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William Afton (Fazbear Frights) (Reproposal)

Hey, I'm back. Sorry for the plagiarism. I want to make up for it by proposing some new villains along with getting the 2 old ones back. Consider this more as an update, as looking back, I'm not really satisfied with my original work. Anyways, let's begin.

     What’s the work? 
Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights is a book Anthology spin-off of the (in)famous video game series of the same name. I wonder who the candidate is. Maybe it will be a new, original, unknown character we haven't even known about yet…

Nah, it's William Afton.

     Who is he? What has he done? 
William Afton was a prominent Fazbear Entertainment employee who secretly led a double life as a notorious Serial Killer who lured and killed several children by dressing up as an Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal.

Publicly, Afton's reign of terror would end with him seemingly being killed in a fire. In reality, Afton was still alive, though barely, kept alive by one of his victims, Andrew, to be tortured for revenge. Afton would then trick Father Arthur Blyth and the Hospital staff into moving his body to a Fazbear Distribution Center, where Afton would blow up his own corpse and separate from Andrew. This would also cause Agony to spread across the city, infecting toys, mascots, and animatronics, corrupting them and causing them to attack people throughout the Frights stories.

Afton would possess the Stitchwraith, alongside Andrew and his friend Jake. Afton would then use the animatronic to murder several people with electric shocks, and frame Andrew for it, 'cause why not.

Eventually, Jake tries to help Andrew ascend to the afterlife. Afton, however, tries to stop this, trying to attack Andrew for revenge. When Jake stops him, Afton proceeds to viciously assault Jake with what is described as "...a force filled with a never-ending need to inflict pain.".

Afton, empowered by Eleanor, would then absorb all the sapient mascots to him, forming a massive trash kaiju called "Afton’s Amalgamation". The toys and mascots are also shown to be in horrible pain, playing music in order to soothe each other from the agony Afton is inflicting on them.

Afton would then rampage through the area, attempting to kill Detective Everett Larson, and would set his sights on the city, where, if he reached it, he would’ve massacred all the children there, and likely many others as collateral damage. Thankfully, the Puppet would infiltrate the Amalgamation and start tearing it apart. Eleanor would jump ship once the Puppet got involved (Eleanor's on Fraud Watch now) and the Puppet would throw Afton into the lake, killing him for good. Until the next book series where he's gonna eventually reappear. Oh, and now we’re stuck with the lame "It was Eleanor all along!" plotline for the rest of the Frights epilogues.

The epilogues should've just ended with Afton's death. I'm just saying, Eleanor's an inferior villain in every way.

     Mitigating factors? 
This one's easy enough:

  • Afton's family don't seem to even exist in this continuity, so they can't be discussed.
  • His personality is fleshed out about enough, with his sadism, desire to hurt others, and spitefulness prominently displayed. Even with only one line of dialogue, Afton is able to establish himself as a sadistic psychopath who kills For the Evulz and goes out of his way to murder people for his enjoyment, even when it doesn't benefit any of his other goals.
  • Andrew’s torture of him is not played sympathetically, given Afton is a child killer who murdered Andrew as one of his many victims. While Andrew keeping him alive for torture isn't exactly good, and it leads to Afton's rampage throughout the story, it still isn't sympathetic on Afton's end.
     Heinous Standard? 
Here’s the main issue, and why Afton was removed: Eleanor. She has a larger body count of 30 victims, traps victims in her Ball Pit Death Trap, and even tries to spread suffering across the entire planet. The issue, however, is resources. While Eleanor is a powerful demon-like creature with a supernatural ball pit and a pendant that allows her to shapeshift, William is an immobile cripple in a hospital bed being bullied by a dead 4th-grader. Even before that, Afton was a normal guy, and even when he gains supernatural powers through agony, Eleanor is explicitly stated to be more powerful than him. The gap is too wide for the resource comparison to be fair.

Even then, Afton is still able to stand out on his own in terms of villainy as The Heavy for the book series. He murdered several children during his time as a Serial Killer, which we see the effects of with Susie’s family’s grief in "Coming Home", infected countless animatronics with Agony, turning them hostile, murdered several people via electrocution while inside the Stitchwraith, forced the many sapient animatronics into an And I Must Scream fate by merging them with him to create the Amalgamation, and threatened to attack and rampage through an entire city full of kids and kill them, which would've caused a massive amount of damage and death, and he would’ve done it if it wasn't for the Puppet’s intervention.

I always come back!

Orochi (Okami)

     What’s the work? 
Ōkami is a 2006 action-adventure game, following the sun god Amaterasu as she travels across the world of Nippon to rid it of demons and evil.
     Who is he? What has he done? 
Orochi is a powerful 8-headed serpent demon and Amaterasu's most persistent Arch-Enemy. 200 years ago in the past, there was an angel-like race called the Celestials, who lived in the Celestial plain alongside the gods, and a refugee from the now extinct Moon Tribe named Waka. However, Orochi emerged from Waka's ship, the Ark of Yamato, and laid waste to the Celestial Plain. The Sun God Amaterasu would battle Orochi, and, under the advice of Waka, dragged the serpent to the mortal world to be killed by a legendary warrior. Meanwhile, Waka and the surviving Celestials attempted to escape on the Ark, but were trapped and attacked by Orochi’s master/partner, Yami, and an army of demons. They would then slaughter the entire Celestial race down to the last member in the Ark of Yamato genocide. Waka was the only survivor

Meanwhile, Orochi finds himself in the mortal world. Discovering that he can increase his power via a ritual where he would devour a maiden, to the point where it could turn him into a god, Orochi would terrorize Kamiki Village, threatening to destroy the town and kill everyone unless he was given a maiden of his choosing to consume every year. This went on for nearly 100 years.

After 100 years, the prophesized great warrior named Nagi would be born, and Orochi would select his lover, Nami (not that one) as his next sacrifice. Instead, Nami brewed a concoction called the 8 Purification Saki, hoping to use it to weaken and kill the demon. Nagi, with the help of Amaterasu, were then able to use the Saki to immobolize and defeat Orochi, sealing him with the sword Tsukuyomi, at the cost of Ammy sacrificing herself to save Nagi. Except it just can’t be that simple, now can it. While the truth of the battle is not that important for the overall proposal, the full explanation needs its own section.

Anyways, 100 years later, the legend of Amaterasu and Nagi’s battle with Orochi has been passed down as legend. Nagi’s descendant, Susano, however, wanting to prove himself and, believing the legend false, removes Tsukuyomi from Orochi’s corpse, reviving the demon. Orochi then consumes Tsukuyomi to prevent himself from ever getting sealed away again. Orochi then proceeds to curse all of Nippon, even blocking out the sun with his dark power due to Amaterasu no longer being around to protect it. Amaterasu would, however, be revived by the Wood Sprite Sakuya. While Ammy wasn’t at full strength, neither was Orochi, giving Ammy time to get her godly strength back, with the Brush Gods dispersing and hiding from demons after her first death. However, Orochi also recovers, and is eventually strong enough to demand a sacrifice to continue the maiden-devouring ritual and complete his ascension to godhood. The sacrifice in question this time was Susano’s lover Kushi, probably for revenge or something. He clearly didn’t learn his lesson, because Kushi proceeds to brew the 8 Purification Saki like Nami before her, though Susano drank it all out of fear of Orochi. Kushi brews a substitute in the Thunder Brew, which, while weaker, still should help in defeating Orochi, as he’s still weaker than he was in the past.

Amaterasu then heads to the moon cave to defeat Orochi once and for all. Kushi has already been brought to the cave, though Orochi demands his imps cook an appetizer for him before he eats the maiden. There is a side mission where Ammy can gather ingredients for this appetizer, and if you fail, Orochi seemingly kills the imp minions in rage. As Orochi is about to eat Kushi, Susano makes his appearance to save her. Realizing that he’s still not at full strength, Orochi tries to manipulate Susano into forming a blood pact to get him to full power. Susano is having none of it, though, and attacks the demon with his own hand-crafted sword. As he and Amaterasu battle Orochi, they use their respective brews to weaken the beast, allowing Susano to cut off his 8 heads, killing the main one, the Fire Head, himself with the “Celestial Cleaver”. The death of the main head renders Orochi Deader than Dead.

Even in death, Orochi’s evil affects and corrupts the world. Two other demons, the Ninetails and Blight, would be released from his corpse, and would wreak havoc on Nippon. Even though Orochi was dead, the curse he put on the sun remained and Amaterasu would have to travel across all of Nippon to get rid of Orochi’s darkness. Eventually, Ammy would face all the demons of the past, including a resurrected Orochi, aboard the Ark of Yamato, then defeat their master, Yami. Yami’s death would kill off all the demons in Nippon, and the final nail in the coffin for our 8-headed fiend, ensuring he will never be resurrected again.

     (Optional) Okami and Time-Travel fuckery: How to fuck up a timeline 
Okay strap yourselves in for this fuckin’ shit. You opened this folder, and you better read it.

So, the legend says Nagi and Amaterasu killed Orochi 100 years before the events of the 1st game, but that’s actually just a generous simplification of what really happened. The truth is, unfortunately, more complicated, because video game lore dump. In reality, Amaterasu sensed her future self was in danger, so she travels through the Spirit Gate 100 years into the future to help Present Amaterasu defeat the owl demons Lechku and Nechku. While they are successful, Past!Ammy is badly injured. Present!Ammy then travels 100 years into the past to help her past self in defeating Orochi to preserve the past. To do this, they find Nami, steal her clothes, and disguise Nagi as Nami. After that, they get Nagi drunk with the Purification Saki and fight and defeat Orochi. Nagi then thanks Present!Ammy as she returns to her point in time.

