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Funny / Best Of The Worst 2016 Episodes

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  • The highlight of Wheel of the Worst #10: Exploding Varmints, Part 1.
    • When the first two videos turn out to be duds, Rich and Jack proceed to rig the wheel with Exploding Varmints as the only possible video left to pick.
    • The priceless reactions to the video, due to the video using the necessary job of varmint extermination as an excuse to shamelessly show off constant (and gory) eradication of prairie dogs using excessively overpowered ammunition.
    • This exchange when Jay has to introduce Exploding Varmints:
      Jay: Much like the Italian film Pieces, it's exactly what you think it is.
      Jack: He's gotta bring arty-farty bullshit
      Jay: That's not arty-farty, it's like a shitty Italian horror film about people getting cut into pieces, and the movie's called Pieces, and the Tagline on the poster is "It's exactly what you think it is!"
    • Part of their discussion of Exploding Varmints is explaining why they're not horrible people for laughing at the video of exploding varmints.
    • When it was time to pick Best of the Worst, Mike asks "Jay, what's your excuse?"
    • Rich Evans saying that Larry Lonic from the Motherlode video may be on the autistic spectrum. Mike says he can't say that, because everyone freaked out the last time he did.
      Rich: I don't give a shit. He's autistic. ["#autistic-shaming" appears over Rich] If people freak out, I don't know, grow a fucking backbone. ["#scoliosis-shaming"] Learn to take a comment you don't like and not freak out. Get laid! ["#infrequent-intercourse-shaming"] I'm Rich Evans. I've gotten laid, you can do it.
      Mike: Eww. I'd rather watch the Motherlode video again than think about that.
    • "I looked [Larry] up online. Thank God he's dead."
    • During the psychologist skit in Motherlode:
      Rich (as Psychologist): You know, I normally wouldn't advise this, but I think you should kill yourself. I'm writing you a prescription for a rope.
    • The kicker is the end of said skit, where it ends on a cliffhanger after Larry puts a blindfold on his psychologist.
      [As Larry takes out a blindfold from his pocket.]
      Mike: Oh my God. Aww jeez! I thought was gonna take his c*bleep*k out.
    • Jack mentions how small niche subcultures can be. Rich points out how they themselves are part of a niche of people who enjoy watching bad movies, and how the audiences can also intersect.
      Rich: Our audience likes AIDS and 9/11... and Star Wars. Star Wars, AIDS, and 9/11.
    • "What's our next tape Rich?" "HIV/AAAAAAAAIIIIDS and Older Americans".
      • When they speculate that the video is about older Americans treating AIDS patients.
        Rich: (in old person voice) I got you some soup. Chicken soup will cure everything, except AAAAAAAAIIIIDS.
      • Just as a cherry on top, the video was made in September 2001.
        Mike: "I'm finally gonna help people with AIDS with this vid--oh, no!"
    • Mike's reaction to the cover of Babyvision:
      Mike: Five percent of the profits from the sale of Babyvision will be donated to the Guild for Infant Survival of SIDS. How does an infant survive SIDS? It's called 'sudden infant death syndrome'. You don't survive SIDS.
  • Mike's Troperiffic pre-typed Long List of the different elements crammed into Order of the Black Eagle that, in his words, "make it amazing that it's not the best movie we've ever seen."note 
    • Also in Order of the Black Eagle, they bring up a scene where a character runs over a mook's head with an ATV, in a way that looks like the actor ran over the stuntman by accident. Mike said it reminded them of the really well-done stunt in High Voltage, which they watched on their first Battle of The Genres. Jay says "That stunt was so good, you could watch it 20 times. Cue the clip being played 19 times. Rich points out the discrepancy, and when Mike says "one more time", they play it 20 more times.
    • On the first scene that introduces the baboon at a dinner party:
      Jay: They're all thinking it. "Is he fucking that baboon?"
    • During the discussion of Wired to Kill, Mike goes on a bizarre tangent, claiming that the wheelchair-bound protagonist was crippled by his sledgehammer-wielding, romantically-obsessed grandmother.
      Jay: You are writing your own fanfiction! You wrote Wired to Kill fanfiction as we were watching the movie!
      Rich: And he's shipping the son and the grandmother!
