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Characters / Wakfu Shushus And Demons

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    In General 
Beings who are born on and reside on Shukrute, the hellish and barren dimension where Rushu lives. They are the result of souls from the material plane choosing to reincarnate into Shukrute instead of back into the material plane (or souls from Shukrute choosing to stay on it). The conversion changes their composition from Wakfunote  to Stasisnote , which corrupts them on a varying level.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: With only the exception of few, like Rubilax or Louis, there isn't really such a thing as a "good" Shushu. This is due to stasis making up their life force. As a force of destruction stasis makes them naturally destructive. However, just like Wakfu based beings can be evil, demons (as those mentioned above) are capable of growth and doing good. It just happens that the environment where they normally live (Shukrute or sealed in weapons) promotes violence.
  • Artifact Title: Originally, "Shushu" was a term exclusively used for demons bound to weapons but over time both terms became interchangeable, regardless of whether or not the entity is sealed or free. "Shushu" is overall more used as it distinguishes the particular demons that exist in the Wakfu/Dofus series.
  • Back from the Dead: Higher leveled Shushus are capable of reviving recently fallen humans, also restoring their body somewhat. This would be immensely useful...if they weren't horrible monsters bent on destruction, and thus they almost never get to use it.
    • Shushus who die can simply choose to reincarnate back into Shukrute and become demons again. Downplayed, as doing this still means complete death of who they were and elimination of their previous powers, just like normal reincarnation works for souls in the material plane.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: They revel in their villainy and in the destruction they cause.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Actually close to this than to more classic demons. When not bound to weapons, demons look absolutely nightmarish, lesser shushus being blobs of darkness with limbs, eyes and teeth, and while the more powerful ones have more defined shapes they still definitely look monstrous.
  • Evil Counterpart: It's highly implied they are this to the original Ten Gods, even seemingly having the same sex ratio (with three confirmed Original Demons being female, just like the original Ten Gods had three women (Feca, Cra and Eniripsa) among them.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: While they are beings of pure destruction, they originally treated it as a neutral thing. Actual evil and villainy were unknown to them until they saw humans do it.
  • Made of Evil: Shushus are made of Stasis, the dark counterpart to Wakfu. Stasis appears dark or red to beings capable of seeing auras, such as Eliatropes and Dragons.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: They have already destroyed their own dimension and only want to invade the World of Twelve so they can destroy it as well.
    • A particularly noteworthy example involves two Shushus finding a flower in their dimension that has (somehow) survived destruction. Their reaction? Try to think of a "memorable" way to destroy it.
  • Stupid Evil: They are utterly self centered and care about little but destruction. Even when they can hatch complex plans and strategies, such as Ombrage and Rushu have shown, they ultimately screw it all up by lack of foresight or backstabbing
    • For a specific example, Rubilax manages to steal Sadlygrove's body and stumbles upon a way to release his kinsmen into the World of Ten. When he contacts King Rushu to explain, the other demons can't stop berating and belittling him, finally demanding he release another Shushu and let HER take over the operation (something the other Shushu had been pushing for to get the glory for herself). They genuinely seem surprised when Rubilax gets fed up, cuts communication, and ends the plan.
    • And of course then there's their generally violent behavior which led to the all but destroyed state of their own world.
  • Transformation of the Possessed: Whenever a Shushu manages to dominate and/or successfully possess something, the resulting form tends to possess traits of their true form.
    • Rubilax when possessing Sadlygrove gets his general build, Blank White Eyes, and facial features (most notably his lower jaw).
    • Shadowfang possessing Ragnar to turn him into Count Vampyro gets her color scheme and horns.
    • Anathar while possessing the Justice Knight's father basically looks just like Anathar would if his usual skeleton-build was covered with actual muscle, skin and fur.


Click here to see his true form

Voiced by: Marc Alfos (FR), Hugo Chandor (EN), Luca Sandri (IT)

The feared king of the Shushus who is attempting to become the thirteenth god of the World of the Twelve, Rushu is the demon god, feared by humans and Shushus alike. Fortunately, he's confined to Shukrute, lacking any sort of direct dimensional hoping ability. Like most demons, his main goal is destruction for which has been trying to gain access to the material plane for eons, so he and the other Shushus can lay waste on the world. Rushu is a long time major antagonist and threat in both Dofus and Wakfu lore, years before his appearance in the animated show.