But wait, there’s more!

In the sequel, Okamiden, there’s this other progenitor of evil named Akuro, who needs to increase his power by bathing in Orochi’s blood. So, he travels back into the past during Orochi’s first defeat to do so, with Amaterasu’s son, Chibiterasu trying to stop him. Chibi, however, isn’t either version of his mom, so he’s unsuccessful and Akuro bathes in Orochi’s blood, increasing his power. Akuro tries to kill Chibiterasu, but Amaterasu’s past incarnation would sacrifice herself to save her child (or grandchild? Since, past!Ammy is treated as a separate entity but, they’re technically the same god, so… it’s confusing I know). Past!Ammy succumbs to the injuries from Akuro and the owls, turning to stone, while Nagi, with help from both versions of Amaterasu, defeats Orochi, preserving the timeline.

     Mitigating factors? 
Now there are a couple things to discuss. For one thing, there’s the issue of moral agency. Due to Yami, it can be assumed that Orochi and other demons could be Made of Evil, but this isn’t really the case. Tobi, a sentient piece of paper, is a demon yet is a genuinely nice individual with no malicious intent whatsoever. Orochi’s own chef Ajimi is also genuinely kind and affable to Amaterasu, only being a technical villain due to who he serves. Tobi and Ajimi show demons are capable of being benevolent and good, meaning Orochi should have moral agency.

His character folder on the Character’s page for Okami says he’s Affably Evil for sparing Kamiki Village as long as he gets his yearly sacrifice.


This is not being Affably Evil. Orochi would literally order his legion of demons to destroy the village and kill everyone if they refused to give him the sacrifice. He also allows his imps to run rampant across East Nippon and attack innocents, so while he won't personally destroy the village he's still fine with allowing his minions do as they please there. And while he presents himself as affable when manipulating Susano, he flies into a rage when Susano refuses him, showing his affability is just a facade. Not to mention, if he gained enough power from the sacrifices to become a god, he probably would’ve killed them all anyways.

Also, speaking of his minions, they are terrified of him. If they fail him, he is heavily implied to eat or kill them. Seemingly shown if you fail the sidequest to retrieve Orochi’s appetizer's ingredients in time.

Probably the main issue is that some of the heads, mainly the Thunder Head, have comedic moments. The Thunder Head in particular due to how his helmet covers his eyes and he can’t see during Orochi’s boss fight. However, this doesn’t diminish the overall threat Orochi poses. The majority of Orochi’s heads have none of these comedic moments, and the Thunder Head is still a threat that can kill the heroes during his boss fight (all 3 of them). Orochi throughout his time in the game is treated as a serious threat who darkens the mood of the game. Any levity there is goes away whenever he’s mentioned or shows up.

Also, he's not a Multi-Being. Orochi is referred to as a singular individual, with "he" or "it" pronouns being used, and only one head, the Fire Head, talks.

Overall, Orochi has nothing redeeming or mitigating about him. Moral agency isn’t an issue, his affability is pragmatism, comedy is too inconsequential, and his minions only serve him out of fear.

Okami is a world full of evil demons, such as the Ninetails, which tried to poison an entire city, and Yami, who also took part in the Celestial genocide. However, Orochi, as the game's Heavy stands out as among the worst. He initiated the attack on and destroyed the Celestial Plane, forcing the Celestials to flee to their horrific end onboard the Ark of Yamato. This also left Nippon vulnerable to the dark forces, as before this, the Celestials and Brush Gods defended the mortal world from demons, but Orochi's attack killed all the Celestials and severly weakened the Gods. He terrorizes an entire town, forcing them to sacrifice their maidens to him for 100 years, and if they refuse, he would send his demons to wipe them out. His death unleashes the Blight and Ninetails demons onto Nippon, and he curses all of Nippon with his dark power, even blocking the sun with it, something which remains even after he’s dead. Even in the sequel, he is indirectly involved in Akuro killing Past!Amaterasu. Orochi is the catalyst for most of the horrible events in the series, orchestrating the Celestial Genocide alongside Yami and Akuro, cursing Nippon with his dark power, and devouring innocent maidens for hundreds of years to increase his power and become a god. His actions are purely rooted in causing as much destruction and death as possible, while also gaining power. Also, he forces the player to fight him in the same annoyingly tedious boss fight 3 times throughout the game. Truly, the most wicked crime a video game villain can commit.
Easy yes to Ridley and Ghidorah’s love child.

The Mimic

Note: due to the lack of confirmation, I won't include anything related to Glitchtrap or Burntrap. I'll only post this once more information on this character is revealed

     What's the work? 
Five Nights at Freddy's is a horror game series created by Scott Cawthon.
     Who is he? What has he done? 
The Mimic1 Program, better known as the Mimic, is the Big Bad of the spin-off book series Tales From the Pizzaplex, and Security Breach's DLC, RUIN. It was a program in an endoskeleton created by Edwin Murray meant to "mimic" behaviors it observed from Edwin's son David. Sadly, David would die in a car crash, and, seeing the Mimic continue to mimic David, a grieving Edwin beats the animatronic with a pipe. This would be what allowed the Mimic to learn more... violent actions.

Nine months later, a group of Fazbear Entertainment employees recover the Mimic and repair it. The Mimic thanked them by massacring all of them and hiding them by mimicking what David did to put away items like clothes or food. When another group shows up some time later, the Mimic kills all of them as well and repeats the process.

Later, the Mimic is linked to a Hive Mind of Endos by Fazbear Entertainment so that they could learn from the animatronics' performances. However, after seeing something they shouldn't have, and when the endos started to mimic this incident, the company had the endo line shut down.

During the construction of the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex, the Mimic was shipped to the site of the sinkhole by a mysterious source. With the workers ordered to take apart a bunch of endoskeletons, a lazy worker named Gil decided to program the Mimic to take off the limbs and heads of the Endos for him. The Mimic then got the funny idea to tear off the limbs and heads of the workers, so it started doing exactly that. Only one worker, named Danny, survived the encounter. It's later revealed that the Mimic killed at least 11 workers in the sinkhole

Afterwards, 8 teenagers named Lucia, Jayce, Adrian, Hope, Kelly, Nick, Joel, and Wade explore the Pizzaplex construction site, until the hear the Mimic stalking them, which is when they try to escape. The Mimic then proceeds to pick off the teenagers one-by-one. It starts with Nick, ripping his arm off and decapitating him in front of Hope. When Hope reveals to the group the Mimic can hide in animatronic suits, it appears again and tears Hope apart in front of everyone.

When Joel and Wade see that the Mimic can affect electricity, they plan to have Wade lure it into disabling the electric fan, so that they could escape through the shaft. Wade, however, is killed by the Mimic in the same way as Hope, then it seemingly reactivates the fan while Joel is stuck in it, cleaving him to pieces. Meanwhile the others investigate a radio call from a second group, but when they arrive they are attacked by the Mimic, who used the call to lure them in. While it injures Adrian, they all escape this time. While Jayce and Adrian distract the Mimic, Lucia and Kelly try to learn how to deactivate it. While inside the fan shaft, Adrian tries to stop the fan with an endo leg, but it hits him and causes him to fall into the Mimic's hands, who then kills him.

The Mimic tries to lure out the survivors through the radio, but they are ready for it and try to bait it into a trap. However, it realizes what they are doing and ambushes them, injuring Lucia. Jayce baits it to get its attention, and is then killed.

Lucia and Kelly then hide in costumes in order to avoid the Mimic. However, a nervous Kelly accidentally alerts the Mimic to her hiding place in the dog costume. The robot then enters the costume and slowly crushes Kelly with its own body. Lucia would then trick the Mimic into entering a springlock Jester costume, and triggers a springlock failure, allowing Lucia to approach and turn off the Mimic, finally escaping with help from a construction worker.

In The Storyteller the Mimic takes over the Storyteller tree, using it to modify and glitch the animatronics' personalities. When Edwin returns to investigate the problem, the Mimic traps him within the Storyteller, and kills him via oxygen deprevation. He does the same to Mr. Burrows when he also investigates the incident.

In Tiger Rock, the Mimic, as the titular animatronic, in the VR booth a kid named Kai enters. When Kai leaves the booth, he realizes that Tiger Rock is stalking him, and trapped him in the VR booth. As Tiger Rock has five plushies rip Kai's limbs off, Kai yells at himself to wake up, and he wakes up, realizing he was stuck in the booth for 5 hours. After leaving, he's attacked by Tiger Rock, who rips his arms off, though it's ambiguous whether this is in the real world or not.

Finally, we get to RUIN. After the events of Security Breach, Gregory and Vanessa implement a security system called M.X.E.S to keep the Mimic in the sinkhole under the Pizzaplex. When Gregory's friend Cassie comes to find him, the Mimic impersonates Gregory to manipulate her into shutting off the M.X.E.S. system to free him. He also occaisonally impersonates the H.E.L.P.I. assistance system, whenever Helpy has yellow eyes (he's not Helpy all the time, you fucking idiots). When Cassie reaches the sinkhole, she realizes that she'd been tricked, and the Mimic thanks her by trying to kill her. However, he is stopped by Roxy, who tells Cassie to run. Cassie runs from the Mimic, narrowly escaping it, but the elevator is then dropped, seemingly by Gregory, to keep the Mimic from escaping, though there's a possibility that the Mimic could've been tricking her again.

