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Seven-Spotted Ladybug

  • Matilda declares her intention to talk to her crush Luke. Genevieve is... skeptical.
    Genevieve: Do you even know how to flirt?
    Matilda: You're supposed to ask questions about themselves and pretend that they're smarter than you.
    Genevieve: ... Did you see that on YouTube?
    Matilda: Yes!
  • While introducing herself to Luke, Matilda explains that she is autistic and jokes that her dad's biggest regret is vaccinating her.
  • Alex loudly suggests that he and Nicholas should do anal... not realizing that Nicholas' dad Darren is right there.
    Alex: I feel embarrassed.
    Darren: Nonsense. I already know my son does anal sex. Probably terribly. Ice tea?
  • "Have I missed a fundamental social cue again, or is this pretty weird?"
  • Genevieve's dress for the funeral is pretty, but not terribly appropriate for the occasion.
    "I look like a child-whore widow."
    • Trying to be supportive, Nicholas agrees with her. Genevieve tells him that he's supposed to assure her that she doesn't look like a child-whore widow.
  • At Darren's funeral, one of the mourners admits that she is not socially equipped to say anything useful.
  • Matilda's attempt at a joke during her eulogy for her father: “Dad used to get frustrated when I always made things about myself. But he is dead now. Surprise!”

Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

  • The opening scene sees Nicholas, Matilda, and Genevieve biking to the nearest bus stop, because Nicholas doesn't have a license to drive in America. After Matilda and Genevieve get on the bus, Nicholas realizes that he now has three bicycles that he somehow has to get back to the house.
  • Nicholas and Alex's relationship flounders because stress has rendered Nicholas unable to sustain an erection. Eventually, Alex finally gets him relaxed enough, and Nicholas says that they must get the erection to the bed like it's a cake on The Great British Baking Show.
  • Nicholas shows Alex his sisters while they're sleeping, and cheerfully notes that as their legal guardian, he has the power to cut off life support if one or both of them end up in a coma.
  • After Matilda and Genevieve learn that Nicholas dislocated his finger, Matilda tries to pop it back into place, insisting that she's seen a video about this. Nicholas keeps shooing her away with increased alarm.

Giant Asian Mantises

  • In the opening, Nicholas has hung a whole bunch of balloons and streamers for Genevieve's birthday. Genevieve demands that he take them all down, as they promise a party that she knows she'd never be able to deliver. Cue Nicholas hurriedly shoving all the decorations into the closet as Matilda gleefully runs around popping balloons.
  • Matilda decides that she absolutely must get "white-girl wasted" in order to prepare for college, and enlists Nicholas and Alex's help to do it, both because she wants to get drunk safely, but also because drinking alone would make her an alcoholic, whereas drinking with others makes her a social drinker.
  • Matilda decides to text Luke while drunk. Despite being drunk, she insists on writing the text as if it's a formal letter.
    "Dear Luke, things are getting lit. Best wishes."
  • Tellulah and Barb goad Genevieve into raiding her dad's medicine cabinet, and the three of them take what turns out to a random medication... and act high. Which might have been okay, except Barb actually thinks she's getting high and panics, resulting in Genevieve summoning Nicholas and Alex, who determine that the three girls took blood pressure medication, and were thus faking being high.


  • Nicholas and Alex drag Genevieve along with them to an LGBT bingo game with a drag queen host. Much to Genevieve's horror, winning a round entails getting pelted with rolled-up bingo cards.
  • Nicholas' attempt to cope with breaking up with Alex involved buying a camper van-slash-boat that he discovered could not be brought into the US because of insurance reasons. He thinks he's handling the breakup well, all things considered.

West African Giant Black Millipedes

  • In the opening, Alex begs Nicholas to be normal and mature and not embarrass him in front of his friends. Said friends turn out to be just as weird as Nicholas. One of them tells a very animated story about hunting mole rats.
  • "You are such a donkey, Barb!"
  • Genevieve tries to punch Zane in the stomach... and injures her hand.

Harvester Ants

  • When he finds out that Genevieve punched a boy in the stomach, Nicholas refuses to believe that she could have done that much harm, even offering to let Genevieve punch him in the face in full view of the Principal to demonstrate how weak she is.
  • Genevieve is perfectly happy to accept a suspension for punching Zane, because it would actually give her an identity.
  • Nicholas tries to explain varying degrees of consent to Matilda but, being an idiot, he chooses to describe this as a "rainbow of rape".
  • Genevieve wanders the house, randomly coming up with poetry.

