt. Homa wakes him up.


  • Ruffled Feather explaining his alligator submarine idea.
  • This exchange between the coyotes as they paddle through Soggy Swamp:
    Col. Coyote: You see, Sergeant? There's not an alligator in sight.
    Sgt. Homa: Yeah, but it's the ones out of sight I'm worried about.

  • Col. Coyote's paddle gets caught in a bear trap set up underwater by Ruffled Feather, then Running Board flings the colonel into the air with the paddle. Then Col. Coyote lands back in the raft, which throws Sgt. Homa in the air and into the swamp. The colonel's first response is to scold the sergeant for his muddy uniform.
  • The coyotes get chased by the gophers' alligator submarine, then get blown into a tree when one of the gophers puts a lit stick of dynamite in the raft.
  • The Gopher Indians chase the coyotes out of the tepee using the alligator submarine.

Tanks to the Gophers

  • Ruffled Feather's somersault demonstration to show Running Board that Col. Coyote's tank can roll over anything, which ends with Ruffled Feather rolling into Running Board from behind.

  • The Gopher Indians' plans for stopping the tank: a gasoline fire on the path, tricking the coyotes into falling in one of the covered holes on the sides of the road, and making them fall off a cliff with a painting of the gophers' tepee on the edge.
  • After Sgt. Homa pulls Col. Coyote out of the destroyed tank:
    Col. Coyote: Tanks, Sergeant, tanks.
    Sgt. Homa: You're welcome, Colonel.

Indian Treasure

  • As the coyotes are out riding on their horses, Col. Coyote tells Sgt. Homa that they should use their heads to stop the Gopher Indians. Then Ruffled Feather drops his newly painted fake treasure map on Col. Coyote's head.
    Sgt. Homa: That's sure enough using your head.

  • When the coyotes climb to the top of a cliff, Ruffled Feather hits their fingers with a mallet and they fall of the cliff and get their rope tangled on a branch, which then breaks.
  • As the coyotes are crossing the river on a log raft, the gophers push a boulder off a cliff and onto the raft. The raft heads onto a rock in the river, but the coyotes soon find themselves rolling off the logs and over a waterfall with them.
  • The Gopher Indians chop down the tree the coyotes try climbing.
  • After the coyotes find the chest, Sgt. Homa finds a note saying they shouldn't open the chest until Christmas. Of course, Col. Coyote ignores the note, so they open the chest, and get blown up by the explosives inside.

The Carriage Trade

  • The gophers take a wild ride through town when they try out their new car.
  • When the race starts, the Gopher Indians soon find themselves going backwards in and out of the fort, then later crash into a tree. They do get ahead of the coyotes, though, and still riding backwards, no less.
    • Meanwhile, the coyotes have their own problems when one of the wheels on their horse-drawn carriage falls off, and then the harness breaks and the carriage separates from the horse.

Honey Fun

  • The coyotes are checking their storeroom inventory and Sgt. Homa notices that there's only two jars of honey instead of three.
    Col. Coyote: I said three! T-H-R-E-E-E!
    Sgt. Homa: Uh, begging the colonel's pardon, but there's only two. T-O-O-O.

  • All the tricks the gophers play on the coyotes:
    • First they make their trail end inside a log, and when the coyotes get in it, the Gopher Indians push the log down the hill.
    • Next, Ruffled Feather takes a few feathers from Running Board's headdress and throws them onto a porcupine, which soon walks behind a bush. The coyotes jump on the porcupine, and get stuck with quills.
    • Lastly, they make a trail that ends in a cave, and when the coyotes enter it, they get chased out by an angry bear.

The Colonel Cleans Up

  • When Col. Coyote demonstrates his giant vacuum cleaner, it sucks him up, and everything in his office with him.
    Sgt. Homa: That new weapon sure does neaten things up. Office hasn't been this clean in years.

  • The tricks the gophers play on the coyotes:
    • First, they trick the colonel into stepping inside the tepee where the vacuum is. Then Ruffled Feather fakes a sneeze and soon signals Sgt. Homa by waving the handkerchief Col. Coyote was going to signal him with, and the sergeant turns on the vacuum, which sucks up the colonel.
    • Next, the gophers capture a wildcat and place it in their tepee. When Sgt. Homa turns on the vacuum cleaner, it sucks up the wildcat, and when the coyotes open the vacuum, the wildcat attacks them.
    • Lastly, the Gopher Indians cut out paper dolls in their likenesses and place them on the telescope lens on the vacuum, and lay out 2 lit sticks of dynamite, which get sucked up in the vacuum cleaner. When Col. Coyote opens the tank, the coyotes discover the dynamite, which soon explodes.
    Col. Coyote: You're right, Sergeant. There are no gophers in here. Just a couple lit sticks of dynamite. (Beat)
    Col. Coyote and Sgt. Homa (both shocked): Dynamite?!