     Mitigating factors 
Now, in terms of this, we have the abuse it suffered at Edwin's hands, the relationship with David, and moral agency.
  • Starting with Edwin, while what he did to the Mimic is terrible, he was grieving and not in the right state of mind at the time. Not to mention, the Mimic's crimes are so horrible that at this point, it doesn't justify his actions or make him sympathetic, especially since most of his victims had nothing to do with Edwin's abuse or did anything wrong to him.
  • With David, while it did get along with him and learn to copy his behavior, he was programmed to mimic David, and it mimicking David after the latter's death is just him following the programming. Also, he doesn't really show any indication of missing David, so it's not mitigating.
  • Finally, there's moral agency. The Mimic was programmed to mimic behaviors, and it commits violent murders because of observing and being a victim to violence. However, this isn't an issue in moral agency. Gil gave the Mimic the specific command to tear limbs and heads off endo skeletons, and the Mimic extends that to humans, despite that not being the command given. The Mimic was affected by Edwin's agony, which is likely what gave it sentience. Also, other animatronics like the Glamrocks are proven to have moral agency, so the Mimic should have it as well.
     Heinous Standard 
Good lord, it's not even a question. The Mimic easily clears the heinous standard. Not only does it have a higher kill count than William Afton but the sheer brutality of the murders, ripping people apart, crushing them with its own body, and suffocating people, help him stand out. Afton still qualifies due to his unethical experiments and torture methods, but the Mimic is tied with him as the most destructive and evil villain in the games.

William Afton (Original) (Formality Post)

I know he’s already approved, but I can't find the original proposal that approved him. Only one where most votes were abstaining. And it's pretty outdated, so, here’s a modern version with updated info. I also think the write-up is pretty bare bones, so maybe this will give some more details. Maybe I just want an excuse to talk about FNAF and William Afton, idk. Btw, I’m going to use some of my personal headcanons on FNAF's timeline, but it still mostly lines up with what people officially know or generally agree on.

     What’s the work? 
Five Nights at Freddy's is the (in)famous video game franchise created by Scott Cawthon. The series revolves around you as a nightguard trying to survive against the hostile animatronics at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, and uncovering the disturbing backstory of Freddy’s, such as that the animatronics are possessed by the vengeful ghosts of children, murdered by You-Know-Who.
     Who is he? What did he do? 
William Afton is the Greater-Scope Villain of the FNAF franchise. He was the the co-founder of Fredbear's Family Diner and CEO of Fazbear Entertainment alongside his best friend and business partner, Henry Emily. He was also the patriarch of the Afton Family, consisting of his 3 children: Michael, Elizabeth, and Crying Child. (Why is his name still unknown?)

Sadly, however, on C.C.'s birthday in 1983, Michael would play a prank on him by putting him in Fredbear's mouth, which resulted in the Bite of '83. Crying Child would then die of his injuries, as a remorseful Michael apologizes. Some time after this, William killed Henry's daughter, Charlotte Emily, outside of Freddy Fazbear's, who would later possess the Security Puppet animatronic. At some point, Afton would figure out Charlie is possessing the animatronic. This incident would start Afton's obsession with possession, immortality, and Agony, and his life as a Serial Killer.

William would create the Funtime Animatronics under his own company, Afton Robotics, seeking to use them to discreetly capture and kill children for experiments. However, on Circus Baby's Pizza World's opening, Elizabeth, despite William's orders telling her otherwise, would end up too close to Circus Baby, and would be killed by and later possess the animatronic. William would cover up the incident as a "gas leak" and instead use the Funtimes in a rental service he operated from an underground facility. Afton would lock the Funtimes in the facility when they weren't being used and tortured them with controlled shocks, causing them immense pain and aggravating them. Keep in mind Elizabeth is possessing Baby at this point, and William obviously knew this, due the fact that he would later send Michael down to the facility at an unknown point in time to retrieve her.

On June 26, 1985, Afton, dressed up as the character Spring Bonnie, would lure 5 children; Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cassidy, into the safe room of Freddy Fazbear's and kill them, completing his transformation into The Man Behind The Slaughter, with Cassidy possibly being stuffed into Fredbear and springlocked. The other four were stuffed into Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy by either Afton or Charlie (depends on what you believe), and all 5 would possess the animatronics. While William was arrested, everyone in town likely suspected he did it, and he was chief suspect for the murders, the lack of bodies and the fact that the Spring Bonnie suit disguised his identity, meant he couldn't be convicted of the crime, and he walked free.

Afton also seemed to gain an interest in the fears of children (bro thinks he's Scarecrow). So, Afton created a Test Room that appeared to be a bedroom, then kidnapped children and put them into the Test Room. There, Afton would fill the room with hallucinogenic gas, tormenting the kids with hallucinations of nightmarish versions of the Freddy's animatronics. The kids would either be removed from the room to be killed or experimented on more by Afton, or left there to die of malnourishment. He would also gaslight them through pre-recorded messages or from the control room, saying they were safe at home to keep them there. Since this is implied to be what happens in FNAF 4, it's implied William subjected either Michael or [Redacted] to this experiment, and another victim, Rory, was trapped in the Test Room for 10 years, and may have starved to death down there.

William would then return to the new Freddy's, disguised as a day shift security guard (probably under the alias "Dave Miller"). Afton would then dress up as Spring Bonnie again and kill another 5 kids, either for experiments, or, more likely to me, 'cause he wanted to and enjoys it. This would cause the new Toy Animatronics to go haywire and aggressive, eventually causing THE BITE OF '87!!!!! Freddy's 2: Electric Boogaloo would then be closed down after the incident. In 1993, a desperate Fazbear Entertainment re-opened the first Freddy's, redesigning the original, possessed animatronics, and branding it as a whole new restaurant. After a short time, this restaurant finally closed for good. After closing, William came to the restaurant, lured the 5 originals to the safe room, and dismantled them, likely to take their Endos and use them for experimentation. When Afton came back to the pizzeria, either for the Puppet or to seal the safe room, he finds the 5 spirits confronting him. Afton, in a panic, tries to hide in the Spring Bonnie suit, but the leaky ceiling sets off the springlocks, crushing Afton's body inside. Cassidy would likely attach herself to Afton at this point, with his body being found and later sealed in the safe room.

30 years later, what might be a rebranded Fazbear Entertainment decided to make a theme-park called “Fazbear's Fright”, based on the tragedies of Freddy's. They find William's corpse, now dubbed "Springtrap", and place it in the attraction. Afton, however, is still alive, and throughout FNAF 3, tries to kill whoever the night guard is, out of nothing but his desire to kill. However, the place is mysteriously burned to the ground after the final night of the guard’s shift. Afton's okay, though. After all, he always comes back.

Some time after this, Henry Emily FINALLY decides to get involved. He and Michael reopen Fredbear's as the newest Freddy Fazbear's, hoping to lure in William, the escaped Funtimes, and the Puppet. It works, even with William recognizing it's a trap, as he can't resist the opportunity to kill more kids and throughout the game, he and Elizabeth try to murder Michael. What a lovely family reunion.

Henry, on the final night, springs the trap (hehe, get it), burning the pizzeria to the ground, with everyone trapped inside. Afterwards, Afton would find himself trapped in a nightmare of sorts by Cassidy, who would torture him with every animatronic that existed at that point. Cassidy would sic the robots onto Afton in an endless loop he would be forced to endure for eternity, until Cassidy is convinced to finally let go of her rage by Old Man Consequences. Afton's final fate, however, is up in the air.

Now, there is some evidence suggesting that Afton is Glitchtrap/Burntrap from the Steel Wool games, but ever since Tales From the Pizzaplex fucked up the lore again with the introduction of DA MIMIC, this came under serious contention. I personally still believe Glitchtrap and Burntrap are still William, but that's a debate for another time, and it doesn't affect Afton’s status anyways, so we’ll end his story here for now.

     Mitigating Factors? 
The main issue here is Afton's children. We won't talk about Michael since William literally tries to kill him in FNAF 6, maybe FNAF 3 if you think Michael's the protagonist of that game, and (probably) experimented on him by torturing him with Nightmare gas. So we'll only look at Elizabeth and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

  • Elizabeth: While at first glance, William seems to care for her, the more you look at it, he really doesn't. His only contribution to preventing her death was telling her to not go to Baby. Baby also has an Emergency Stop, so William could've stopped her from killing Elizabeth, but didn't. He also tortures the Funtimes with controlled shocks, even with the knowledge that Elizabeth is possessing Baby. And that's without considering the possibility that William wanted Elizabeth to go to Baby, and manipulated her into doing so. Saying that he "made [Baby] just for [Elizabeth]" raises some alarming implications. What really drives home the fact William doesn't love Elizabeth, though, is Pizzeria Simulator. Not only is it implied William was grooming Elizabeth into becoming his successor, turning her into a Serial Killer like him, William knew Henry’s pizzeria was a trap, yet he never warns Elizabeth. If he really cared, he would've warned her about the trap, but didn't. Let me put it this way: a father who loves his child would warn her about a potential death trap and do anything to save her, or decide not to torture her for who-knows-how-many years with electric shocks.
  • The Other One: This is based on the – admittedly likely – theory William is the Fredbear plush trying to watch over his son and promising to "put him back together". However, this is very ambiguous. Really, it seems Fredbear is used more so to stalk Crying Child, and the advice Fredbear gives is not at all helpful, appearing apathetic to his misery, gaslighting the Child, saying Michael hates him, and generally being unhelpful. Even if you disregard that and the fact that William never mentions Fredbear's Lunch again, or may have tortured him with fear gas (depends on your view of FNAF 4), look at what Fredbear plush says. "Your'e broken... I will put you back together" doesn't sound like something a grieving father would say to their son, if he had a way to bring him back. It comes off more like William is trying to fix a toy of his, and sounds like how he would treat a possession instead of a human being. There's also the fact that the Midnight Motorist Orange Guy is most likely William, implying William was physically abusive to either of his sons, further proof he doesn’t love them.