  • Best of the Worst's first Plinketto episode has an overly long gag of Rich Evans introducing the Plinketto machine, getting a ladder, climbing the ladder, realizing he doesn't have a puck, climbing down the ladder, moving the ladder, finding a puck, moving the ladder, back, climbing the ladder again then finally landing on a movie: Double Dragon.
    • The stereotypical "game show host" voice Mike and Jack put on when introducing Rich and Jay.
      Jay: Why is this board making everyone talk like a weirdo?
    • After Rich flubs a joke about the mailman thug in Double Dragon committing suicide, Mike encourages him to try again, only to interrupt him when he actually tries.
      Mike: The moment's passed, Rich.
      Rich: Y'know what? Go fuck yourself. What am I, Charlie Brown trying to kick a football?
      Mike: Nonono. You guys be quiet. Do another take of it. I'll even drink while you do it.
      Josh: [setting up the joke] Leave an exclamation point, not a question mark.
      Rich: ...Well, if he fell from higher, he would've left a lot of—
      Mike: Our next film is called Deathstalker.
    • Rich becomes so bored during Dr. Butcher that he starts playing a game on his phone.
      Mike: What is the fuck?!? Take his phone away! That's ridiculous!
    • Dr. Butcher is such a tiring movie the discussion keeps getting derailed by other subjects. Since the movie is about people going to an island of cannibals, Rich Evans tells the audience "If you go on an expedition, and you're the only fat guy, don't get on the boat." The crew then start to discuss what kind of person would be the tastiest to eat. Eventually, they settle on Shaq as being pretty tasty. Mike then prods Rich Evans into saying "I want that juicy Shaq meat" for the express purpose of making a meme out of it. Just when it seems like Josh gets the discussion back to the movie, Rich Evans grabs his mic and says "I want that juicy Shaq meat" directly into it.
      • As a follow-up, Mike tries to get Rich to say "I want that bloody Magic Johnson meat."
        Rich: Look, we are only having Magic Johnson well done.
    • When it comes time to pick the Best of the Worst, Josh picks Double Dragon, Mike picks "none", Jack picks the beer he's holding, and Rich picks Kazaam, because "it has a genie and I wish I never saw these movies".
      Josh: Am I seriously going to be the only person who fucking votes?
      Mike: He doesn't have to pick one if he doesn't want to.
      Josh: Since when?!
      Rich: Oh, wait, let me get out the "Best of the Worst" rulebook.
    • Near the end of the episode, when Mike threatens to destroy everything on the table, Josh takes Double Dragon and leaves.
    • The final words of the episode:
      Mike: Well, that concludes another episode of Best of the Worst.
      Josh: [raises his glass to the audience] Thank you. We'll never be back.
  • Wheel of the Worst #11 makes Rich Evans into one big Butt-Monkey again and again.
    • One of the video tapes involving Henry Winkler and children and he's giving a double thumbs up. Mike tries to goad and trick Rich into appearing as some kind of dirty minded pervert.
    • When describing a tape called How Can I Make Real Friends?, Mike says "Now, Rich, I know you know nothing about how to make real friends, but...", which makes Rich turn and walk away in silence.
      • Mike somehow misread How Can I Make Real Friends? as How Can I Get Naked Real Fast?
    • The Running Gag of Rich Evans throwing the Revenge tape on the floor whenever a joke is made about it at his expense.
    • At the end of the creepy How to Seduce Women Through Hypnosis Mike begins to tell a story how Rich used hypnotism to put him in a compromising position. Rich just sits sullenly and is implied to want revenge.
    • Everyone gives Rich crap and laugh for a long time when he calls a whoopie cushion a "fart bag."
    • When "detective" Quinn Vickers in the video makes a malaproper.
      Vickers: I have this client, whose best friend came to him, and talked him into investing in a real eskate scam.
      Mike and Jay: "Real eskate scam?"
      Rich: "Real eskate scam"...Dad?
    • When everyone's joking about the things they did to the "detective", Mike adds "And Rich put a bunch of (bleep) on your (bleep)!". Whatever he saidnote  caused Rich to go "For fuck's sake!" and throw the tape off the table again.
    • Mike knows how to get his revenge after watching "How To Get Revenge"
      Mike: Jack, it's time for you to spin the wheel, and you better land on something good. Cause I've learned plenty of ways to get revenge on you. I'm going to hypnotize and rape you... 'cause I really didn't learn anything from that last tape.