  • Arc Villain: The second season introduces him as the new main antagonist, although after Qilby's reveal, he turns out to be a part of the Big Bad Duumvirate.
  • Art Evolution: His initial design for the show was of a buff, sculpted, masked demon.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Rushu was one of the ten firstborn Demons of the Krosmoz, but eventually exterminated 8/9 of his brothers and sisters during the first millennia of their existence and named himself the one and only King of Demons. Case in point, his personal power alone is on par with the gods.
  • Bad Boss: Rushu terrifies even the major Shushus. He's seen using minor ones as projectiles, incinerates a bunch of others just because they were in the way, and continues to demean Rubilax even after the guy accomplished something pretty profound for the time. To exemplify how bad of a boss he is, most of Xelor's demonic lieutenants used to work for Rushu until they defected due to his insufferable behavior.
  • Battle Aura: After his Devour the Dragon moment, Rushu gains a faint red aura around his body to match Goultard's golden-orange one.
  • Belly Mouth: In his true form: he uses it to bite Goultard's arm after a well-placed punch, then to eat his subjects to be on par with his opponent.
  • Big Bad: He is limited to being the Arc Villain of Season 2 in the show, but he is one of the oldest and most dangerous antagonists in the setting, dating back all the way to early Dofus lore.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Rushu is fond of doing this to assert his authority.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Wanting to play games with the heroes gives them a chance to escape, although two of them don't quite make it.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: And how. Lampshaded when Yugo asks him why he wants to invade the World of Twelves even if he already has a domain of his own.
    Rushu: "Why do we want to invade your world? Mwahahahaha! Because there's nothing left to destroy here!!"
  • Combat Tentacles: In his true form.
  • Creepy Monotone: It doesn't last, but he becomes much more low-key once he assumes his true form. After all his previous bombast, it's rather unsettling.
  • Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: After welcoming Qilby he casually threatens to crack his skull open and drink his brains using his own hollowed tibia as a straw.
  • Cyclops: In his true form.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: He's the king of the fairly demonic-looking Shushus.
  • Devour the Dragon: When he realizes how screwed he is against Goultard's full power, Rushu resorts to summoning his surviving Shushu hordes to him in a black tide of shadows and eyes and devouring them all to power up to match him, gaining a new eye on his chest.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: If you're facing Rushu, lacking respect for him is downright suicidal — unless your name is Goultard...
  • Evil Cannot Stand Cuteness: When he sees Granny doing Puppy-Dog Eyes alongside Rubilax, Rushu panics.
  • Evil Counterpart: It's implied that he's Iop's main archnemesis among the Ten Demons, due to their respective strength and general appearence.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: He rules over the fiery Shukrute, is mostly red-colored and can turn his lower body into a mass of fire. His true form averts this, not only having no fiery imagery or even red coloration but never using any fire-based attacks either.
  • Evil Overlord: He's the ruler of the Shushu in their own dimension.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He has one of the deepest voices in the show, and he's certainly the vilest antagonist in the series. His voice somehow gets deeper once he reaches his true form.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: After devouring his Shushu horde, he gains an Extra Eye on his chest.
  • Face Palm: Performed one when he thought Anathar had accidentally crushed his precious Eliatrope prisoner.
  • Finger Poke of Doom: He can send Sadlygrove and Rubilax flying with the poke of a finger.
  • Flight: He can turn his lower half into fire to fly through the air. And can seemingly do it naturally in his true form.
  • Fog Feet: If he's really in a hurry, he can turn his lower body into fire to hover faster over the ground, with the added bonus of charring everything below him.
  • A Glass in the Hand: He crushes his cup at the beginning of the "Rush".
  • God of Evil: One of the most malevolent and dangerous forces in all of existence, he is tacitly regardednote  as this by the known world. He is indeed a divine entity, perfectly on par with the gods of the World of Twelve
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Technically. He is essentially the ruler of the underworld, in charge of most malevolent forces of the setting, the evil equivalent of gods, and almost invincible. When he came to Earth, it took another Physical God just to stop him.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Longs to be acknowledged as a god and gain worshipers, even going so far as to commission one of his minions to create Brâkmar to that end. He has a special enmity with Sacrier, who was the first god to join the existing ten and viewing her as having stolen his rightful place.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Rather than introduce a new antagonist from the get-go, Season 2 opts to use Rushu, a longstanding malevolent character in Dofus and Wakfu lore, as its initial Big Bad.Subverted in the form of Qilby who is a new antagonist, with whom he makes the Big Bad Duumvirate.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has a pair of colossal horns seemingly made of magma. Loses them once he transforms.
  • Humongous-Headed Hammer: A hammer the size of a building, mind you. It comes with a smaller variant for his real form.
  • Instant Armor: In season 2 episode 24, he carves himself a giant armor out of a few submarines.
  • Irony: Despite claiming that there wasn't anything left to destroy in the Shukrute in Season 2, he's proven wrong in the final Special Episode when Yugo zaps the whole falling Zinit in Shukrute.
  • Jerkass: Simply put, he's a straight-up bully who's only in charge because there's no other Shushu around who is strong enough to challenge him for the title. He uses his minions as projectiles, incinerates several more because they were in the way, drinks through a straw made out of someone's spine, destroyed everything else in his world (apart from the Shushu) and wants to invade the World of Twelve out of boredom and slighted pride.