The Raw Recruits

  • When Col. Coyote tells the Gopher Indians to join the army, he pretends the paper he has is a draft notice. (It's really a laundry list).
  • This response which Running Board translates from Ruffled Feather:
    Running Board: Him say you full of prunes!

  • The fight between the gophers and coyotes when the former try to resist being drafted.
  • The Gopher Indians crash through the colonel's office during marching practice.
  • At the rope swing Ruffled Feather picks up Col. Coyote on the rope, and when the colonel tels him to let go of the rope, they fall in the stream.
    • Soon Ruffled Feather gives Col. Coyote his hat, and the colonel finds out too late that there's water in it.
  • The gophers climb up the wall, but instead of jumping down to the other side, they taunt Col. Coyote. He then shakes the climbing wall, and it falls over on him, the gophers falling with it.
  • The gophers try crawling through the pipe, only to crawl back out of it, with Running Board knocking Col. Coyote down in the process. The reason? Apparently Ruffled Feather was scared of how dark it was inside the pipe.
  • When Col. Coyote crawls through the pipe himself, the Gopher Indians place the other two pipes in front of it and winds getting trapped in a net dropped by them when he crawls out the last one.


  • Col. Coyote almost gets shot while the gophers practice their shooting.
  • While practicing the manual of arms, the Gopher Indians start tossing their rifles, and then Col. Coyote in the air.
  • The gophers trampling the coyotes during marching practice.
  • The Gopher Indians stuffing Col. Coyote in a cannon and then firing it.
  • Sgt. Homa tries to catch Col. Coyote with a net, but misses.

Cuckoo Combat

  • All the scenes where Col. Coyote tries to demonstrate his self-defense moves on Ruffled Feather, only for the latter to get the upper hand every time.
  • When Col. Coyote practices the body throw on the dummy, it hits Sgt. Homa.
  • Col. Coyote lands in a tree as a result of one of Ruffled Feather's counterattacks, and Sgt. Homa assures the viewers that the colonel oughta be down by the next episode. Right after this, the colonel falls out of the tree, and the sergeant says, "See what I mean?"

Kitchen Capers

  • A grenade (from the gophers' grenade practice) falls through the colonel's office window and he and the sergeant juggle the grenade until it explodes.
  • When Col. Coyote puts the gophers on kitchen duty, he tells them that an army travels on its stomach. The gophers retort that the army could go pretty far on the colonel's stomach. Even Sgt. Homa finds it funny, though he stifles the urge to laugh.
  • The Gopher Indians make a super spicy soup for lunch. At Running Board's instructions, Ruffled Feather dumps the entire contents and containment items for the following ingredients in the soup pot: salt, black pepper, red pepper, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce. As for the meat, he puts a pair of boots in the pot. Then when the coyotes taste the soup, they become Fire Breathing Diners.
  • The gophers make gunpowder biscuits, and as soon as Col. Coyote takes a bite from one, it explodes. Then after discharging the gophers, the colonel chases after them with the biscuits.

The Great White Stallion

  • First of all, how do the gophers have electricity, let alone a TV?
  • Four words: Ruffled Feather's horse imitations.
  • The whole chase the gophers in their horse costume lead the coyotes on.
  • Later, the coyotes see Ruffled Feather's half of the costume (the front) from behind a bush and, the coyotes still thinking they see the Great White Stallion, the colonel approaches him with sugar cubes. Then Running Board, wearing the back end of the costume sneaks up behind the coyotes and hits them with a club, and the gophers make their getaway in their respective costume halves.
  • The coyotes build a cage to catch the Great White Stallion, only to be caught in the cage by the gophers.
    Sgt. Homa: Maybe it was a foolproof trap, but it sure wasn't horse-proof.

  • This pre-buttkicking one-liner from Running Board: "Him say we through horsing around!"
  • The Gopher Indians send the coyotes in their cage down a steep incline and off a cliff.
    Sgt. Homa: Don't miss our next episode. There'll be lots more horse- PLAY!