    • At one point, Jack correctly guesses that the next revenge plot will involve making people think that one of their sexual partners has syphilis, causing a very drunk Mike to flip over the ottoman and to lift one end of the couch, knocking Rich's drink onto the floor in the process.
      Mike: (screaming and laughing) FUCKING SYPHILIS! FUCK YOU, JACK! FUCKING SYPHILIS!
      Rich: I had a drink on there! It's all over the floor now!
    • Jack revealing that he's actually a woman and Rich disgustedly proclaiming that he had sex with him.
  • In Episode 41, Pocket Ninjas, Cyclone and Dangerous Men.
    • When reading the video box for Dangerous Men stating that it's full of "what the fuckery", they express doubt — followed by a hard cut to the reaction of the film's ending, with Jay screaming "WAIT, NO! WHAT??!?!?!" and Rich tossing cushions at the screen.
    • Pocket Ninjas had so many stupid and frustrating moments, that whenever there was a dumb scene, Rich took a random pillow in the room and lightly threw it at the TV.
    • Jack reached his breaking point near the end of the same movie, and threw everything, setting the bar higher for Rich, who decided he would out-throw Jack later with Dangerous Men.
      Youngest Ninja: Wow! Where'd you learn to fight like that?
    • By the time Pocket Ninjas starts its sixth training montage, all Rich can muster is to say "I have so much hate".
    • Rich Evans starts the discussion by taking a Five Hour Energy so that he can stay awake. He says it tastes "like burning". He takes advantage of leading the conversation to introduce the movies, just so he doesn't have to talk about any of them.
    • Jack is delighted to be given Pocket Ninjas to describe.
      Jay: (to Josh) You know what this means? It means that you or I have to talk about Dangerous Men.
    • Jay's sincere "Oh, fuck" when he realizes he's going to have to describe Dangerous Men.
    • The second scene of Cyclone are a closeup of breasts. Jack laughs, "Oh, Fred Olen Ray." Jay remarks that it's actually Foreshadowing, saying that that scene had a purpose, to remind the viewer breasts exist, and there's a place you can hide an important MacGuffin.
      Rich: (holds one imaginary boob) Setup. (holds the other imaginary boob) Setup. (bounces both) Payoff.
    • The crew point out how the female lead in Cyclone doesn't really do much in the movie, and it leads to this:
      Rich: The man shows up on a computer screen, tells her to go to another man who can handle the situation. And then, when the other man gets shot, she has to run away.
      Jay: And then wait for a tougher woman...
      Jack: ...who is clearly a lesbian — so, basically, a man — to save her.
      [everyone starts laughing and facepalming]
      Jack: Wow, that's... [looks to camera] Send your complaints to ""!
    • Dangerous Men was a baffling movie, but it was only when the movie ends on a freeze frame of two characters that have had barely any screen time and a woman that had just been introduced that it set off another Rich Evans rampage.
      Jay: (baffled) So...this movie took 26 years, not to finish, but to just stop being made.
    • In attempting to understand Dangerous Men, the crew decides to consult Scientist Man. We then see Mike as Scientist Man in front of a marker board with photos from the movie as he tries to figure the plot out. His response?
      Scientist Man: Fuck if I know.
    • During the whole episode, Rich is wearing a shirt, sent in by a fan, that says "Rich Wants That Juicy Shaq Meat", complete with a picture of Shaq's face covering the entire back.
      • With Josh's disdain for how the last episode went, Rich tries to reassure him by saying that the're going to actually talk about the movies they watch. The first movie? Steel, starring Shaq. Josh's response? Taking the DVD, leaving the building, and throwing the DVD into Lake Michigan.note 
  • Wheel of the Worst #12:
    • Rosanne, the woman performing the ventriloquism with Ms. Udderly, is able to throw her voice, but not without making faces, which makes her look like a nutcase whenever the puppet talks. At one point, she seems to look offscreen and shake her head with a look of contempt as she tries to teach Ms. Udderly about the letter P.
    • Rich wondering what a Vulcan children program would be like:
      Rich: (monotone) This is just a puppet. It is not an actual cow. These are the letters you are required to learn: A... B... C... D... There will be a quiz.
