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Memes / Invincible (2021)

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Invincible (2021)

How do you know when something might become a meme in this series? That's the neat thing; you don't.
"Look how many templates they need to mimic a fraction of our memes!"

Unmarked Spoilers Follow!

Memes about Omni-Man
  • Jokes involving Omni-Man and J. Jonah Jameson are very common, since they're both portrayed by J. K. Simmons and resemble each other... or, well, J.K. Simmons.
    • He killed the Guardians and the Flaxans because they wouldn't get him his pictures of Spider-Man.
    • Alternatively, he killed the Guardians because they asked to be paid in advance.
    • The reason he's so angry is because Spider-Man stole his suit.
  • While not as common as J. Jonah Jameson, it's not impossible to find jokes about Omni-Man making Cave Johnson's Lemon rant from Portal 2.
  • That Omni-Man not only looks like J. K. Simmons, but he also looks like King Bradley or other mustached, square-faced characters.
  • "Pathetic."Explanation
  • "This is fine."Explanation
  • "X isn't yours to conquer."Explanation
  • Nolanposting/"Think, Mark! Think!"Explanation
    • "Don't think, act!" Explanation (SPOILERS)
  • Various image edits of Omni-Man crushing Red Rush's head with his hands have also started to appear, replacing Red Rush with characters from other franchises (often considered scrappies) such as the Ice Age Baby. This has reached to the point that there's actually a twitter bot account dedicated to this meme called: Omni-Man Kills Your Fav.
  • "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!"Explanation
  • "That's the neat thing; you don't."Explanation
  • This image of Omni-Man (Mild NSFW Warning) with a gigantic dumptruck ass based off a similar meme of Broly from Dragon Ball Z, became incredibly popular as a shitpost due to its incredibly cursed nature.
    • It reached new heights when for some reason it became associated with Snail's House's "Hot Milk" song (which was already memetic in of itself) thanks to this video.
  • Omni-man's decent fatherly advice.Explanation
  • This fan edit of Omni-Man looking at a smartphone with a dejected expression is used in reaction image format as response to someone posting something very horrid or displeasing.
    • His mom could take him.Explanation
  • Omni-Man blocks Invincible's punch. Explanation
  • Omni-Man's Dynamic Entry through Donald's house.
  • Omni-Man looking at the blood on his hands.Explanation
  • "You should have died at birth"/LowTierNolan Explanation
  • "READ MY BOOKS, MARK" Explanation (SPOILERS)
  • Omni-Man looking at a black hole. Explanation (SPOILERS)
  • Bug SexExplanation
    • Viltrumite Kinks. Explanation
    • Omni-Man banged insect Kim Wexler Explanation
  • "I miss my wife, Allen. I miss her a lot." Explanation

Memes about the Guardians of the Globe

  • Contingency plans.Explanation
  • Discount Batman.Explanation
  • Discount Justice League/Justice League Wannabes.Explanation
  • "Can you turn on friendly fire?" "Yeah, sure, why?"Explanation
  • Wondering what happened to those guys Darkwing tied to the water tower.Explanation
  • "Finally, some action!" Explanation

Other memes

  • Just like with how Omni-Man looks like J. K. Simmons, it's not uncommon for people to make jokes about how Cecil's right hand man, Donald Ferguson, looks like an aged-up Bobby Hill with opaque glasses.
  • Needless to say, jokes about how Steven Yeun can't catch a break with his characters being horribly beaten to (or at least in this case, near) death when playing Kirkman-related characters: namely Glenn from the The Walking Dead are very common.
  • After Omni-Man's comment about seeing Debbie as a pet, it's fairly common to draw her dressed up as a cat or imply that she's into petplay.
  • Invincible title cards be like: Explanation
  • VincibleExplanation
  • "The system wasn't designed for neurons this dense." Explanation
  • "It's pronounced HOW?" Explanation
  • "Viltrumite Steve Harvey". Explanation
  • "Ant-Man VS. Thanos theory debunked". Explanation (SPOILERS)
  • Anissa is the Booty Warrior Explanation (SPOILERS)
  • "It looks like Spider-Man, but due to international copyright laws, it's not!"Explanation
  • Luckily, I always keep a spare in the trunk. Explanation
  • "You're not him." Explanation
  • Angstrom Levy is Yakub.Explanation
  • "A Viltrumite/Thaedus?" - "Thaedus the Viltrumite?" Explanation
  • "Salsa Viltrumita" Explanation