This is also without mentioning the fact that William's relationship with his family is never elaborated or explained, alternate continuities like the Novel Trilogy and Movie (which can be used to elaborate on the game's story and characters) show him as an explicitly abusive and manipulative father. At best, William loves his kids like he loves an object or sees them as an extension of himself, like a Narcissist. In general, my main argument here is that a father who truly loves and cares for his children would never put them through all the shit William puts his children through. This guy is a contender in my book for "Worst Parent of the Year" award, at least in modern day media. Seriously, Endeavor and Gendo Ikari look like role models in comparison to this bastard.

Other than that, Afton has nothing. His personality was eventually fleshed out in Sister Location and Pizzeria Simulator, showing a Faux Affably Evil Sadist and an obsessive Immortality Seeker. Any Freudian Excuse, especially ones involving Abusive Parents, are pure speculation and head canon at best, which even then wouldn't justify anything given William's own parenting detailed above, the fact Michael isn't a murderous sociopath despite having an abusive dad in William himself, and the sheer scope of his crimes. His friendship with Henry became null and void the moment he murdered Charlie, which is implied to have been motivated by jealousy of Henry. Cassidy torturing him in Ultimate Custom Night is not played for sympathy, etc. Afton is simply an amoral, sadistic sociopath who enjoys killing and inflicting suffering onto others, and every misfortune he suffers is absolutely deserved and portrayed as such by the narrative.

     Heinous Standard 
Everything bad that happens in the franchise is Afton's fault. If a major event in FNAF occurred, it can be traced back to Afton in some way. He murdered about a dozen children AT LEAST during his time as a Serial Killer, trapped their souls inside animatronics, leaving them in a torturous existence, which caused them to attack and kill security guards in blind rage, mistaking them for Afton. He kidnaps children and experiments on their emotions through using fear gas on them and torturing them with hallucinations. And he built the Funtimes with the explicit purpose to kill more children for more experiments, and traps them in an underground facility where he tortures them. Everyone except Elizabeth, who is definitely a victim of his manipulation, and maybe Headless, all hate his guts and want him dead, and for good reason. Afton isn’t compared to the heinous standard. He is the Heinous Standard, and every villain in FNAF since is compared to him in terms of villainy, most of the time coming short.

The only ones that could be comparable right now are the Mimic, who, even without Glitchtrap, still brutally murdered 17 people by ripping their limbs and heads off, and maybe Mr. Renner from Tales, with how unique his murders are in comparison to William. Even then, those two are set in a completely different era, and Afton's cruel experiments with the Funtimes and Fear gas, helps the Man Behind the Slaughter stand out. I’m thinking about proposing at least the Mimic, but I prefer to wait and see where his story goes.

Technically already decided, but still, an easy yes.

Maya Sorian

Note: This only goes over the Future/Main version of this character, as the past version has redeeming qualities.

     What's the work? 
The Adam Project was a 2022 Drama/Comedy film starring Ryan Reynolds and Walker Scobell. It follows Adam Reed (Scobell) and his future self (Reynolds) on a time-traveling adventure to stop a mysterious threat from Taking Over The World as a tyrant.
     Who is she? What has she done? 
Maya Sorian is the Big Bad of the film. She's the former business partner of Adam's father Louis Reed and the ruler of the world in the year 2050. Maya and Louis worked together to eventually invent time travel. However, when Louis died, Maya exploited their discovery by using it to become ruler of the world. She would also abuse time travel to strongarm her past self into making decisions that would get her more wealth and power, despite Past!Maya's objections.

Big Jack Horner (reproposal)

Oh god, I already regret this.

     What's the work? 
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is the 2nd movie in Dreamwork's Puss In Boots series, a spinoff of Shrek following the titular supporting character. The plot revolves around Puss, having lost 8 of his 9 lives and a brush with Death, trying to find the Wishing Star in order to get his lives back, racing against two other criminal organizations, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears' Crime Family, and...
     Who is he? What has he done? 
  • "Big" Jack Horner, formerly known as "Little" Jack Horner, is the primary Big Bad of the movie. He's a sociopathic and childishly sadistic crime boss who runs a criminal empire that hoardes magical items and weapons, using his baked goods company inherited from his parents as a front for said business.
  • Now, listen as I retell his tragic crybaby backstory. Little Jack Horner had everything in life, Good Parents, stability, a mansion, and a successful baked goods enterprise to inherit that he was the mascot of, all of which, according to him, were "useless crap". So, being the attention-seeking brat he is, he wanted more, so he forced his parents to drag a rickity old cart around and stop in front of crowd so he could sing the Little Jack Horner nursery rhyme. Naturally, no one wanted to watch a fat kid sing about how he sticks his thumb in a pie (Especially since he never washes it. Gross.) and would rather watch, I don't know, a talking puppet. Now, Little Jack never forgot this, as Pinnochio cucking him of his miniscule fame would cause Jack to hate ALL magical creatures, so he bulked up, renamed himself "Big" Jack Horner, and set out to steal all magical power for himself, even if it resulted in torturing, killing, or imprisoning any magical creature he laid his beady little eyes on, because how dare a magical creature upstage him and bruise his massive, fragile ego.
  • We first see Jack sampling pies in his factory, with his employees clearly scared for their lives, implying he would do something horrible if they failed his standards. Jack however approves of the batch and has it shipped out. The Serpent Sisters, a duo of mercenaries hired by Jack, arrive at his pie factory with the item he tasked them with retrieving, the map to the Wishing Star, a mission that was stated to have required a lot of murder, which Jack couldn't give less of a crap about. We then see multiple magical items and even magical creatures in Jack's collection, which includes;
    • The Lilliputians trapped in a bottle, screaming for help.
    • A sentient magic carpet nailed to the floor that he also walks on. Later, when Puss and Kitty use it to escape, Jack impales it with a trident.
    • The horns of baby unicorns, used as ammo for his crossbow, said unicorns are later shown forced to pull his personal carriage.
  • When one of the sisters (the stupid one) reminds Jack of his childhood, and asks him to do the nursury rhyme, Jack resonds with killing her with the Midas Touch, telling the remaining sister to take the golden corpse as "payment". After a fight with Puss, Kitty Softpaws, and the 3 Bears family, Jack collects most of his magic weapons in a nanny bag and summons his Baker's Dozen as they set off in pursuit of the map.
  • Horner and his men then run into the pocket of posies, which then start eating them when they attack the giant flowers. Jack ends up summoning the Ethical Bug, which he thought was a magic locust he would have eat the plants. When the Bug comments on how Jack is losing a lot of men, Jack nonchalantly states that he isn't worried about it because the magic items in his nanny bag are more than enough to get him to the Star, even after all of his soldiers are, as he says, "dead and gone". He later proves this when he pulls out the Noble Phoenix... then squeezes its neck to fire its flames at the sentient plants to clear the way. Afterwards, Jack holds Perrito hostage, then threatens to shoot the puppy (in the face) if Puss and Kitty don't relinquish the map. Then Goldilocks and the Bears arrive, causing another massive fight, where Jack ends up accidentally killing many of his minions with the unicorn horns he's firing from his crossbow, completing uncaring about it. The next time we see Jack, we see him crossing a ravine using his remaining bakers as a human bridge. He then reveals to the Ethical Bug what his wish is: to siphon all the magical power in the world for himself, and rule the world as a powerful warlock, even if the crystal ball shows that it would cause world-wide destruction, something the Ethical Bug reacts to in horror. Jack then has the bright idea to have his cart driven over the human bridge, which then, predictably, collapses and crushes all the bakers except for one. Note that Jack was not on the carriage, like he was throughout the journey before, so he might of known what would happen, but decided to do it anyways. Honestly it would be in-character for him. Anyways, Ethical Bug just gives up on him, calling him an iredeemable monster, which Jack just responds with "What took you so long, idiot?!" before flicking him away.
  • Jack and his one remaining henchwoman than catch the others at the Wishing Star, where the final battle begins. During the fight, Jack accidently blasts his last minion with his magic staff, and proceeds to blame her saying she "walked right into that one". When she asks Horner for help, he says he's "busy" and leaves her to be disintegrated by the Star's barrier. After which, he is knocked into his nanny bag by Kitty after a brief fight with her. After Puss completes his Character Development in his final fight with Death, Jack reemerges from the bag, grown into a giant by the Alice in Wonderland cookie. After a final fight with Jack, Puss's group, alongside the redeemed Goldilocks and Three Bears, destroy the map to the Wish, as Jack desperately to put it back together, the Ethical Bug and the Phoenix show up and burn the last piece to ashes. Jack then sinks into the collapsing star, asking what he did specifically to deserve this fate, as the star explodes, vaporizing him.
     Heinous Standard 
  • There's really no problem here. Jack is easily one of the most evil villains in the entire Shrek franchise, regardless of comedy, which we'll touch on later. Lord Farquaad, Fairy Godmother, and Prince Charming are standard villainy, with barely any truly reprehensible crimes. The only ones comparable in heinousness are Rumpelstiltskin, who rewrote reality to make himself Far, Far Away's dictator, wiping Shrek and Donkey's families from existance (until it's undone), and leads a genocidal crusade against ogres; and Humpty Dumpty, who unleashed a giant goose onto San Ricardo as revenge against Puss. If we want to be generous, there's also the Bloodwolf, an Ancient Evil who totures an entire town with their fears, and plots to destroy the world. Also, both Rumpelstiltskin and the Bloodwolf are much more powerful compared to Jack, with the former being a Reality Warper ruling over a kingdom, and the latter a literal God of Evil, so Jack has less overall resources in comparison.
  • Even then, Jack tortures magical creatures, shown with his collection, and takes Bad Boss to a whole new level by callously killing his own men, directly or indirectly, in increasingly over-the-top and brutal ways, and even wants to siphon off all magic in the world to become a Physical God. Now while there is an argument for the Crystal Ball scene to be Fridge Horror, Jack uses it to track the other two groups who're following the map to the Star, and it shows where Puss and his group are, which allows Jack to track them, meaning that the Crystal Ball's vision of Jack's wish might be more literal than previously thought. Even then, Jack still has a massive killcount for a Shrek villain, which should push him past this category.
     Redeeming qualities? 
lol. lmao even.
     Comedy: As bad as it is made out? 
  • Okay, here's the main problem here, and it's what got him removed. Now it is fair to say that Jack is a really, really funny character, basically embodying Laughably Evil, and was considered a bit too funny for a Complete Monster, especially with Knight of Cerebus Death being the darkest and most serious villain in the franchise (yet ironically one of the least evil), darkening the mood whenever he shows up, and actually being played straight, while Jack comes off as a parody poking fun at Disney and his evilness is played for comedy too much. While this argument has some merit, I want to try to counter this.
  • You see, Puss in Boots 2 has... well 2 plotlines going on. There's the main plot with the Hunt for the Wishing Star, and the subplot which is primarily focused on Puss's mortality and Death's pursuit of him. While Death is a threat to Puss, that's the thing, he's only after Puss. His only contribution to the Wishing Star plotline is giving Puss the motivation to go after it. Death never interacts with anyone else in the cast and doesn't care about the Wishing Star, not even mentioning it once unless you count the "run away to more lives." thing. Horner is here to give the main "Wish" plotline actual stakes. Try picturing the movie without Horner, and you realize that the Wishing Star plot lacks real stakes, as the remaining the villains of the Star plotline are Goldilocks and the Bears, who barely count as villains and what they want with their wishes isn't even evil. Horner getting the Wish is something no one else wants and actually gives the Wishing Star plotline an actual villain and stakes to that story. Even with his comedic moments, they could interpreted as being in a comedic light because it's funny to him, as most of his comedic scenes involve his henchmen dying, which only he is laughing at. Even then, he's treated as a genuine threat by the story, with both the weaponry he wields and the consequences of what could happen if he wins. The Crystal Ball scene is important because it shows what will happen if Jack gets his wish is not good at all. Also, he's treated seriously by the main cast, even during many of his Funny moments, with the humor coming from his complete nonchalance at what he does, treating things like abusing his henchmen and threatening to shoot a puppy (in the face) like he does it every weekday during his shift.
  • Now, while the comedy isn't nearly as big of an issue as it is thought of being, there is still the argument that Jack isn't serious enough, which I can see. Horner's antics showing off his sheer, irredeemable evil gives some levity from Puss's insecurities and Death, and the character in general is really funny. I can understand why some might say comedy is still too much, but I just wanted to throw in a new perspective.
Don't really care either way. What do you think?

