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Fanfic / JToH's Joke Towers

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JToH's Joke Towers is a fanmade encyclopedia made using the Fandom wiki platform, dedicated to unofficial (or sometimes completely fictional) towers, difficulties, and other things related to the Roblox game Juke's Towers of Hell.

Featuring a myriad of difficulties that increasingly get harder and harder until they are rendered Unwinnable by Design and even break down the laws of all reality as we all know it, on top of the rare but usually even more strenuous actual tower, the wiki is likely one of the most well-recognized fan projects in the entire Juke's Towers of Hell community, and also one of the most notorious.

The wiki lies at over 2,000 pages and counting, on top of numerous blog posts, deleted pages, et cetera that have came about over the years. The wiki had been first founded in 2019.

You can access the wiki here.

JToH's Joke Towers provides examples of:

  • Absurdly Short Level: Difficulties prior to Shattered Babass take a single minute at worst to complete, easier ones only taking mere seconds or even lower to beat.
  • All the Worlds Are a Stage:
    • Amalgam features the last difficulties in each class from Class Negative to Class 11, save for Class 0 seeing as the class didn't exist at the time the difficulty was made, taking obstacles and catches from those respective difficulties and buffing them to post-theoretical difficulty.
    • Difficultypedia takes Amalgam's concept and amplifies it to include more difficulties than just class finales, with a total of 23 difficulties being brought up and utilized for the catches and obstacles.
  • Automatic Level: Anything before Joyful requires no player input to complete.
  • Easier Than Easy: There are numerous difficulties before the difficulty that is labelled as Easy, ranging from just being that easy (Effortless, Effortlessless, Peaceful...), to difficulties in the form of Automatic Levels (Automatic, Unlosable, Locomotion...), all the way to difficulties that only require one to wait a laughably small amount of time (such as Millisecondless, which, true to its name, demands that the player waits for less than a millisecond). Hell, the first few difficulties have you win them countless times every passing moment, some not even requiring you to exist.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Difficulties such as Press a Key or Climb a Truss literally just tell you what you're supposed to do, right there in the name.
  • Gainax Ending: The TRUE final difficulty, Babass dficuklty... and it's gibberish.
  • Harder Than Hard: Taken to the logical extreme; practically every difficulty on the wiki succeeds the difficulty labelled Hard.
  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Though most difficulties have straightforward names, some are pretty interesting and creative, to say the least.
  • Non-Indicative Name:
    • Calling your difficulty Nerdiness doesn't quite let people know what's to come.
    • Effortlessless uses a name that features double negatives; shouldn't a difficulty that takes no no effort be hard?
    • You'd think The Final Difficulty is, well, The Final Difficulty. Wait until you hear about the page acknowledging fanmade wikis involving difficulties harder than it, and also Babass dficuklty.
  • No Plot? No Problem!: It's a rare sight to find so much as an Excuse Plot in a page, whether it be a difficulty, tower or anything else.
  • Press Start to Game Over: In difficulties such as MegaDeath or Dilly Impossible, it's extremely common for towers and especially floors in numerous difficulty chart towers to feature fleeting instant killbrick spinners covering the entire obby, causing the player to die instantly as soon as they enter.
  • Reclaimed by Nature: Exigent was apparently left miserably unattended, as to where flora got to the difficulty and spread all over it, somehow even making it harder by numerous times.
  • Stylistic Suck: Classical is designed with the gimmick of resembling a difficulty from around 2020-2021, when difficulties were rather lazy and standards were low.
  • Underground Level: A good portion of earlier difficulties in the Excavation Chain take place in caves.
  • Unwinnable by Design: Difficulties starting Class 4 are already designed to be beyond human limits, and have to be done with TAS, macros, or other things. However, after Class 8, things become physically impossible, after which difficulties just become completely, 100% unverifiable no matter the circumstances (1 thousand stud wraparounds, using a comically small object to fling yourself by ludicrous lengths, and things like that). It doesn't help that theoretically impossible, logically impossible and even difficulties that are literally undefinable are contained in the wiki too, even if those are only present in the chart's extensions.
  • Unwinnable Joke Game: Some of the blatantly impossible difficulties are ironic, such as Uproarious made to make fun of sentient difficulties (which were a commonplace trend when it was first made), Nerdiness which is a take on the nerd emoji meme that was commonplace, also at the time of its creation, and more.
    • Babass dficuklty takes it a step further, transcending The Final Difficulty itself. What's actually in the page? Just random gibberish!
  • You Can Not Grasp The True Form: After a certain point, difficulties become not only incomprehensible, but literally cannot be defined, as to where in The Ultimate Construct, complex measures such as decryption and synthesis are required to have even a slight clue as to what difficulties in the construct entail. This point starts at Undefinable.