  • Large and in Charge: He's the largest of all the Shushus, but his true form is actually human-sized.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: Once he takes his true form, Rushu is able to manipulate his body in various ways from creating Combat Tentacles, transforming his body to resemble and attack like great snakes, even forming large mouths on his chest and waist area.
  • Magic Mirror: Communication with Rushu is made possible through Igor the Shushu mirror.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Qilby decks him right between the eyes with a fully-charged punch from his Wakfu arm. He doesn't even react. Qilby can easily blast apart large building-sized asteroids and lay waste to cities.
  • No Indoor Voice: He is constantly shouting. Or bellowing. Or hollering. Or simply speaking bombastically.
  • Number of the Beast: The Zerg Rush in Rushu's World consists of fighting 666 minor demons.
  • Obviously Evil: A giant Horned Humanoid with Barbarian Long Hair, a Beard of Evil, Volcanic Veins, who cannot stand cuteness, and who wants to destroy the World of Twelves for his own sadistic pleasure? Could you please show us how evil you really are?
  • Oh, Crap!: Has a couple of moments during the final fight, first when he realizes that Goultard is the new Iop God and later when Goultard bearhugs him and rockets them both towards the rapidly-closing Shukrute portal.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Rushu wants to invade the human world. Why? Because there's nothing left to destroy in the Shushu world.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Averted; as soon as it looks like the heroes are about to escape, Rushu charges after them. During his invasion of the world he wasted no time and took the fighting into his own hands.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: Played with. The form Rushu usually takes is a good ten meters tall, but his true form is no larger than an above-average height human. According to Rubilax, the giant form is weaker, but suited to intimidation and feeding Rushu's ego of being a Physical God.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: One of the most powerful entities ever seen onscreen, dwarfing even Eliatrope dragons. His power is on the league of divine beings and the 12 gods had to resort to trickery in the past to keep him at bay. As such, it takes no other than the god Iop in person -the most powerful god in direct combat- to take him head on.. To put it in perspective, he would lay waste to the entire planet within days, with basically nothing short of divine intervention being capable of anything beyond slowing him down.
  • Physical God: Never directly refereed as such, but he's essentially the demon god... Shukrute used to have 10 demons gods, just like the World of Ten, but Rushu killed 8 of them (only one of them escaped to later possess Goultard, Mongrelamus) so that he alone could gather the worship and thus, power.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the Red to Qilby's Blue: Rushu's loud, big, violent and bombastic, and his short-term plans involve crushing everything in sight. The latter is more controlled, crafty and careful, not to mention that has more visionary plans in mind. Bonus point to both of them for being rather demon-like.
  • So Proud of You: When he confronts Rubilax in the Crimson Claws, he starts numbering his many transgressions against him and his brothers... only to rethink to what he just said and then admit that, in a way, he likes that.
  • Stupid Evil: Averted. It might seem so, as when Qilby offered him the chance of invading the World of Twelves on a silver plate he still wanted to crush him for trespassing his kingdom. Rushu was mostly keeping face in front of an audience and didn't actually attempt to hurt Qilby in any way before hearing his plan, and after doing so he happily agreed to indulge on it.
  • Throat Light: Down his throat there's only an incandescent orange light.
  • Umbrella Drink: Rushu enjoys searing lava drinks in a skull cup, complete with a bony drinking straw and umbrella.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Despite having fought and been defeated by him before, Rushu still looks down on Goultard, though he justifies himself by stating that Goultard only won the last fight because he had Iop himself to help out. He gets a rude awakening when Goultard overpowers even his true form and reveals he is the new Iop God now, forcing Rushu to devour the majority of his remaining Shushu horde just to power up enough to turn the tables. Even then, he still underestimates Goultard's willpower and ends up banished back to Shukrute for his trouble.
  • Viler New Villain: He's a card-carrying, omnicidal jackass who murdered his own siblings at the dawn of the Krosmoz just so his power would remain unchallenged, and the only things he cares about besides power are cheating and destruction. Compare that to Nox, who just wanted to fix his original mistake and get back the family he lost at any cost.
  • Villain Has a Point:
    • In the backstory, he was willing to (reluctantly) back off on his desire to be named a god of the then-World of Ten when the gods convinced him it would mess with the universal balance...and then the gods named Sacrier the 11th God. At this point, Rushu basically called "bullshit" and doubled down on his intentions to become a new god, particularly viewing Sacrier his Arch-Enemy for taking the spot he believed should have been his. But really, can you blame the guy for feeling like he got played?
    • When Goultard confronts him at the Crinsom Claws and claims he violated their non-invasion agreement, Rushu points out that since the contract goes both ways, the agreement already was violated when Yugo, Sadlygrove and the Smisse brothers went into the Shukrute (even if they were dragged there by Anathar, to be pedantic). And if one wanted to split hairs even more, Qilby broke it even further when he portaled into the Shukrute himself.
  • Volcanic Veins: To go with his fiery looks, Rushu has magma-looking veins over his body.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Rushu pitches a fit whenever he sees a bow-meow. It is implied he would react this way to anything cute and fluffy.
  • Wreathed in Flames: And his lower body can become fire to use as a jet like high speed engine.