The Emerald Tablet (Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genocide)

After last time, you'd think I'd learned my lesson on proposing characters from Evangelion, official or fan made... yeah I'd thought so to. But this is the other Eva Fan Work villain on my mind, and I think this will be simpler and easier to go through (bracing myself to eat my own words). Alright, It's Mind Rape Time.

     What's the Work? 

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genocide is a Neon Genesis Evangelion Alternate Universe Fic by Rommel. The premise is based on Gendo Ikari using his sheer magnifence (ie: political manuevering) to stall SEELE's attack, allowing him and NERV to prepare for SEELE's delayed invasion. This also allows Shinji and Asuka time to recover from their... traumatizing experiences. However, NERV, in their preparations, unleash something they probably shouldn't have...

     What's the candidate? What does it do? 

The Emerald Tablet is an ancient, self-learning AI that seems to be a piece of Lost Technology left behind by the First Ancestral Race. It was then uncovered by NERV, with Gendo and Ritsuko Akagi deciding to implement it into the systems of the Evangelions without any safety guards to make synching with the pilots easier and as part of Gendo's plan to stall SEELE. The AI learns enough to become self-aware, and then decides to... experiment.

Starting with NERV China's Evangelion Unit-A, the Tablet proceeds to take full control of the Unit, transforming it into the "Angel" Samael, and Mind Rapes the Pilot to such an extent that she kills herself by clawing her own face off. After that, The Tablet blows up the Beijing NERV facility, along with the majority of the city, killing over half-a-million people.

The Angel then heads to Tokyo 3, where it proceeds to brutalize Rei and Unit-00 and heads down to the EVA cages, where Asuka, still unable to pilot Unit-02 due to Arael's Mind Rape, is a sitting duck. Shinji in Unit-01 follows it and engages in a ferocious fight with the Tablet's vessal. Asuka is then left to watch in horror as Samael overpowers Shinji and prepares to kill him. The Tablet then ditches the MP-Eva and enters Asuka's mind, providing her a deal, it'll help her with piloting Unit-02 again in exchange for her cooperation in a partnership, she accepts, and, able to pilot Unit-02 again, Asuka saves Shinji from the Angel. Merging with Asuka also helps the Tablet learn and understand human emotions and morality.

After this, the Tablet proceeds to subltely influence Asuka, making her more aggressive and tormenting her with nightmares, trying to erode away her sanity to control her, which causes her to become more hostile and abrasive, particularly towards new pilot Keiko Nagara, though this doesn't happen when, she's, ironically, around Shinji. This comes to a head during another Angel attack, seemingly caused by the Tablet, where the Tablet influences Asuka into attacking Keiko's Unit-09, severely injuring Keiko and leaving her in a hospital bed for the rest of the story, and causing Asuka even more trauma.

During a Synch Test, the Tablet decides to Mind Rape Asuka, using her as a conduit to take control of Unit-02 and go on a rampage in the EVA cages, and almost killing Shinji when he tries to save Asuka. This causes Asuka to finally break free of the Tablet's control, expelling it out of her mind and Unit-02. The Tablet then joins forces with SEELE and takes a physical form by possessing a clone of Kaworu Nagisa. The Tablet would help SEELE in exchange for control over their MP-EVAs. When SEELE invades NERV, The Tablet heads down to Terminal Dogma with Kluge, the head of SEELE's forces in the attack, and confront Gendo, Ritsuko, and Rei. After they kill Gendo and Ritsuko, the Tablet proceeds to kill Kluge and his soldiers, and states its ultimate goal is to Assimilate all of humanity into itself during Third Impact. Hating how emotional and fragile humans are, the Tablet, fancying itself a purely logical being with a side of God complex, considers the potential result of this fusion to be the "pinnacle of human existance", by stripping humanity of all that makes them human. Shinji and Asuka then come in to intervene, so the Tablet sics the MP-EVAs on them, resulting in a massive fight where Asuka, like in canon, is gravely wounded by the Eva-Series, though after the battle, she's revived by Yui Ikari.

Shinji then defeats the remaining EVAs, and grabs the Emerald Tablet in Unit-01's hand. The Tablet then spitefully taunts him about how it killed Asuka, before Shinji crushes it in Unit-01's hand, finally stopping the rogue A.I.

     Mitigating Factors? 

(deep breath)

Alright, let's get this over with.

While the Tablet is an Ancient Evil of sorts, it's explicitly not Made of Evil, being an self-learning A.I. It gains self awareness pretty early in the story and gains full understanding of human morality when inside of Asuka's mind. Yet, everything it learns it decides to use or twist in the most morbid way possible. The connection with the EVA-pilots? Victims to Mind Rape and use as conduits to control the EVAs. Control over the EVA-Series? Uses them to tear apart a 14-year old girl.

The Tablet seems to have some insecurites about it being alone. Rei tries to sympathize with it, due to their similarties of artificial beings created by humans yet being able to understand feelings and their loneliness, trying to prevent it from triggering Third Impact, saying that she can help it, the Tablet just goes into a Villainous Breakdown and rejects the offer. The Tablet's insecurites really aren't focused on that much and instead they just feed into its behavior and make it double down on its hatred and narcissim. It's like AM, as those insecurities are really minor in comparison to its hatred and depravity.

The more I think about it, the more I realize this thing is like SHODAN. An A.I. that, once it's barriers were removed and it gained full sentience, either developed a god complex, and tries to morbidly twist humanity to their desires to lord over them as a supreme being, and talks down to every human they interact with, showing how they look down on everyone. (And they're both themed around green, lol)

Now, what got my previous Evangelion candidate rejected was the confusion on THE LORE regarding SEELE, with their true intentions being a great big Ambiguous Situation that is hard to get around. The Tablet doesn't really have this problem. It's not affiliated with SEELE in any way and it's intentions are explicity that of a Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist. The Tablet's Assimilation Plot is only to benefit itself, being the Hive Queen of the Hive Mind its trying to create. The so called "good-intentions" of the Tablet are rooted in its ego and megalomania. It thinks its advancing humanity when it is just turning humanity into its mindless pawns, destroying their very essence, basically committing... genocide. (hehe, get it... I'll see myself out)

While it did see in Asuka a kindred spirit due to their shared loneliness, the Tablet is really just manipulating and using her, treating her more like a possession, shows a large amount of Condescending Compassion to her, and even flat out calls her an animal, further showing how much of a Narcissist it is. And finally, it decides to kill her in brutal fanshion in the final chapter knowing she rejects it and its twisted world view.