  • Plinketto #2:
    • Rich Evans calling out the YouTube comments for the number of "Is X replacing Y?" jokes.
    • The Running Gag of Rich Evans doing a Totally Radical "WHOOOOOOOA" during every scene with a skateboard trick. During the scene where the skateboard flies, he does one that lasts 10 seconds.
    • Since Wilford Brimley is one of the main characters in Mutant Species, they wonder if Dan Haggerty and Dom DeLuise had diabetes.
      Jack: [Dom] had...Dom DeLubetes?
      Rich: That's where you need insulin and Burt Reynolds to get by in life.
    • After bringing up that the love interest for the main character in Skateboard Kid is technically his step sister by the end of the movie, Mike says "it's like The Brady Bunch but with more fucking". Rich Evans laments that "no one fucked Dom De Luise".
      • This sets off an entire discussion over how Dom DeLuise could accidentally get someone pregnant, and how he himself could get pregnant. Squick, Crosses the Line Twice, and Funny galore.
      • The high point was probably when Jay, after all of the candid and ridiculous sex jokes at Dom DeLuise's expense, simply had to correct a grievous falsehood that had taken root in their discussion: Dom DeLuise doesn't play racketball.
    • When Mike landed on "Player's Choice", he picked the one that starred Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yar from Star Trek: The Next Generation). When it was voted as the tape to be destroyed, Rich Evans proposed that it should be killed by a tar monster. The final scene of the episode is the VHS box for the movie edited into Tasha Yar's death scene.
  • Parole Violators features a scene in an auto shop where the characters have to yell at each other to be heard over the noise... despite the fact that the noise isn't very loud. Colin then says "What?"note , obviously to mock the poor audio mixing. The very next thing out of a character's mouth is a genuine "What?". Colin somehow managed not to do a Spit Take.
    • When Colin is reading the back of the case for Parole Violators, the description mentions the antagonist being a convicted child molester on parole. Rich Evans immediately puts his head in his hand and walks away, shouting from off-camera "I'm through with rape!".
    • Mike: I think I'm traumatised by all these movies. I think I just know what's gonna happen. It's like... the minutes leading up to an execution...
      Jim: [with utmost enthusiasm] Future Force!
      Mike: [laughs]
    • After watching Future Force, they talk about how David Carradine and Cameron Mitchell are very similar, in that they were both action movie stars before becoming alcoholics. Rich Evans says that the two should have starred in a movie together about two washed up alcoholic detectives. Colin says that they should use that de-aging CGI to make a virtual David Carradine.
      Colin: My God, his eyes look so lifeless... It's perfect!
    • In Geteven, they mention that John DeHart has terrible stage presence, and that his wide-eyed stare while singing on stage makes him look like a Deer in the Headlights, or that someone is pointing a gun at him from off-camera.
    • "Geteven" is such a Gary Stu wish fulfillment of writer/star/co-director John DeHart in which he is a "talented" action hero, country singer, and comedian. Despite his terrible stage presence, the entire club is dancing and cheering him on. A waiter he continually tells bad jokes praises his wit. Women find him irresistible.
    • There is an excruciating sex scene in which the topless Playboy Playmate Pamela Jean Bryant slowly bobs up and down in DeHart's lap as one of his terrible songs plays. The guys begin substituting their own lyrics: "Do you want to ruin your life?"
    • Since each movie got at least one vote from the panel, they didn't want to destroy any of them. Rich Evans proposes that, since each of the movies had their entertaining parts, they should "destroy" them by combining them into one superior movie, titled Parole Force Violators; Even. They do just that by ending the episode with a montage of clips from all three movies, somewhat connected to each other, all set to "Shimmy and Slide" by John DeHart.
  • The 2016 Halloween Special:
    • When Mike looks at the cover for Scary or Die, Corbin Bleu's name is partially obscured by a sticker, so he says that the movie stars "Bill Oberst Jr. and a Cordon Bleu chicken".
    • Rich Evans seems to be doing a hand chopping gesture every time he is emphasizing how the production on the movies feels rushed, so a karate chop sound effect is edited in every time he does it.
    • Introducing the second movie of the night, Jack admits that he has completely forgotten what it was. Jay kicks himself for revealing the title himself instead of just handing the discussion straight over to Jack and letting him freeze up trying to remember.