Voiced by: Antoine Tome (FR), Joe Mills (EN)

Rushu's right hand, Anathar resembles a giant humanoid skeleton jackal with the ability to copy the powers of whoever strikes him. He's cruel even by Shushu standards, and anyone who knows of him dreads the possibility of him becoming unsealed. Confined to a cape.

  • Bad Boss: Like Rushu, he has absolutely no problem with crushing minor Shushus who just happens to be in the way.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: Anathar with his red/black shukrute portals instead of Yugo's blue/white Wakfu portals. He is even able to surpass the two-simultaneous-portal limitation.
  • Belly Mouth: Anathar has a maw surrounded by crustacean-like pincers hidden in the belly. Although he describes "eating" what he puts there, it seems more to act as imprisonment.
  • Blood Knight: Eager to abandon Rushu's side to test his newfound strenght against Phaeris.
  • Caged Inside a Monster: Anathar's Belly Mouth can imprison small creatures like Rubilax (in sword form) or Grany Smisse (in bow-meow [housecat] form).
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Whenever he compliments his boss, he replaces the positive pronouns with negative ones, like "my despicable king".
  • Chained by Fashion: After escaping from the Justice Knight's prison, Anathar keeps the enormous manacles and chains around his huge wrists.
  • Combat Tentacles: Anathar can conjure pitch-black tentacles directly from Rushu's dimension through portals. They're aggressive enough that they even seize their summoner if he gets too close.
  • Demonic Possession:
    • Anathar was the Shushu possessing the Justice Knight's father.
    • And from episode 24 of season 2, he's taken possession of Adamaï's body.
  • The Dragon: To Rushu, being his top general. He later becomes a LITERAL dragon after possessing Adamaï, and he seconds Qilby by fighting Phaeris.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: His voice is rather low-pitched and threatening.
  • Instant Expert: Every time he copies a power, he can use them to full potential: after gaining Yugo's powers, he can create multiple portals at the time (something only an adult Eliatrope can do) and even create portals leading to his homeworld.
  • Killed Off for Real: Highly implied to have been destroyed by Qilby's attack, or at least by the falling debris.
  • Logical Weakness: His powers are something to be afraid of, as not only he can copy any magic from whoever hits him, but gets instant mastery over them. However, as Quilby demonstrated, if he cannot touch his target to copy magic he's just The Brute with no powers beyond being very strong and durable.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Granted, he probably would have turned on him anyway, but he openly attacks Qilby after one insult and sarcastic remark too many at his expenses.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: His head nearly doubles in size when he bares his fangs.
  • Oh, Crap!: Screams in panic and tries to get away before Quilby shoots a massive Wakfu beam in his wa.
  • Power Copying: He can copy any power if he has physical contact with its user. While he seems to be limited to only using one copied power at a time and loses it when he copies another, he becomes an Instant Expert for the time he has a power.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He's Rushu's top general, and he's one of the strongest fighters here.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He was imprisoned in a cape guarded by the Justice Knight Senior.
  • Sizeshifter: Becomes one when he steals Rubilax's power in season 2 episode 9.
  • Stop Hitting Yourself: Qilby gets around Anathar's Power Copying by using his portals to make Anathar's attempts to punch him simply hit himself, thereby hurting him without risking touching him and getting his own powers copied.
  • Super-Strength: Strong enough to with effort counter Rubilax attempting to crush him to death and throw his giant body off him, and later still is able to cause a cave-in by just punching the walls a few times.
  • This Cannot Be!: When Adamaï manages to free himself of his control, expelling him from his body and shocking him.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Tries to kill Qilby with a cave in. Actually lampshaded when Qilby asks him if he really thought that he could kill him with such a trick (to which he admits he though it could work) before offing him for good.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Qilby baits him into entering the fray immediately, just so he'll keep fighting even after Rushu learns of Qilby's treachery. Anathar goes on to be the only reason Qilby isn't immediately splattered by Phaeris.
  • Villainous Rescue: Granted, it was unintentional and he would have certainly liked it if they had been killed too, but his attempt to kill Qilby via cave-in ends up saving Yugo and Phaeris from almost certainly getting killed by the villain.
  • The Worf Effect: In his debut episode, he was shown to be a dreadful opponent, one that needed the entire Brotherhood of the Tofu plus the Justice Knight to be brought down. Qilby effortlessly kills him after his rather poor attempt at murdering him.


