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Developers Foresight / LISA

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LISA: The First

  • There's a single unreachable Marty floating in the middle of the lake in the starting town. If you use a noclip cheat to reach him he'll reply with this.
    "are you cheating? fuck you"

LISA: The Painful

  • The game anticipated the possibility of you being able to defeat Buzzo and Demon X. For the former, Buzzo decides to destroy the world. For the latter, Demon X simply calls you a cheater and an asshole before booting you to the game over screen.
  • Even though some characters can only be recruited in areas 2 and 3, Austin apparently anticipated the player hacking the game to recruit these characters earlier, judging by the fact that each of them provides an uplifting or comical comments if Brad makes a sacrifice.
  • There are a pair of guys in area 2 who show up whenever you happen to have dynamite on you, with the intent to purchase some. Getting behind them to interact nets you a different dialogue message, with them being annoyed.
    • A similar event happens when you meet the Salvation Rangers when they face Demon X. They clue you in to go help them, but there is nothing stopping you from approaching them from behind, in which they berate you for not doing what you're supposed to do.
    • If you approach Bobby Diddle in area 1 without entering his ambush tile and talk to him, he'll tell you to take two steps to the left before actually attacking. Likewise, you can fall on him and break his neck (something he'll commend you for), skipping the encounter entirely.
  • Attempting to use the Truck Keys when on one of the islands will instead display a text box reading that Brad, his crew, and Shardy left the truck behind. Similarly, trying to use it in the fourth Dojo will display a text box saying the truck won't start.
  • If you use Surprise Attack when Brad first gets it, he looks down at the ground shamefully, before immediately turning and delivering the kick. Using it if he loses an arm (unlikely thanks to obtaining the stronger and more consistently stunning Headbutt and Charging Headbutt by then) changes the animation to have Brad facing the enemy and swiftly delivering the kick.
  • The third phase of the Manifestation of Marty fight has him accompanied by six spider sacs, with consumed party members producing a new sac if one’s destroyed. If you manage destroy all of them despite their massive defense buff from calcifying (and all of them will calcify after enough turns) and go to the second phase again, you skip the phase and go straight to Marty again.
    Marty: … What? Can’t a man eat in peace anymore?

LISA: The Joyful
