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Characters / Arknights Nations

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Common tropes:

  • The Empire: A curiously common sight despite the game's modern setting. Quite a few nations on Terra are notable monarchies, and most if not all of them are horribly oppressive, corrupt, and discriminative of their people, especially those infected with Oripathy. While Victoria and Kazimierz downplay this by only limiting themselves to being kingdoms, the Empire of Ursus grabs the cake like a hungry bear and runs with it. The only exception is that of Columbia, which stands as the only known Republic on Terra thanks to Gaul's invasion of Victoria in the past forcing them to give their northwestern territories independence as they focused on regrouping their own forces against the Gaulish invasion. "Lonetrail" reveals even the example of Columbia as the only outlier is subverted as their President has been in office for the entirety of the country's existence (helped by being a Long-Lived machine) with only the Vice-President being cycled out by vote, thereby making it a monarchy in everything but name.
  • Death of the Old Gods: "A Walk in the Dust" reveals that in Terra's ancient history, the land used to be plagued with monsters, supernatural creatures, and "demons". However, humanity was eventually able to rise up and exterminate or displace these monsters, establishing the current national order. Later, the existence of these ancient creatures has long been kept secret by all national governments. Many of these ancient gods are still around in one shape or another, such as the Sui siblings, Kashcey, and Kjeragandr
  • Fantasy Conflict Counterpart: Two of the most memorable wars in recent history is Higashi winning over Ursus in a reflection of the Russo-Japanese war and the war of four nations crushing Gaul, reflecting the coalition of nations that had to take Napoleonic France down. These two wars have had major impacts on Ursus and other nations on the sideline, scrambling to ensure they can keep up with these militaristic winners and informs a major part of realpolitik in Terra.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: A number of them are obvious counterparts of real-life cultures; specific examples are noted in each folder. Please note that the cultural analogues are often drawn based on parallels between given lore and those of actual nations, not where the countries are located on the world map. The actual, official map of Terra is provided here. In general, the overall political situation of Terra in the current time resembles that of Earth in the late 1800s / early 1900s — which, given Terra's status as a Crapsack World and the rising tensions between the great powers as the story progresses, does not bode well at all for the planet's near future. Making things worse is that events in Chapters 9 through 12 have resulted in other nations scrambling for new weapons, with Columbia outright looking for their own superweapon to counter Victoria's, in a reflection of the real-life Cold War.
  • N.G.O. Superpower: While there are nations with defined borders, the fact that much of Terra's surface is wilderness and most of the population live in either small, isolated towns or mobile cities means that communication, trade, and movement is very difficult. In fact, it can take weeks or even months to move from one city or country to another, and entire cities can be "stranded" by a Catastrophe. As a result, many cities are effectively semi-autonomous vassals who handle their own affairs and diplomacy independent of the larger nation, and a number of corporations are effectively independent and free to do as they want.