      Jack: They didn't tell me I was gonna be on the panel, so I got drunk.
      Josh: Oddly enough, I wanted to be on the panel, so I got drunk.
    • Jay mishears Rich, and thinks he says that the robots in Chopping Mall will "hump down" the adults instead of "hunt them down". Jay interprets this as the robots' motivation being just to get laid.
      Rich: (in robot voice) Trump-bots! Grab them by the pussy!
    • Discussing Exorcist II: The Heretic, Jack does an admirable job trying to explain Pazuzu's motivation, only to screw it up at the last minute by confusing Linda Blair with Linda Hamilton.
    • Jay says he feels like he's in a bizarro world because Rich and Jack are defending the weirdness of Exorcist II, while he and Josh, who usually like the artsy movies with symbolism, are saying it's bullshit.
    • At the end of the episode, Chopping Mall is unanimously picked as Best of the Worst over Exorcist II. Since all of them picked a straightforward B movie over a high-budget lofty movie, Rich Evans points and looks to the camera and says "Suck on that, metaphors!"
    • While the crew were discussing which movie to destroy, a Malaproper from Rich brings us this tidbit.
      Jay: So what film do we want to destroy, if any?
      Rich: [really fast] Scare or Die.
      Jay: Skate or Die!?
      Rich: [slowly] Scare or Die.
      Jay: The video game? I remember Skate or Die!
      Rich: [in a Totally Radical tone] Let's trash Scare or Die!
      Jack: [as a picture of beer bottles fades in] We should destroy Scare or Die with a sweet skateboard move like grinded on a rail with a-
      Jay: So, Josh. Is there any film that you wanna destroy?
      Josh: Oh, I'd love to destroy Scary or
    • At the end, Rich pointing out that the set for the Halloween episode is for some reason a random backyard instead of anything actually related to Halloween. Jack then begins digging through the fake grass to expose the studio floor underneath it.
  • In Wheel of the Worst #13, their attempt to watch a third tape that wasn't incredibly boring led to them watching (at least some of) every single tape on the wheel. That is why all eight tapes are lined up on the table during the discussion. Josh described it as an episode that truly went Off the Rails.
    • When Jack starts talking about the main molester, he calls him the "Slow Burn" Molester. Cue a freeze frame title card of the guy, complete with a guitar riff.
    • "I wanna molest that kid!
    • Mike theorizes that the reason why Corny, the alien protagonist of the Stranger Danger video, attracts so many paedophiles and child molesters is because his species have four buttholes. Jack theorizes that Corny emits a pheromone that attracts older people to him, and Josh thinks that's it's simply because the molesters have gotten bored of the human kids that they're going after him.
      Jay: They're looking for something exotic.
    • The Running Gag of accusing Rich Evans of having a Beanie Baby collection.
    • Mike really wanted to land on Bear Attacks at the start, so he and the panel were disappointed to have the tape be mostly talking about bear attacks than showing them.
      Man in Denim: It's our heartfelt desire, not only to help learn more about the bear, but to help you avoid a bear attack, and even stop one.
      Mike: What if we don't want to stop one?
      Narrator: The subject of bear attacks has the potential to lead the public into thinking that every bear is a killer. That is simply not true.
      Mike: Hahaha, no it is.
      Rich: Why don't you go up to them and find out?
    • The group realizes the similarity in setup between their show and the How to Spot Counterfeit Beanie Babies tape. They then extrapolate from that.
      Josh: We are on public access, right?
      Mike: Somewhere, Becky, Becky, and Vicky are watching us, going "These weirdos are talking about weird video tapes"
      Jay: "Why would they waste their time on such an inconsequential thing?"
    • The group all agreed that Safe Crossing: An Egg-celent Idea looks like it was made by Wes Anderson. Jack called it "unintentional artistry".
  • For their 2016 Christmas special, the theme for the episode was "Christmas or Crocodile" (Each wrapped gift was either a Christmas movie or a movie with a crocodile/alligator in it). When Jack asks whose idea it was, the camera pans over to Rich Evans. Since Rich is holding the other camera, he rotates it to face himself.
