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Awesome / Strike Witches

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  • Season 1 Episode 5: Shirley breaks the sound barrier.
  • Season 2 Episode 2: Mio in general, including when she leaps from the transport to kill the Neuroi the first time around, and when she uses her sword to slice the Neuroi's beam the second time.
  • After being Neurofied, the battleship Yamato takes off from water and was actually doing pretty good by taking advantage of its regenerative abilities while shooting down an armada of Neuroi ships until the main cannon gets jammed.
  • Season 2: Our lead girl is having trouble flying but no one can find anything wrong with her; turns out she was too powerful for her Striker. With her friend left alone to defeat the Neuroi, she gets the new Prototype striker, then creates a magic circle that DWARFS the Yamato. Hell the entire episode is a CMOA from her effortless healing the crew until there is no one left to her Lucchini style drill attack on the Neuroi.
  • What about Trevor Maloney's Warlock mech!? Being able to control Neuroi and blast them apart with single shots seems pretty hardcore enough.
    • To a point it is; but it's undercut a bit by the fact such an accomplishment is short-lived when the Warlock unit's implementation backfires and blows up in everyone's face completely. Points for trying though at least...
  • And then there's Hikari Karibuchi in the final episode of Brave Witches. You know something awesome was up when she crosses the water Rossman style. The reason she succeeds is that she uses everything she learned in the previous episodes to destroy the Neuroi Hive - from her own flying style (dodge those energy bolts!) to focusing her magic to provide the final killing attack. Indeed, even her one true gift - her stamina - comes into play. After the Hive is destroyed she still has enough strength left to bring magical-energy drained Kanno safely to the ground (Well, almost). This was definitely a case of Earn Your CMOA.
  • In Episode 6 of Road to Berlin, Barkhorn strips her clothes off pounds a Neuroi into submission by using her machine guns as clubs and finishes it off by pulling out a revolver out of her panties in complete badass fashion.
  • In Episode 12 of Road to Berlin, after Shizuka is mortally wounded by a Neuroi blast, Yoshika's magic goes completely out of control and she single-handedly mows down on a massive swarm of Neuroi with little trouble.
  • Episode 1 Luminous Witches: Ginny activates her Night Witch abilities and sing her rendition to John Newton's "Amazing Grace''.