Blankety-Blank Blanket

  • The stagecoach says Vell's Cargo on it.
  • The Gopher Indians holding up the stagecoach and stealing the lady's blanket.
  • The gophers build snow-gophers to fool the coyotes and engage them in a snowball fight. Then when the coyotes try to climb the tall hill to reach the gophers, they roll a big snowball at them, sending them off the cliff, and over the frozen river before they land on the ground.
  • When Col. Coyote tries to cross the river, the ice cracks and he falls in the water.

The Ironclad

  • While Col. Coyote explains his plan to blast the gophers out of Gopher Gulch with the Ironclad, he accidentally tears through his map with his finger.
  • After Col. Coyote christens the Ironclad, he gets dragged in the water with the battleship because the rope was tied around his wrist.
  • The gophers sneak onto the Ironclad and hit the turret roof with sledgehammers. To retaliate, Sgt. Homa shovels some burning coal out of the engine and lifts it to the ceiling. This makes the gophers' feet hurt and they jump into the water.
  • Next, the Gopher Indians climb back onto the Ironclad and jump on the ends of it. Col. Coyote tries firing the cannon at them, but misses every shot.
  • The gophers jam a log in the cannon, and after Ruffled Feather taunts Col. Coyote, the latter tries to shoot the gophers with the cannon again, but thanks to the log jammed inside, most of the ship gets blown up.

Crash Diet

  • The gophers steal Col. Coyote's blueberry pie and he and Sgt. Homa try to catch them, but the coyotes get stuck in the doorway, and then the colonel is soon too winded to catch the gophers.
  • When Col. Coyote sees the Gopher Indians at his office, he thinks they're attacking and accidentally gets the wastebasket stuck on his head in a panic.
  • All the ways the gophers torture Col. Coyote at the gymnasium (shooting him from the rowing machine as if it was a slingshot, increasing the weight on the barbell after he lifts it, stretching the arm stretcher too far while he's holding it, and increasing the heat in the steam bath until it exploded).
  • Col. Coyote chasing the gophers and shooting at them, and they escape with the food table from the gym.

Wild, Wild Flowers

  • Flora's constantly planting flowers everywhere in the fort, and how Col. Coyote kept failing to stop the Gopher Indians from stealing his pickle barrels because she used the soldiers' weapons for her flowers.
  • While scouting the fort, Ruffled Feather appears from inside a vase and winks at the viewers.

    Season 3 
Look Out! Here Comes Aunt Flora

  • When Col. Coyote gets a telegram saying his aunt Flora is coming for a visit, he gets angry and starts throwing stuff, and almost hits Corporal Crimp.
    Cpl. Crimp: Colonel, what happened? I didn't do it! Honest!

  • All the ways the gophers help Flora's stagecoach reach the fort:
    • First after Col. Coyote turns the sign pointing to the fort in the wrong direction, the Gopher Indians put it back in the right direction and add more signs pointing to the fort.
    • Next, after Col. Coyote and Cpl. Crimp build a barricade in the road, the gophers build a road over the barricade and place a welcome sign on the road.
    • Lastly, they capture and tie up Cpl. Crimp, and place him (in a flower pot) inside a cannon. Running Board puts dirt, quick-growing flower seeds and a few drops of magic fertilizer in the cannon as well, and Ruffled Feather fires Cpl. Crimp from the cannon. Crimp lands on Flora's stagecoach with flowers all around him.

Root Beer Riot

  • Cpl. Crimp offers to give the Gopher Indians barrels of water in exchange for barrels of root beer to sell at the fort. However, he refuses to give them half of the profits, but Ruffled Feather makes the trade anyway. When Running Board questions this, Ruffled Feather reveals that he put hiccup drops in the root beer before giving the barrels to Crimp.
  • Thanks to the hiccup drops in the root beer, all three coyotes and many other soldiers get jumping hiccups from drinking it. This causes the fort to be destroyed and Col. Coyote's dam to be broken, and the Gopher Indians get their water supply back.
  • Sgt. Homa hiccup-jumps again after inviting viewers to watch the next episode.

Amusement Park

  • Ruffled Feather's rapid-fire rifle-shooting, which destroys the shooting gallery.
  • When Col. Coyote chases the gophers in the amusement park, they hide behind an Indian statue, then Ruffled Feather trips the coyotes with the cane he won at the shooting gallery. When the gophers leave the statue, Ruffled Feather waves to it, and the statue winks at him.
  • Next, the Gopher Indians dive into a pool-on-wheels at the high-dive attraction while the coyotes chase them, and after exiting the pool, the Gopher Indians replace it with two buckets of water for the coyotes to dive into. This is soon followed by Running Board squirting a hose at the coyotes.
  • Then the gophers get on a Ferris wheel and the coyotes follow suit. When Col. Coyote wants the Ferris wheel to move faster, the gophers get off it and set the speed switch so the Ferris wheel spins at maximum speed. Then the coyotes wants the Ferris wheel to stop, so Ruffled Feather pulls the lever to "Stop", and the coyotes are sent flying into the fort. Sgt. Homa lands in a rain barrel and Col. Coyote's hanging from a weathervane.
    • Before the coyotes get on the Ferris wheel, Ruffled Feather hangs from the gophers' cab and his foot knocks down Col. Coyote.

