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Drinking Game / Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers

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Note: These are mostly compiled from ArcadiaRika's liveblog.

  • Take a shot when Mako Shiraishi is mentioned as a terrible cook instead of actually developing the skill.
    • This can extend to her counterpart Mia as well.
  • Take a shot any time someone mentions the idea of multiple dimensions.
  • Take a shot for any instance of favoritism towards Choujin Sentai Jetman. This can also extend to Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Gogo Sentai Boukenger, and Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.
  • In general, take a shot any time it's mentioned in-story, whether narration or dialogue, that the Power Rangers heroes are inferior to the Sentai, and how their villains are less vile than the latter.
  • Take a shot for any instance of hatred for the Disney Era Power Rangers series. note 
    • Additional shot if you see a character, and you hate them as much as the author - as in, he wrote the character to bring your hatred to his level.
  • Take a shot if Power Rangers characters blatantly speak Japanese for no reason. It has to be stated.
  • Take a shot any time the characters or the narration states the obvious.
  • Take a shot for any instance of redundancy. For an even better take, do it while watching Werezilla's take, which does display which parts are redundant.
  • Take a shot every time Cole is mentioned as "nice" and "good-looking".
  • Take a shot any time this statement is phrased:
    Character A: There's no sign of (villain group) here.
    Character B: But we can't be too sure.
    • Two if two characters say it.
    • Waste yourself if they repeat over and over.
    • Three if no one says it in the chapter.
  • Take a shot if a villain is thinking about overthrowing Radiguet but never carries out a plan.
    • Three if they do carry out one.
  • Take a shot if "rush" is mentioned.
    • Two if it's in the correct meaning.
  • Take a shot whenever the "Brains are as strong as brawn" [1] is repeated over and over.
  • Take a shot any time the Samurai Rangers are described as "not exactly Samurai"
  • Take a shot any time Chiharu is mentioned as Aya Odagiri's daughter.
  • Take a shot any time "What the?", "As you know..." is used.
