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Drinking Game / Call of Duty

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Of course these basic rules can be applied to most FPS which have split screen multiplayer.

  • If you die, drink
    • If you're killed by a headshot, take two drinks
    • If you got melee'd (killed by melee), three drinks
      • Conversely, if you score melee kill, everyone else drink
  • If you use a killstreak reward, take a drink
  • If you insult or abuse another player (for example, say you slept with their mother, call them a "*@#!", teabag their corpse), take a drink
    • If you hear this from other players, take a sip and hope you still have the use of your legs at the end of the match
  • If you hear a character say oorah, or some derivative thereof, then take a drink.
  • If you pick up a new weapon, drink.
    • If you change class, drink. Choose wisely.
  • Every time you're killed by lagging out, take a drink.

For singleplayer:

Take a sip:

  • Upon being killed by bullets (good luck on Veteran)
  • Upon switching weapons
  • In Modern Warfare 2, every time someone yells at Ramirez to do something. Can be extended to any player character if you really hate your liver.

Take a shot:

Take a drink:

  • Upon Sarah Michelle Gellar making a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference.
  • Upon the a war crime scene.
  • Upon the game delivering a Player Punch. If it's the big one for the game, finish the six pack or mixer bottle and get another one.
  • Upon being tasked with saving the President's daughter.