Tricky Tepee Trap

  • The gophers' Odd Couple-style domestic squabbles, the last of which gets their tepee destroyed.
  • The gophers go bonkers when they mistake the disguised coyotes for squaws. Then the coyotes lead them on a chase to the cage disguised as a tepee.
  • During the chase, Sgt. Homa thinks he and Col. Coyote lost the Gopher Indians, but then they jump out from behind a bush.
    Running Board: Surprise!
    Col. Coyote (in feminine voice): Uh, run for it, Sergeant!
  • How do the gophers trick the coyotes into the tepee cage? Two words: Ladies first.
  • After the coyotes are trapped in the cage, Ruffled Feather sends it off a cliff.
    Running Board: Him say CHAAAAARRRRRGGGGE!!!

Three Ring Circus

  • The coyotes are taken by surprise when the see the gophers in a barrel.
  • All the ways the gophers crash the circus rehearsals:
    • Replacing the cage containing an old, tame lion with a cage that has a young, ferocious lion.
    • Replacing the tub of water from the diving act with a bucket of sand.
    • Tricking the coyotes into the cannon and launching them from it.

Don't Fence Me In

  • Col. Coyote getting rolled up in his own map.
  • The gophers' tricks to sabotage the coyotes' attempts to keep them out of Gopher Gulch with a fence:
    • First, Ruffled Feather pokes the notched and sawed tree down on the coyotes with a stick.
    • Next, the Gopher Indians saw down the portion of the trees where the coyotes are.
    • Then Running Board cuts the rope holding up the first section of the wall, which falls on the coyotes.
  • After the wall is built, the Gopher Indians trick Col. Coyote into locking himself and Sgt. Homa out of Gopher Gulch and steal the key to the fence.
  • Col. Coyote ramming the fence door long into the night.

Locked Out

  • The coyotes' failed attempt to ram the fence open.
  • The tricks the gophers play on Cpl. Crimp: hooking the key to a battery, holding the key over a fire before tossing it to him, and replacing the key with a lit firecracker.
  • The running gag of Col. Coyote promoting Cpl. Crimp to sergeant, then demoting him to corporal (these things happen twice). In the end, Sgt. Homa demotes Crimp to private.

Hotel Headaches

  • The gophers' hijinks at the Badlands Hotel:
    • First they tear up the drapes in their room to build a tepee.
    • Next, they chop up wooden furniture to build a fire for roasting hot dogs. When the coyotes and manager try stomping out the fire, they fall through the top floor and all the way to the ground floor.
    • Then, to extinguish the fire, the Gopher Indians get a bathtub full off water and pour it through the holes onto the manager and coyotes.
    • Lastly, the Gopher Indians drop the bathtub itself on them.

Choo Choo Chase

  • As Col. Coyote takes the gophers on the train ride to the reservation, he brags that he'll probably be promoted to general for capturing them. This prompts a retort from Ruffled Feather which is soon translated by Running Board as follows:
    Running Board: Him say you be general, all right: General Disaster!

  • When the gophers notice how sleepy the coyotes are, they whistle "Rock-a-bye Baby" to make them fall asleep. As the gophers keep whistling, Ruffled Feather steals the key to their handcuffs and sets himself and Running Board free. The Gopher Indians start to leave, but then Ruffled Feather comes back and startles the coyotes awake with a bit of yelling, making them think that Indians are attacking the train.
  • The whole chase on the train and the various ways the Gopher Indians stop the coyotes from catching them (including throwing pies at them).
  • Later the Gopher Indians hijack the engine and separate it from the rest of the train. Soon Ruffled Feather sees the coyotes chasing the engine on a handcar, so he turns the engine around on a circular track, Running Board rigs the engine so it keeps going and the gophers jump out of the engine while it chases after the coyotes.