Blue Death-Feigning Beetles

  • Nicholas gets a call from Barb's mother demanding to know if he's seen her. Nicholas looks over and sees Barb and Tellulah repeatedly slapping each other's faces. He decides to tell Linda that he hasn't seen Barb.
  • In an effort to distract Barb's mother so that she'll leave her alone for a few days, Tellulah comes up with the idea of catfishing her.
  • Among Barb's many complaints about her mom is that Linda is apparently a massive Yaoi Fangirl who is especially obsessed with Harry Potter, and has written slash fiction about Draco. Barb says she stumbled across her mom's fanfiction when she was thirteen, and it's completely ruined Harry Potter for her.
  • Nicholas interrogating Barb, who has absolutely no poker face.
    Barb: We're catfishing my mom!
    Nicholas: ... In what way?
    Barb: In the standard way! Pretending to be a gay Draco Malfoy who's ready to get down.
  • Alex's reaction to Penny reprimanding the girls for catfishing Barb's mom.


  • Matilda decides to confront the question of her budding sexuality head-on... by inviting Drea and Jeremy to a threesome. In consideration of Jeremy's hang-ups, she agrees that the nudity will be optional. She then calls up Nicholas and asks if he can tidy up her room. Nicholas is more concerned about having to clean up than the fact that his little sister is planning to have a bi-curious threesome in their house.
    Nicholas: Yeah, I can't think of any reason why not.
    Alex: (incredulous) Well think harder!
  • Tellulah has been sexting Leonard, who is now asking for nudes, and enlists Genevieve's help in finding a picture of a vagina that could conceivably pass for her own. They find a pic, send it, and are rewarded with a picture of the boy's penis, which is apparently quite large.
  • This exchange:
    Barb: We have something we need to tell you.
    Tellulah: Is it that you guys are dumb bitches? Because I already got that memo.
    Genevieve: When you say things like that, who is it for? Is it for us?
  • After Tellulah learns that her fake vagina picture has been spread to the entire school, she decides to track Leonard down... and ask him out, much to Genevieve and Barb's horror. She then offers a hilariously cynical justification:
    "Crushes are over, ladies, okay? And sex is coming. And I'm gonna do it with the bad guy with the good face, because I'm a highly visual person. I wanna look back on my high school years and be so proud that I did it with all the hottest guys in school. You know why? We have the rest of our lives to settle for someone chubby with a nice job who respects us. I am not prepared to compromise on hotness now."
    • When Tellulah admits that she's shallow, Genevieve just nods.

Monarch Butterflies

  • Matilda's attempts to flirt with Drea go awry because she keeps taking cues from romantic comedies, and Drea has not been exposed to them.
    • Particular mention goes to Matilda dabbing a bit of waffle batter on her cheek and trying to pretend it was accidental when she very clearly and carefully applied the batter to her cheek.
  • After Drea gets fed up with Matilda's behavior and dumps her (temporarily), Matilda tries to indulge in Heartbreak and Ice Cream, but as Genevieve points out, she doesn't really like ice cream that much.
  • Nicholas starts crying after hearing that Genevieve is not doing well in her classes, much to the bafflement of her teacher.
    "... I don't really know what to offer a crying adult."
  • When Nicholas is meeting with Matilda's teacher, Matilda and Drea are waiting outside. Drea offers Matilda water to drink and hands her a huge jug full of water!

Discoid Cockroaches

  • Nicholas and Genevieve bond over Eating the Eye Candy on the subway.
  • "I forgot to mention my sister has autism. She's not an asshole."
  • Matilda apparently went through a phase where she dressed like a turkey and and only gobbled. She also refused to eat anything that wasn't orange.

Gray Bird Grasshopper

  • Having been stuck in quarantine for at least four weeks, the Moss family has descended into absurdism. At one point, Alex, Nicholas, and Genevieve argue about who's going to take out the trash.
  • After Matilda, in an uncharacteristic fit of meanness, accuses Alex of only sticking with Nicholas for his money, Alex protests that Nicholas is not really that rich.
  • Penny boasts that after weeks of walking recreationally, she has "the ass of a sherpa."
  • When Matilda asks if she smells bad after four weeks in her bedroom, Nicholas offers that she smells like prosciutto. Genevieve helpfully chimes in that everyone loves prosciutto.

