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Interracial and Interspecies Love Index
aka: Mixed Ancestry

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Part white, part Chinese, all dragon.
An index for romantic and/or sexual attraction and intimate relationships between people of different races and/or species, as well as their offspring.

Also see Love Tropes, Sex Tropes, Attraction to Outliers, Race Tropes, National Stereotypes, Otherness Tropes, and the Index of Fictional Creatures.


General tropes
  • Bigot with a Crush: A character is romantically and/or sexually attracted to a member of a group of people whom they are prejudiced against.
  • Child of Two Worlds: A character is a member of two very different (and often opposed) communities.
  • Half-Breed Angst: Someone with mixed parentage is very personally insecure, because they feel unable to identify with either side of their dual heritage.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination: Someone with mixed ancestry is discriminated against by one or both of their parents' respective communities.
  • Hiding Your Heritage: A character hides their mixed ancestry.
  • Maligned Mixed Marriage: Two people of different groups become romantically involved, and their respective groups don't like it.
  • Mixed Ancestry Is Attractive: Being mixed-race or mixed-species is inherently more attractive and exotic.
  • One-Drop Rule: Someone of mixed heritage gets pigeonholed into only being a single category that they belong to.
  • Warring Natures: A child whose parents are members of different groups that are currently at war with each other.

Interracial tropes
Main topic:

Interspecies tropes
Main topic:

Alternative Title(s): Mixed Race, Half Breed, Mixed Ancestry