Rocket Ruckus

Go-Go Gamblers

  • When the gophers find out that the coyotes want to make the gophers lose the spinning wheel game, Ruffled Feather knocks out Sgt. Homa behind the wheel with a mallet. Then Ruffled Feather makes sure Running Board always wins the game.
  • Then Col. Coyote tries the "place a handkerchief in the doorway and close the door" trick on the gophers, but Ruffled Feather cuts a hole in the door and punches the colonel in the nose.
  • Lastly, the coyotes try the "first one off the bench loses" game, using a keg of sand under the benchmarks, but Ruffled Feather gets a keg of gunpowder, which Running Board places next to the sand keg, and lights the gunpowder keg's fuse with the already lit fuse on the sand keg. Then the gophers jump off the riverboat and swim back home, leaving the coyotes to get blown up with the boat.

Radio Raid

  • This exchange between the coyotes via two-way radio:
    Col. Coyote: Ten-four, roger and over. This is Red Dog, Blue, Green and Orange. Are you there?
    Sgt. Homa: Gee, what does all that mean, Colonel?
    Col. Coyote: Never mind, never mind. Just aim your cannon 30 degrees north and 20 degrees south.

  • The gophers deflect a cannonball back at the coyotes with a stovepipe.
  • The next day, when Sgt. Homa fires another cannonball onto a bowling trough, Ruffled Feather hears the cannonball approaching. At first he thinks it's thunder until he sees the trough and realizes a cannonball is headed toward the gophers' tepee.
  • Soon Ruffled Feather removes posts from the trough and hands them to Running Board, then they move the trough around so the cannonball goes after Col. Coyote instead.
  • Then when Col. Coyote places a timing device on the tepee, Ruffled Feather takes the timing device and places it on Col. Coyote before Sgt. Homa fires a guided cannonball.

The Steam Roller

  • When Col. Coyote demonstrates his steamroller, it goes backwards and makes a mess of the fort.
  • The gophers' tricks to stop the steamroller:
    • First they spread bear grease on the trail for the steamroller to slide on and launch it down the hill with a log.
    • Next, they paint a tepee on a rock so the coyotes crash into it.
    • Then they tie the steamroller to a tree with a rope so it gets flung in the air.
    • Lastly, they run up to the steamroller and give Sgt. Homa a stick of dynamite to place in the engine, and the steamroller gets blown up.

Mutiny A-Go-Go

  • Col. Coyote accidentally crashes into a map on the wall on his rolling chair.
  • The fight between the gophers and coyotes on board the colonel's yacht.

Marooned on Cannibal Island

  • The gophers trick the coyotes into jumping into the Pacific Ocean with their shackles on.
  • Then after rowing the coyotes to an island, the Gopher Indians strand them there. Col. Coyote tries to chase after them, but a wave sends him back to the island.
  • The gophers then return to the island and disguise themselves as cannibals and attack the coyotes, who try to escape the island on a homemade raft.
  • The scene where the gophers reveal themselves to the coyotes.

The Indian Giver

  • Every time the Gopher Indians try to sneak up to the fort to find out about the Indian Giver (not knowing what it is yet), the device gives away their location every time.
    • First, they try sneaking up on foot from behind, but Col. Coyote has the men to point the cannons towards the gophers and attack them.
    • Then they try to get over the wall in the air at night with fake wings, only to get shot down by the cannons.
    • Lastly, the Gopher Indians try to sneak into the fort from under the river. However, the coyotes put hot coals from the stove in the water. The gophers soon get out of the water and run away from Gopher Gulch.

The Big Pow-Wow

  • The running gag where the gophers invite other Indians to their pow-wow and they have to ask Running Board to translate what Ruffled Feather says.
  • The large group of Indians crash Col. Coyote's party, and the calvary's too helpless to stop them and the fort gets destroyed.

Back to the Indians

  • After the gophers stole the Indian giver, Ruffled Feather rigged it so it locates something other than Indians. The coyotes subsequently get attacked by cougars, alligators, and vultures.

California Here We Come

  • The tricks the gophers play on the coyotes during the race to California:
    • First Ruffled Feather changes a landslide warning so it says "Echo Canyon- Shout-um Loud" and the coyotes get caught in a landslide thanks to the colonel's shouting.
    • Next, Running Board launches an anchor from a box at the coyotes' balloon. The balloon gets pulled toward the box and then run over by a herd of buffalo.
    Sgt. Homa: Begging the colonel's pardon, but I think we're about to have another kind of charge.
    • Lastly, they gophers send a fake telegram to trick residents of a nearby town to shoot down the coyotes' balloon.
    Col. Coyote: Look, Sergeant! A welcoming committee! The news has spread! The whole town has turned out to greet us! (People shoot at the balloon)
    Sgt. Homa: That's a mighty warm greeting!