    • The group were looking for a reason as to why Repligator was made, and came to the conclusion that the creator of the movie was a pervert who suffered a back injury and made and sold a "movie" to pay for the medical bills, and scammed his insurance by having an "on-set accident". (They are genuinely impressed by the violent stunt, calling him a "hero" for tumbling over his desk and awkwardly crashing into the ground, the office chair toppling over him.)
      Rich: "God, my back hurts and I'm horny, what do I do?? They could never know that I threw my back out jerking off at the sex shop! I better make a fake movie about sexy alligator women!"
      Jay: (laughing) That's the only logical conclusion!
      Rich: "And then do a stunt where I pretend I threw my back out!"
      Mike: "Right after I fondle some poor woman's boobs!"
      Rich: (laughing) "It's the only way!"
      Mike: It's very convoluted logic, how to approach this film. [...] (chuckling) He broke the little seat in the porno theater.
      Rich: "God, I need to make money to pay 'em back for that seat, too! Maybe I can sell a movie to Cinemax!"
    • When Mike unwraps Johnson Family Christmas Dinner as the second movie, he acts surprised at Rich's pick to put under the tree. Rich grabs his lapel mic, and directly says "He's a fucking asshole. He's been wanting to watch this for months. He's been looking forward to it."
      • Johnson Family Christmas Dinner gets the loudest "WHAT?!?!" ever on the show with its No Ending, louder even than Dangerous Men.
      • Jay and Rich pick Johnson Family Christmas Dinner for Best of The Worst, not just for the unintentional humor, but for ending earlier than they expected, seemingly in the middle of the last scene. Mike compares it to getting out of jury duty, and Jay said that that was the most abrupt ending he'd seen since Dangerous Men.
      • They lose it during Johnson Family Christmas Dinner when the alcoholic brother dramatically says he's just gonna enjoy his wine, then takes a sip so shallow the wine in the glass very clearly doesn't even get close to his mouth.
      • When the whole family goes to bed apparently without actually eating dinner and the shots of them sleeping are very clearly shot during broad daylight, they joke the the entire family are actually all vampires, only to be caught off guard to see one of them sleeping standing up in the corner of the bedroom with his arms folded like a vampire in a coffin.
      • When the pot-smoking teenage son character finishes smoking in the bathroom and somebody goes to use it, he tells her he just "smelled it up" and that she should "use the master bedroom" instead. They know he probably meant to use the bathroom in the bedroom, but they spun off an entire subplot where she just shits on the bed and everyone is now wondering who did it, which they say would've completely saved the movie if they had actually done that.
      • Their confusion with the movie's subplot about two family members having car trouble and being unable to make it to the dinner, since at first the characters said the problem was with the oil because they bought it from "an Arab dude that made his own oil" only to then later say they just ran out of gas. They spun another entire sequel off of this where the two are kidnapped and the family need to go to the middle east to save them, Johnson Family Invade Iraq and Johnson Family Desert Storm.
    • Rich unwraps Gator Face as the third movie to watch, but when he sees that it's a family comedy, he says he's just going to pretend to accidentally drop it on the ground. He does just that, including stepping on it and trying to fix it by breaking it in half, claiming it was a horrible accident.
    • While watching Alligator, the movie they ended up watching instead, Rich lets out a bored sigh, and Jay tells him to re-spool the Gator Face tape. The episode ends with Rich apologizing to Gator Face post-mortem, and avenging it by destroying every present they didn't open.
    • When they're talking about the little girl character in Alligator calling out the mustached man because he just wants to "suck mommy's breasts", Jay looks to camera and says "I'd just like to remind people that this is our Christmas episode."
    • When asked for his Best of the Worst, Jack says that he doesn't feel like any of the movies truly represented him, and chose not to vote.
      Rich: So you're saying you're okay with all of them being Best of The Worst?
      Jack: What I'm saying is I'm comfortable with any of them being Best of the Worst because I don't want to choose one of them.
      Mike: No vote is still a vote for Trump...You negated my vote! Thanks, democracy!
      • The end of the same bit basically drops the small amount of subtlety.
        Rich: Thanks, Jack. Now we're stuck with the Johnson Family Christmas Dinner.
        Jay: The movie that no one really wants, but now here it is, it's Best of the Worst...
        Rich: It doesn't even want to go to the daily security briefings!
        Mike: And it's picking the worst people for its cabinet!
