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Funny / Deadpool (2013)

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Can't we just say "all of it" and save space? No? Fine. The game had tons of funny moments...

  • In his apartment, Deadpool can call up Nolan North on the phone. When he tells Deadpool he wants to create an alternative version where Deadpool don't like boobs:
    Deadpool: Yeah, well, fuck you, Nolan.
  • One of the many things you can do in Deadpool's apartment is use the toilet. A small censor box appears over Deadpool's crotch, which he promptly stretches to a much larger size, claiming it's "more realistic"
  • When given the script for the game, Deadpool barely manages to read a few words before he starts ripping pages out and scribbling all over it with red crayon.
    • This is made even funnier by the fact that the script mentions Deadpool doing this.
  • Deadpool setting up C4 to break into Mr. White's safe room:
    Deadpool: How much C4 is this gonna take?
    White Box: No more than 20 ounces.
    Yellow Box: What?! I hate the metric system! How much in American?note 
    White Box: Well, let's see... uhh... Carry the seven...
    Deadpool: Dude, fuck math! Just use all of it!
  • Deadpool's grand entrance through the bathroom. With C4. And if you pay close attention, you can hear one of the guards whistle a familiar jingle before being cut off by the big kaboom. Followed by a familiar scream when he gets launched.
    Deadpool: Whew! That's what happens when you mix C4 with a bean burrito. (Mook falls behind him) Now be honest... I'm not the only one with a little bit of shit in their pants right now, am I?
  • After crashing the Blackbird on Genosha, Deadpool tries to wake Wolverine, who was knocked out in the crash, by slapping him. The player is given the option to keep slapping Wolverine, with Deadpool giving various reasons for the slaps.
  • After using his body to close an electrical circuit and open a door, Deadpool quips "Wrecked 'em? Darn near killed 'em!", with the camera pulling back to show a bunch of mooks and Wolverine sitting in chairs, unreceptive to the joke. Then a random mook comes out, says the same line, and everyone starts laughing; even Logan claps his hands. Deadpool kills the mook in frustration.
    Deadpool: Ugh. Talk about breaking suspension of disbelief.
  • When Deadpool gets the upgrade to his teleporter:
    Message box: Congratulations! You got NOTHING! This chest was empty, but that's no fun! Because we care, we upgraded your TELEPORT ability to teleport you to far away places! Why? WHO CARES! Enjoy!
    Deadpool: Enough already! No wonder I stopped playing JRPGs.
  • Deadpool brags that his website got 15 million hits when the game was announced... then we find out that many of these came from Deadpool constantly refreshing the site.
    Deadpool: One million and one... one million and two...
  • You actually get 2 achievements just for starting the game. As you can guess, Deadpool instantly lampshade both of them.
    ("The First One's Free!" achievement pops up) Hey, what's that? You guys tracking my every move now? But I haven't even accomplished anything in this game yet. ("The Second One Is Also Free" achievement pops up) ...Aaand there's another one. Ho-hoh, so it's gonna be one of those games, huh?
  • This exchange:
    Deadpool: "What's the sound of one robotic arm clapping?"
    White Box: "Dubstep?"
  • After getting blown unconscious, Deadpool wakes up to find that he is inexplicably dancing with Death in his apartment.
  • When Cable appears, he begins giving an ominous warning about the future, which Deadpool immediately stops listening to. After he's quite literally bored to tears, a prompt appears on screen that tells the player to press a button to "Make it stop", which results in Deadpool shooting himself in the head.
    Cable: Dammit, Wade!
    • Deadpool wakes up to find a message attached to his chest with a knife blade, courtesy of Cable.
  • Cable's message mentions that if Deadpool doesn't arrive to meet with him within an hour, he'll miss the "Incredibly large-breasted naked woman who claims to be your biggest fan". Sure enough, when he gets there, there is a scantily clad woman with an "I love DP" sign. Deadpool reaches out to grope her breasts, and...
    (Deadpool wakes up and realizes he's been playing around with Cable's armor pecs. The player is given the choice to have Deadpool back up or give Cable's pecs another squeeze.)
    (Deadpool either awkwardly brushes dirt off Cable's chest or gets punched hard enough to fly off-screen, respectively).
    Cable: I'd...ask what that was about—but I don't wanna know....
  • Early on, when blocking enemies are introduced, the game gives a hint. "Some enemies block! Use "light attack->heavy attack" or "heavy attack->light attack" to open up guarding enemies." If the player decides to try Cutting the Knot and shooting them instead, the hint changes to say "...Or you could just shoot the fucker, I guess."
  • When Deadpool comes across Sinister's mooks talking about Rogue while using urinals in the bathroom. Deadpool joins them and strikes up some small talk. For a good 2-3 minutes.
  • If Deadpool waits in line at the carnival, he might get a little gassy.
    Deadpool: (farts loudly) OH MY GOD WHO LET ONE RIP?! It was me.
    Mook standing behind Deadpool: Oh god...The SMELL.
  • Anytime Deadpool has to deal with High Moon Studio.
    • Changing the game's aesthetic to look like an 8-bit top down adventure game after Deadpool blows the budget.
    • After getting blown up by a dog, the mooks begin saying the most obvious thing for the objective.
    • At one point, Deadpool encounters an Obvious Beta room comprised of T-Posing enemies moving around an unfinished environment. He quickly shuts the door and calls Peter to fix it.
  • Every single moment when you probably want to get Deadpool points by saying 'no' many times before he stealthy kills the 'fake' Sinister.
  • After falling from the Sentinel boot, Deadpool's head ends up backwards, and his arm missing, leaving him unable to snap it back into place until he finds it, with the controls reversed until then.
  • The game over screens. Roughly five-ten seconds of utter Nightmare Retardant:
    (Sounds of Deadpool's organs being squishing out of his body as the screen smashes to black)
    (Deadpool appears on screen, horribly disfigured and bloodied)
    Deadpool: Oh, hey, babenote ! What're you... (beat) Wait, I'm what?