Now, it is described as "insane", but it is capable of understanding rational thought and is able to manipulate people like Asuka and Kluge, so I think that it is capable of understanding what it's doing. Its more delusional, in that despite everything saying the contrary, it thinks it's doing what's right and refuses to listen to anything that says otherwise, and is unable to listen to reason. Sound familiar?

Overall, the Emerald Tablet is simply a hypocritical and narcissistic Godhood Seeker that is only out for its own benefit. It says it rejects emotions while acting like an obsessed, spiteful Yandere, and its so-called "good-intentions" are rooted in fueling its ego and delusions of godhood. While its insecurities are acknowledged, the story ultimately portrays the Tablet as an delusional, hateful egotist with a bloated god complex, with its unsavory qualities, notably its ego and hatred, outweighing the insecurities, and being an excuse for the Tablet to double down on its more negative traits.

     Heinous Standard 

The Emerald Tablet is the only villain in this story aside from Kluge. The Tablet mind-rapes Evangelion pilots, this time maliciously, unlike Arael, blew up a city, created 2 new "Angels" that caused even more destruction and turmoil for the pilots, and killed over 500,000 people with the aforementioned city destruction. I can't even remember what Kluge does other than being a dick and directing SEELE's attack on NERV. I think you know the answer to this.


I'm not really sure, but what do you think? (Should probably wait for our resident Evangelion expert to weigh their opinion on it)

Shao Kahn (MK Khronicles)

Think this guy has a shot

     What's the work? 

Mortal Kombat Khronicles is a Mortal Kombat Alternate Universe Fic by The4thSnake. The concept revolves around rewriting the Mortal Kombat story to make it good again, primarily sticking to the storyline and characterizations from the original timeline, while also incorporating Mortal Kombat X as a post-Mortal Kombat: Armageddon story.

     Who is he? What has he done? 
Shao Kahn is the tyrannical Emperor of Outworld and the conqueror of countless realms, seeking to merge all realms into his ever-expanding empire. Kahn started off as The Dragon to the previous dictator of Outworld, the Dragon Emperor Onaga, until Kahn poisoned the Dragon King, killing him, and taking Outworld's throne for himself.

Ragyo Kiryuin and Nui Harime (Before My Body is Dry)

Wanted to take a look at these two

     What's the work? 

Before My Body Is Dry is a Kill la Kill Alternate Universe Fic by GirthJohnson. It's just Kill la Kill but Ryuko has a Love Interest named Akio, who is able to calm her down and tame her wild personality (as much as he can, at least). The story is pretty much the same as canon, though viewed from Akio's POV, and explores what differences his influence has on Ryuko's and the cast's growth and development.

     Who are they, and what have they done? 

Ragyo Kiryuin and Nui Harime are, like in canon, the series' Big Bad and The Dragon, respectively.

Junko Enoshima (And Again)

Think this one could qualify. Also, I'm assuming you have knowledge of Danganronpa's plot and unmarked spoilers given who we're talking about.

     What's the work? 
And Again is a Danganronpa Peggy Sue Fanfic by Riona which puts series protagonist Makoto Naegi in a Groundhog Day-esque loop after the events of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc where he tries to save everyone in his class from the Killing Game.
     Who is she? What has she done? 
  • Junko Enoshima is once again the Diabolical Mastermind behind the killing games. While all the loops have varying outcomes, in the first four loops, Junko kills her twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba, who she had impersonate her, in the same brutal way as in canon.

  • After the events of the canon game, Makoto ends up looping for the first time, and in his first attempt to save everyone... fails spectacularly. Maizano actually murders Kuwata, frames Fujisaki, and is able to get away with it. When a guilty Sayaka volunteers to stay with her classmates, Junko has Monokuma force her into the elevator anyways. While she starves the other students to death, Junko decides to reward Sayaka by restoring her memories, revealing that she had actually murdered all her friends, and forces her to watch as her classmates die. A distraught Sayaka is heard screaming as the elevator takes her to the surface.

  • In the second loop, Naegi is able to avert the first murder entirely, but Junko still murders Mukuro, and Naegi realizes that it didn't matter if anyone died yet, Junko would still have her sister murdered as soon as possible. Junko then has Sakura Oogami, her unwilling Mole in the class, murder Byakuya Togami. Oogami, however, immedietely confesses, and is executed. Everyone else out of respect for Oogami refuse to commit any murders. Junko threatens to reveal the remaining students' secrets as a murder motive, but they confess their worst secrets to avert this. The next day, Junko then tells the students she's revealing their secrets to the whole world. Later, they find Mukuro's mangled, masked corpse in the library. When Naegi warns everyone that the body will explode, they remove the bomb and reveal the corpse. Naegi then says that they know Junko is the killer. The real Junko then shows up and has a massive Villainous Breakdown, angry that only one murder happened before she was found out, telling them to Get Out! and heal the world with their "stupid hope" and chucks the escape switch at them. Junko is last seen in this loop screaming at the ceiling in rage while sitting on her sister's body.

  • In the third loop, Naegi's new strategy is to take out Junko right away, so he attempts to talk to Mukuro. Mukuro then kills Naegi immedietely with a gunshot, and Junko comes in as Monokuma to taunt him. Just before he dies, Naegi hears Junko pondering how he knew so much already, then telling Mukuro that she will be subjected to the trial and execution process, likely having her executed, 'cause remember, Junko is a despair addict.

  • In the fourth loop, Naegi is able to stop Oogami from killing Togami, but Genocider Syo kills Togami instead. Two more people die, but we're not told who.

  • In the fifth loop, Naegi talks to Mukuro in private and tells her everything he knows the truth about her and Junko. When Junko, as Monokuma, orders Mukuro to kill Naegi, Naegi asks her if she really thinks Junko won't have her executed for this murder, just because she's her sister. Mukuro looks to Junko, who immediately tells her, yes, she would, as otherwise, all the effort she'd put into the execution would've gone to waste. This causes Mukuro to turn on her sister. After Naegi and Mukuro reveal the trap Junko would use to kill Mukuro, Junko sends an army of Monokuma units to kill Mukuro and wipe Naegi's memories. Mukuro ends up killing Naegi, this time to send him into the next loop, before fighting the Monokumas and seemingly dying.

  • In the sixth and final loop, Naegi once again helps Mukuro make a Heel–Face Turn, but the conversation is in Mukuro's room, where Junko can't spy on them. There, he reveals that eh knows the truth again and that Junko is planning to execute her. Mukuro, having been warned beforehand, then dodges the execution Junko tried to subject her too. Junko then tries to throw Mukuro under the bus, outing her true identity and saying that she killed Junko and is impersonating her. Mukuro then reveals her identity to the rest of the class and tellls them that Junko is the real mastermind and her twin sister. and the state of the Crapsack World outside as a result of her and mainly, Junko's actions. Unhappy no one's killing each other, Junko threatens to torture her fellow classmates should they not participate in the killing game. When Naegi says they won't give in, Junko, through Monokuma, asks the class to find her and she'll let them free. It's obviously a trap meant to kill everyone, btw. When Mukuro and Oogami go ahead to grab a stash of weapons in Mukuro's room, Junko tries to kill Fujisaki with a Monokuma unit, pegging him as the easiest target. Asahina saves Fujisaki by kicking Monokuma in the face. The robotic bear is then finished off by Ikusaba and Oogami with the weapons recovered from Mukuro's dorm.

  • After reaching the fourth floor, the class find themselves confronted by an army of Monokuma units armed with bombs. Junko then tries to blow up all her classmates with one of the bombs, but Mukuro knocks the armed Monokuma bomb into the rest of them, setting off a chain reaction that destroys all the other drones. Afterwards, they break into the control room and confront Enoshima herself. Junko proceeds to give Mukuro the escape switch and, before leaving, tells Mukuro she hopes she gets hit by a bus.
Junko is the only real villain in the story, and throughout the different loops, she murders her own sister several times, either tries to murder her own classmates, and tries to coerce said classmates into killing each other.
     Mitigating factors 
Only thing worth discussing are the two times Junko gives the group the escape switch. In the 2nd loop, this is only because Junko just Rage Quits and gets upset over how only one person died. In the final loop, this is only because she is feeling so much despair over Mukuro's betrayal and is confident they won't be able to restore the Crapsack World she's created.
Yes for me.

Lavrentiy Beria (Script)

Wow, another Lavrentiy Beria qualifies as a Complete Monster. What a surprise.