Jungle Centipede

  • Nicholas meets Drea's parents, Suze and Toby, who insist on parking their car in the driveway and watching Drea's date with Matilda.
  • Nicholas (as he comes into the kitchen after offering to make frozen mojitos): I always get so gay when I'm talking to heterosexual people. I do it on purpose 'cause they need it so much.
  • How did Matilda come to the conclusion that she's heterosexual? By browsing pornography.
  • Matilda breaking up with Drea is sad, and Drea breaking down and crying is sad. On the other hand, watching Drea's mother go ballistic and then immediately force herself back into composure through new-age breathing techniques in the space of five minutes is hilarious, especially when everyone else starts mimicking the breathing techniques, too.
  • In the stinger, Suze awkwardly calls up Nicholas because Toby walked off with a salad bowl from the Moss house, which she insists on returning, despite everything that happened the previous day. She also insists on bringing over a Pavlova cake.

Emperor Scorpion

  • In the opening, Nicholas and Alex debate the ethics of Alex borrowing Darren's sweater, with Alex being appalled at the prospect but Nicholas encouraging him to just wear it. After Alex puts the sweater on, Nicholas laughs at Alex for actually putting it on.
  • For the anniversary of Darren's death, the Moss family writes letters to him, which they intend to read out loud and then burn. Nicholas, not realizing that he'd have to read his letter, half-asses it - "Dad. Yay!"
  • Matilda wants to make sure Genevieve is safe as she explores her sexuality, so she resolves to arrange for a delivery of condoms to be sent to Genevieve each month. Genevieve muses that Matilda is badly overestimating how much she'll need condoms.

Cave Cockroaches

  • In the opening, Genevieve does a video about the life of Joan of Arc's mother... while dressed in a period costume.
  • Drea is practicing arranging stones on Matilda's chakras, but being colorblind, she keeps having to ask Matilda what color the stones are.
  • Barb keeps calling Genevieve because she's sworn off tomatoes due to reading on the Internet that they cause vaginal odors, but didn't know how to explain this to her mother, so she claimed to have a bad reaction and her mother has put her on a special diet. Genevieve keeps trying in vain to point out that Barb has based this entire lifestyle change on something she read on the Internet.
  • Nicholas informs Genevieve that one of her new fans is a Nazi. When she protests that not everyone on the Internet is a Nazi, Nicholas tells her the guy put "proud Nazi" in his profile.

California Banana Slugs

  • Nicholas has invented a terrible theme song for Matilda and Drea. Matilda is mortified, but Drea is delighted.
  • Matilda and Drea explain their plan to bring Ian over so that Matilda can have sex with him. When Nicholas asks if Drea's going to be watching, Drea seems baffled at the suggestion that she'd be involved, given that she's asexual.
  • Much to Genevieve's disgust, Matilda and Drea have given each other pet names - Duck-Duck and Muck-Muck.
  • Nicholas is pressed to entertain Ian so that Matilda can have a minute to work out some last-minute details with Drea, so he decides to show Ian the bug collection. Poor Ian is increasingly convinced that these weird white people are going to kill him.
    "Yo, I'm gonna die in here, aren't I? Like, how many people have you fed to the spider with good social skills?"
    • Despite how weird the whole situation was, Ian ends up leaving behind his business card, in case the Mosses decide that they need a guy to install some solar panels on their house. He does take the leftover wine, though, which Nicholas balks at. Matilda and Drea are nonplussed, figuring that it was his wine to begin with.
  • At the end of the night, Matilda and Drea have a ritual for cleansing the house by burning sage and casting out any lingering traces. Genevieve and Nicholas decide to play along.
    Nicholas: Bloody well rack off, Ian!
    Matilda: RACK OFF, IAN!

Regal Jumping Spider

  • Genevieve insists on bringing presents for her date with Oscar, which turn out to be a whole lot of Aerosmith merchandise.
  • Matilda spends much of her and Drea's night in the woods convinced that she's gotten food poisoning and is going to freeze to death.
    "Room-temperature chicken is basically a ticking time bomb!"
  • In the credit scene, Alex returns to the Moss home to find it utterly trashed, as Nicholas tried to reprogram the electronic lock on the door, ended up busting the lock, and has been tearing through the house hoping to find the instruction manual. Alex just takes in the whole scene with a perfect look of Tranquil Fury on his face.

