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Comic Book / Ms. Marvel (2006)

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Ms. Marvel is a 2006 ongoing comic book by Marvel Comics, written by Brian Reed with art by Roberto De La Torre. The series is the second volume of Ms. Marvel and the second starring Carol Danvers.

During House of M, Carol Danvers was inspired by that dimension's version of Ms. Marvel, who is essentially the Marvel version of Wonder Woman, and realizes her potential. She started taking life positively once more and used the name Ms. Marvel again (as the second Ms. Marvel was no longer using it), with a new goal of becoming one of the world's best heroes.

The comic ran for 50 issues, with Carol becoming involved in various events, including Civil War and Secret Invasion.

The first issue was published March 01, 2006. The final issue was published February 24, 2010.

Ms. Marvel (2006) provides examples of:

  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Carol hires a publicist as part of her attempt to move up to the A-list of heroes (and after not being recognized by D-list villain Stilt-Man).
  • Hoist Hero over Head: On the cover for issue #44, Moonstone holds our titular heroine chained up over her head while the rest of Dark Avengers observe.
  • Horde of Alien Locusts: In issue #5, Ms. Marvel fights Warren Traveler, a dimension-hopping sorcerer. He intends to maroon her on an alternate Earth where a Horde of Alien Locusts descends upon the planet (in about five minutes...) and picks it clean in minutes.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: In issue #15, Wonder Man gets mind controlled by M.O.D.O.K.. For a variation, Ms. Marvel manages to break it by planting a passionate kiss on him.
  • Modesty Bedsheet: In issue #27, the morning after Wonder Man and Ms. Marvel have Sex for Solace, he's naked in bed with a sheet placed on his crotch. When Carol walks, she's already dressed in her uniform, telling him to suit up because they have a mission.
  • My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That: Machine Man states as much in issue #18:
    Machine Man: "I analyze your every word, identifying subconscious speech patterns that betray your poorly hidden lust for my rock-hard robot body."
  • Older Than She Looks: In issue #21, Hank "The Beast" McCoy says that Carol is functionally immortal, stating that her regenerative powers will keep her in her prime "forever".
  • Repower: Carol regains her Binary powers during a fight with the Collective. Since then, they're back, but only when she absorbs enough energy to make them work.
  • Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?: Jessica Drew tries to remind Carol of how awesome she is with the inverse of the trope name: "Remember when you stopped the sun from exploding?".
  • Shameful Strip: In issue #32, set before she gained her superpowers, Carol is stripped to her underwear when she was held captive by Ghazi Rashid in Afghanistan.