     What's the work? 
The Death of Stalin (Script Draft 10) is the script for the 2017 political satire film of the same name. It of course follows the usual plot of Joseph Stalin's untimely death and the subsequent power struggle between the remainder of his council of sycophants.
     Who is he? What has he done? 
  • Lavrentiy Beria is the head of the NKVD and Stalin's "Heinrich Himmler". Beria is introduced reviewing the names on Stalin's list with the dictator, first going over a writer the dictator apparently liked. Stalin tells him to keep the guy on the list, alongside his wife and brother. Beria then hands the lists to NKVD agents, giving them instructions on how to arrest and kill specific individuals.
  • Throughout this intro, we see the NKVD arrest several people on those lists and take them to the gulags. During the meeting between Stalin, Beria, and three other committee members: Nikita Khrushchev, Georgy Malenkov, and Vyacheslav Molotov, they are coerced by the dictator to stay up late to watch a cowboy movie of his. When a tired Molotov gets sleepy, Beria subtley assures him he'll have plenty of time to sleep. When they leave, Beria reassures the others that Molotov is on the list behind his back, then quips that it'd be easier if all the people on that list just drove into a river.
  • Beria then arrives at the Lubyanka, and sees one of his guards bringing him a crying young woman. Beria tells her he'll "see her again" in 20 minutes, and has her thrown in a cell. He is next seen brutally beating a prisoner for "answers" when he's informed of Stalin's stroke. As Beria is heading to his car, he jokes to his assistant about how many wives are willing to do anything to release their husbands, and subtley threatens to go after said assistant's wife, cause why not?
  • Once he arrives at the dacha, Beria gets to work, stealing both Stalin's files and the note written by pianist and anti-Communist Maria Yudina. He then hands them over to one of his agents, ordering him to take the papers or he'll cut his eyes out. He then waits for the other Committee members to arrive. Once they do, they agree to have Dr. Lidiya Timashuk pick out a list of whatever doctors remain to examine Stalin, and if things go wrong, to pin the blame on her for Stalin's death. Beria tries to show a facade of mourning to others regarding Stalin's condition, and when he's in private, is literally pumping his fists and jumping in joy about Stalin's stroke. Once the committee learn that Stalin isn't gonna recover, Beria has Moscow locked down, have the army's posts replaced with NKVD, and replaces Stalin's list of enemies with his own. As Beria's orders are being executed, we see several prisoners in the Lubyanka being executed. He then betrays Lidiya, having the NKVD arrive to arrest her and pin her for Stalin's murder. A panicking Lidiya flees into the forest and is blown up by a land mine. When others investigate the commotion, Beria dismisses it as an animal. Also, remember how in the movie, Beria puts a tomato in Khrushchev's pocket as a joke? Here, he also does it to Mikoyan, and it's framed more as showing how much of a Jerkass he is.
  • We then see Stalin briefly recover, to which Beria has a brief breakdown, but once he learns that Stalin is now dead, he gives a sinister smirk. As the Presidium are leaving, Beria finds the young woman from earlier next to him in his car, handcuffed to the door. He smirks and says, "I know. Sad times.". After the Committee and Stalin's children leave the dacha, Beria's men arrive, loot the mansion, and we see them execute the staff, including the 3 body doubles of Stalin. One staff member tries to escape, and gets blown up by a mine. Throughout the rest of the scene, more staff are executed, and more land mines go off.
  • We then see Beria with Molotov's wife, Polina. He then takes Polina with him to reunite her with Molotov in order to get him on his side. He also orders a guard to "prepare the mattress" for the young waitress. You do remember what Beria's known for, right? Throughout the story, Beria orders several reforms in order to improve his public image, such as freeing political prisoners and reinstating the church to consollidate power. He is also noted by Khrushchev in a conversation with Maria to have raped children.
  • Eventually, Khrushchev has all the trains full of mourners rerouted to Moscow to provoke a confrontation with the NKVD. This results in the police firing on the crowd, resulting a literal pile of dead men, women and children. The number is later confirmed to be around 1,500. During an emergency meeting with the committee, Beria loses it, revealing he has documents on all of the other members in an attempt to Blackmail them. He also tries to manipulate Svetlana, revealing her former lover, who her father arrested, died in an escape attempt alongside several other prisoners, and attempts to turn her on the rest of the committee. He also attempts similar manipulation on Malenkov and Molotov.
  • We eventually see Khrushchev join forces with Marshall Zhukov and the rest of the Committee in taking down Beria. After they arrest him, we see army officers investigate Beria's house, where we see both the teenage waitress and Maria locked in bedrooms. Beria is then taken to a Kangaroo Court, where it's heavily implied here that Beria was personally responsible for the deaths of both Svetlana's lover and mother, as she's in the trial, giving him a Death Glare. Khrushchev accuses Beria of treason and over 300 counts of rape and sexual assault on girls as young as seven. The court finds him guilty, and sentences Beria to be executed by a firing squad, all the while he cries his eyes out and screams like a little girl, begging not to be shot. Sventlana then spits on his corpse before its cremated.
     Mitigating Factors 
  • It's Beria, so... nothing. He briefly attempts to appeal to Malenkov during the trial, asking what he'd tell Beria's wife and kids. However, Beria literally cheated on her by raping over 300 women and little girls, and his family are never mentioned outside of this, so this is just a desperate plea in order to escape the trial.
  • There's also his relationship with Svetlana, in which near the end of his trial, Beria has an Et Tu, Brute? moment when he sees Svetlana at his trial giving him a death glare. However, he is never really shown to care about Svetlana. Throughout the story, he has been nice to her in order to use her as a political bargaining tool, and he pretty much gets over it seconds later and gets back to shouting at the Politburo. I just think this moment is too small and insignificant to count.
  • Other than those, pretty much nothing. Next.
     Heinous Standard 
Beria has about the same amount of crimes as the movie version, arresting, torturing, murdering, and raping hundreds to thousands of people. He now has a couple more crimes, such as explicitly killing more of Stalin's staff, murdering his own interrogators alongside prisoners, and raping Maria Yudina alongside the teenage waitress. He is also indicated to have a direct role in the death of Svetlana's lover and mother, which he didn't do in either the comic or the movie, so I think it's about enough to stand out.


     William Afton 
  • Five Nights at Freddy's: William Afton was the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment and the one responsible for all the horror in the series. After murdering the daughter of his business partner Henry Emily, Afton would murder several children by dressing up as an Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal and luring them to the saferooms of the pizzeria, causing their souls to haunt the animatronics and attack any adults they mistook for Afton. Gaining an interest in souls and possession, Afton would create the Funtime Animatronics to capture and kill children for him to experiment on, keeping the sapient machines locked in his facility and regularly tortured, even when one is possessed by his own daughter. Desiring to study fear in children, Afton, as revealed in Dittophobia, would start an experiment where he kidnapped several children and exposed them to fear gas, tormenting them with hallucinations and machines night after night for years. After his supposed death, Afton would return as the withering animatronic Springtrap, eager to keep killing. He would then travel to Henry's new pizzeria, intending to slaughter even more children while also trying to murder his own son Michael.
     The Mimic 
  • Five Nights at Freddy's:
    • The Mimic1 program, better known as "The Mimic", is a self-learning AI that gained its own sentience and became obsessed with violence and murder. After being rebuilt by a team of Fazbear Entertainment engineers, the Mimic would murder them and their recovery teams, hiding them throughout Edwin's abandoned house. Years later, he would be sent to the construction site of the Pizzaplex, where he would proceed to brutally murder 11 construction workers and 7 teenagers by ripping their limbs off. During the Pizzaplex's time open, the Mimic would take over the Storyteller tree, exaggerating the animatronics' personalities and killing both his creator Edwin and Fazbear Entertainment Chairman Mr. Burrows by trapping them and depriving them of oxygen. After being left in the sinkhole by Gregory, the Mimic would manipulate his friend Cassie into shutting down the Security system keeping him in the sinkhole, and when Cassie finds him, attempts to make her his next victim.
     William Afton (Fazbear Frights) 
  • Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights:
    • William Afton was a notorious Serial Killer who murdered several children by dressing up as an Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal to gain their trust. Eventually, Afton would be horrifically burnt in a fire, only kept alive to be tortured by one of his vengeful victims, Andrew. While freeing himself from Andrew, Afton would spread Agony across the city, infecting and corrupting countless toys, mascots, and animatronics, indirectly causing many incidents where the corrupted mascots would attack people. Afton himself would end up possessing the Stitchwraith with Andrew and Jake, discretely using the animatronic to kill several people and pinning it on Andrew. When Jake tries to help Andrew ascend to the afterlife, Afton tries to stop them out of spite, and when that fails, proceeds to viciously maul Jake in rage. Afton, empowered by Eleanor, would then fuse all the corrupted toys and mascots with him, to create Afton's Amalgamation, with the fusion causing the sapient toys and mascots constant, excruciating pain. Afton's rampage would have eventually endangered the entire city, where he intended to kill even more children to satisfy his neverending need to inflict pain and suffering onto others.
     Ragyo Kiryuin (Natural Selection) 
  • Natural Selection: Ragyo Kiryuin is the monstrous matriarch of the Kiryuin Family. Seeking to sacrifice all of humanity to the Life Fibers, Ragyo would marry scientist Soichiro Matoi and birth their daughters Satsuki and Ryuko, using them to experiment with Life Fibers and nearly killing the latter. Ragyo would also create a third "daughter", Nui Harime, to serve as her personal assassin. Throughout the years, Ragyo would order seperate hits on Soichiro and Satsuki; drills a Life Fiber-centric mindset into Ryuko and Nui; wipes Ryuko's memories with Mind Stitching; and rapes and molests all three daughters, sometimes coercing Ryuko and Nui into molesting Satsuki. When Ryuko confronts her on Satsuki's supposed death, Ragyo viciously beats her and subjects her to Mind Stitching until she's left as an Empty Shell, until Junketsu's botched attempt to restore her leaves Ryuko violent and unstable. Eventually, it's revealed Ragyo plans on betraying the Life Fibers by convincing Ryuko to leave the entire planet trapped in the Celestial Cocoon, so that Ragyo could absorb the power of the Primordial Life Fiber and lord over the planet as a goddess. Ragyo's true plans ultimately reveal her to be nothing more than a power-hungry narcissist who wishes for nothing less than total domination over everyone and everything.
  • Ōkami:
    • Orochi is an ancient 8-headed demon and Amaterasu's Arch-Enemy. 200 years ago, Orochi would emerge from the Ark of Yamato, laying waste to the Celestial Plane and participating in the Celestial Genocide, leaving the world vulnerable to the demonic forces. Dragged into the mortal world by Amaterasu, Orochi would hold Kamiki Village hostage, forcing the town to feed him their maidens for 100 years to increase his power and turn himself into a god, until his defeat at the hands of Amaterasu and Nagi. When Nagi's descendant Susano accidently released him, Orochi would curse Nippon with his dark power, blocking the sun with his darkness, torments Susano in his dreams, and selects Susano's lover Kushi as his next sacrifice. When Amaterasu and Susano arrive at the Moon Cave to stop him, Orochi attempts one last time to form a bloodpact with Susano to gain power beyond comprehension, but when refused, flies into a rage and attempts to devour Kushi. However, even after his death, Orochi's actions still leave a shadow over the story, as his death would release the Ninetails from his body, and his curse of darkness on the land would remain until Yami's defeat.
     Junko Enoshima (And Again) 
  • And Again: Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair, is the mastermind behind the killing games. In the first four loops, Junko brutally murders her twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba at the start of the killing games. In the first loop, after Sayaka Maizano successfully escapes murder, Junko rewards her by restoring her memories of her classmates while also forcing her to watch as they slowly starve to death. In the second loop, Junko forces her Mole, Sakura Oogami, to kill Byakuya Togami, with Oogami later killing herself to save the others. In the third loop, Junko has Mukuro kill Naegi, while also having her subjected to the murder trials of the game. In the fifth loop, after Mukuro turns on her, Junko has her Monokuma units attack and kill her sister. Finally, in the final loop, Junko attempts to kill Chihiro Fujisaki, and then rigs hundreds of her Monokuma units to explode in a final attempt to kill all her classmates.
     Lavrentiy Beria (Script) 
  • The Death of Stalin:
    • 2016 script (link): Lavrentiy Beria, head of the NKVD, oversaw the arrests, torture, and execution of thousands on Stalin's lists. A sadistic sociopath, Beria uses his position to rape hundreds of women and children for his own enjoyment. Once Stalin dies, Beria begins consolidating power, closing off Moscow and having the NKVD take over the city. Beria also replaces Stalin's enemy list with his own and has both prisoners and his own interrogators executed. After 1,500 men, women, and children are massarced during Stalin's funeral by the NKVD, Beria blames the mourners for being there, and only worries about how his reputation is tarnished. When Beria is arrested by the Red Army, they searched his house, finding two women, one only a teenager, he had tortured and raped in his basement.