Woolly Bear Caterpillar

  • Matilda declares her intention to ask for Drea's hand in marriage. Nicholas and Genevieve are too cowardly to try and argue with her about how ill-considered this plan is, and thus hope that when Matilda goes to ask for Drea's father's blessing, he'll refuse. They realize that they're effectively hoping for Matilda to be sent away in tears.
    Nicholas: Well, when you say it like that, it sounds like we're not good people.
  • Genevieve worries that unless someone tells Matilda no, she's going to end up like Kim Jong-un... or Justin Bieber.
  • Instead of turning Matilda down out of hand, Toby decides to give her an impromptu history lesson about how old and outdated the custom of asking for a father's blessing is, by way of explaining why he feels that it's not his place to grant it. Matilda instead interprets this as his giving his blessing, and he is just too nice and too much of a romantic to refute her. Cue an enraged Suze showing up at the Moss' door with Lamingtons (a kind of small cake), demanding to know what the hell Nicholas was thinking.
  • In an effort to impress upon Matilda how big a decision marriage is, he takes her to the family lockbox, where it turns out that Darren left her mother's engagement ring, intending it to go to Matilda if she ever married. Matilda asks if she can have the ring, and when Nicholas assents, again misinterprets this as Nicholas giving his blessing. Cue an enraged Suze showing up at the Moss' door...
    Suze: Is it because you're incapable [of saying no]?
    Nicholas: Yeah.

Banded Argiope Spider

  • In the opening, Nicholas vents to Alex about how he is concerned that if Matilda marries Drea, Drea will get access to the family trust, but on the other hand, he wants to believe in love, and also he can't remember the name or number of the family lawyer, anyway.
  • Genevieve tries to kiss Leonard, but discovers that he's significantly taller, so she finds a nearby rock to stand on to boost her height.
  • It turns out that Genevieve gets really affectionate when she's drunk, as she cheerfully hugs a horrified Matilda and tries to climb Nicholas like he's a tree.
  • In a bit of Black Comedy, Suze and Toby show up to the proposal with champagne, because they figure that either way things turn out, they're going to need it.
  • In the wake of Drea accepting Matilda's marriage proposal, Alex declares that he has to get out of there before they start taking pictures, because he's terrified of what Matilda and Drea will think about him when they look at the pictures at their ten-year anniversary. Nicholas deadpans that expecting that Matilda and Drea's marriage would last ten years is being very optimistic.

Carolina Sphinx Moth

  • In the opening, taking place just minutes after the end of the previous episode, Suze comes across a crying Nicholas and tries to comfort him, but ends up crying herself after becoming embarrassed when she suggests that he's autistic and he shoots the suggestion down. Then Toby comes in, tries to comfort his wife and Nicholas and ends up crying himself. Then Genevieve staggers in with a massive hangover. And then Matilda and Drea burst in, notice everyone is crying and obliviously assume that it's because they're all so happy. What really sells it is Drea grinning and twirling in delight that her parents are taking the whole thing so well.
    • It's very easy to miss, as the scene cuts away quickly, but it is clear that Matilda suspects something is very wrong, and when Drea does her twirl, Matilda gives her a look that can only be described as disgust.
  • As Alex packs up his possessions, he tells Nicholas that he never felt like Nicholas was really letting him in. Nicholas protests that he allowed so much of Alex in, so often... then realizes what that sounds like, insists that he was speaking metaphorically... and then admits that he was probably talking about sex after all.
  • Oblivious to Nicholas' depression (because Nicholas and Genevieve have been hiding it from her), Matilda prepared a list of tasks for him and Genevieve to complete for the wedding. According to Genevieve, Matilda put Nicholas in charge of "an ambitious amount of carpentry".
  • As Nicholas and Genevieve run through the autistic self-diagnosis test, Nicholas is incredulous that his many eccentric behaviors might actually be autism.
  • Matilda buys a hideous bright-pink shower curtain with a photograph of her and Drea printed on it.

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

  • Penny's advice to Nicholas about dealing with Alex post-breakup: "From now on, everything you do is going to annoy him."
  • Genevieve tries out her initial wedding speech on Barb, which consists of her ranting about how the wedding should be illegal and all the guests should be ashamed of themselves for showing up. Barb deadpans that she has concerns about this speech.
  • Nicholas tries to make his lips fuller, but instead ends up with a badly swollen upper lip.
  • After Alex tries to sneak away from the wedding before the photos happen, Matilda screams at him to come back and stand in the damn photo.