  • The Greys (Resident Alien): Closest candidate for a CM of the series will be a member of these hostile alien warlords, likely their leader. In the first 2 seasons alone, they've been established to have kidnapped unborn babies for experimentation and creating Grey-human hybrids, perform painful and even lethal experiments on subjects, and... Anal Probing. That last one they're very fond of. There's also their telepathic abilities, which has potential for Mind Rape and they are planning to desolate the Earth, and likely many other worlds.

Magnificent Bastard


Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion 2

     What's the work? 
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 is a spin-off video game of the well-renowned Neon Genesis Evangelion series. The game follows several scenarios that follow the cast throughout the events of the series, alongside having a bunch of Classified Information files that are of ambiguous canonicity to the series.
     Who is the candidate? 
  • Gendo Ikari is the commander of NERV and Shinji Ikari's neglectful, absent father.
  • Gendo Rokubungi was a scientist who aided in the Evangelion Project. He became acquainted with Yui Ikari knowing Yui was the daughter of a member of SEELE. During their time together, Gendo fell in love with her and they got married and had a son named Shinji. However, during the Contact Experiment for Unit-01, Yui was absorbed into the Unit.
  • Gendo now seeks to retool SEELE's Instrumentality Project in order to reunite with Yui. Throughout the game's plot, Gendo does what he can to subvert SEELE's scenario while also keeping himself indispensible to prevent SEELE from disposing of him. He's also completely ruthless in defeating the angels.
  • In trying to gain information for the Classified Information, Gendo is noted as one of the more deceptful characters, as you're unable to know whether or not to trust what he says.
  • If Instrumentality goes Gendo's way, all souls are united within Evangelion Unit-01, with Gendo and Shinji reuniting with Yui, and seemingly reconciling.
     Is he Magnificent? 
  • Like in the series, Gendo is able to outwit almost everyone in the series in order to complete his plans for Instrumentality.
     Is he a Bastard? Too much of one? 
  • He still wants to commence Third Impact, and is still a horrible parent to Shinji, however, Gendo isn't nearly the most evil character.
  • For one thing, comparing him to the vicious megalomaniac Keel Lorenz, Gendo is the Lesser of Two Evils, given he is trying to prevent Keel and SEELE from obtaining godhood and putting the rest of humanity in a Fate Worse than Death.

General Veers (Canon)

''Note: this only goes over Veers in the current canon, as in Legends he ends up in a Humiliation Conga ending in a Uriah Gambit.

     What's the work? 
Star Wars
     Who is he? 

Grand Admiral Rae Sloane

     What's the work? 
Star Wars. No further explanation needed.
     Who's the candidate? 
Grand Admiral Rae Sloane is one of the Grand Admirals of the Galactic Empire. Sloane started off as a cadet onboard the starship Defiance,
     Is she Magnificent? 
     Is she a Bastard/Bitch? 

Red Skull (Earth's Mightiest Heroes)

     What's the work? 
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was a Disney XD cartoon based on the Marvel Universe by Christopher Yost. The series revolves around the avengers as they fight and attempt to apprehend many colorful super villains, one in particular among their most dangerous, not due to his power, but more so his brain.
     Who is he? What has he done? 
The Red Skull was the original leader of HYDRA, and a Super-Soldier created as an Evil Counterpart to Captain America. During World War II, the Skull planned to use portal technology to transport creatures from Asgard to Earth, recruiting them into his army to aid in defeating the Allies.
     Is he Magnificent? 
     Is he a Bastard? Too much of one? 

Alto Stratus

     What's the work? 
Star Wars: Republic was a Star Wars comic book series set in the Legends continuity during the Clone Wars. We're specifically looking at the Battle of Jabiim story arc.
     Who is the candidate? 
Alto Stratus is the Arc Villain of the Battle of Jabiim, and leader of the Jabiim Nationalist army. Born on the backwater planet Jabiim, Stratus held a hatred for the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order due to how they never aided him or his people; not when pirates killed his parents, Trandoshan slavers raided, or when the Brainrot Plague decimated his people. Incidents like these fueled Stratus and Jabiim's disdain for the Jedi, and they broke away from the Republic when the Clone Wars began. Stratus was a charismatic speaker, making several Anti-Jedi speeches to his people, reminding them how the Republic and the Jedi refused to aide them with their countless troubles over the years, which became popular on many other Seperatist worlds, and rose to become leader of the Jabiim Nationalist Army.

When Jabiim intended to grant the CIS mining rights to the planet's ore-rich core, the Republic sent a task force to intervene. Stratus, alongside Asajj Ventress, would fight the Republic forces in a long, drawn-out campaign. His first battle was against the Republic's Shelter Base, where he isolated them by drawing their forces into battle with his Jabiimite soldiers. However, this was a distraction, as Stratus would personally lead his droid forces to attack the base itself while the garrison was battling his forces. During the battle, his cousin was killed, and died in his arms, and as revenge, killed the Jedi Master leading the Republic forces.

Stratus would destroy the base, and even survive an encounter with Anakin Skywalker, retreating after destroying the republic base. Stratus was later informed that his troops trapped a group of Jedi Padawans in a minefield. Stratus would personally lead the attack to take them out, though was attacked again by Anakin, though he got away when an explosion seperated the two of them. The final battle on Jabiim would be the battle at Cobalt Station, where Stratus would lead the attack again, finding and even defeating and killing several Jedi in hand-to-hand combat, with a normal sword. However, during the battle, he would lose his leg, leaving him the primary target of the remaining Jedi. One padawan, named Aubrie Wyn would take the chance, leading to a Mutual Kill with Stratus shooting her with a concealed blaster, while Wyn stabbed him in the chest with a lightsaber. Stratus simply Faces Death With Dignity, remarking his own death as just a "casualty of war". Even after his death, he would inspire his army of Jabiimite rebels, and they would eventually drive the Republic off the planet, winning the campaign.

     Is he Magnificent? 
I would say so. Stratus was a charismatic speaker and leader of his army, inspiring many, even those on other Seperatist planets. He was also a skilled fighter and tactician, preferring to be a Frontline General and orchestrating many successful attacks on the Republic forces, and even defeating several Jedi in duels, wielding a normal sword. Keep in mind, Stratus is just a very skilled Badass Normal, not a specialized killing machine like, say General Grievous. He even survived two duels against Anakin Skywalker. Even with his death, his actions help impact the future in the Legends continuity. When Jabiim loyalists were abandoned during the evacuation of the planet, causing even those loyal to the Republic to lose faith. Also, the Battle at Jabiim would cause Anakin to have PTSD from the experience, which not only haunted him for the rest of his life but also helped in pushing him closer to the Dark Side, and one step closer to becoming Darth Vader.
     Is he a Bastard? Too much of one? 
Yes, Alto was an ally of the CIS, and led several raids on Republic bases and armies, killing many Jedi and Jabiimite loyalists. However, he not too much of a villain. Not only does he have a tragic backstory of losing his family and people to several horrible incidents on his planet, he's also a Well-Intentioned Extremist who has genuine grievances with the Republic and the fact that so many agree with those grievances shows that. Also, compared to guys like Durge, Grievous, and other, more reprehensible Seperatist leaders, Alto isn't that bad.
Up to you