Ombrage / Shadowfang (English)

Voiced by: Malvina Germain (FR), Fiona Clarke (EN)

A major Shushu who's confined to a ring, Shadowfang is an exemplary member of her kind — ruthless, cruel, manipulative, and an insufferable gossip. Her primary ability is to steal the shadows of others, increasing her power and turning her victims into mindless ghouls under her command.

  • Casting a Shadow: Her specialty, she can absorb the shadows of people inside her to make them her docile Ghoul slaves.
  • The Corrupter: Toward Ragnar/Vampyro.
  • Charm Person: She can use her charms and powers to put people under control.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Her true form, though she never actually manage to manifest it in the series itself and it only appears in silhouette, looking more monstrous.
  • Demonic Possession: Intended to pull this on Evangelyne.
  • Elemental Powers: Implied in season 1, when Rubilax mentions that he is a 4 Element Shushu while Shadofang is a 5 Element Shushu, possibly using the classical four elements plus Darkness. However, this is retconned in season 2, where (even in the original French version) Shadofang is now referred to as a "Level 5 Shushu" rather than a 5 Element Shushu.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Extra material reveals that she used to be the demonic equivalent of a happy housewife until her husband and son were sealed away, pushing her to become the vengeful and powerful Shushu she's today.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She can't steal shadows from someone that's pure. She takes it surprisingly well.
  • Evil Is Petty: Enslaved an entire town so she could force its denizens to comb her long hair for all eternity.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Acts polite to others, and even whispers soft loving things to Vampryo, but she's a villainess to the core and admits she manipulated Vampyro/Ragnar's loneliness and desire for love to corrupt him.
  • Jerkass: She's openly malicious and insulting, especially with Rubilax.
  • Meaningful Name: She does manipulate shadows...
  • Mind-Control Device: She can suck the shadows of people in her and turn the victim into a brainwashed Ghoul. The only exceptions are those who are "pure of heart" (like Yugo) or those who are also fellow Shushu guardians (like Sadlygrove).
  • Ring of Power: She's sealed in it.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: She's blocked inside a ring for the entire series, being able to use her powers only when worn.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: She cannot ghoulify someone who's pure of heart (such as Yugo) or already controls/is being controlled by a Shushu (Sadlygrove with Rubilax) and while sealed she must be worn by someone in order to use her powers. Otherwise, she's just an ominous, talking accessory.


Burloif the Butcher
Burloif, brandished by Eva

A major Shushu sealed inside a massive broadsword, little is known of him, except that he has quite a hubris, incredible powers and it's so brutal even the other Shushu are afraid of him.

  • Amazon Chaser: Non-romantic, but he does compliment Eva for, despite lacking the build he prefers in a wielder, her surprising level of strength.
  • BFS: His sword form is almost as long as Evangelyne's tall, and definitively broad enough to shield her whole body.
  • The Butcher: Is also known as Burloif the Butcher (in the original French, Burloif le Depecheur). He's so brutal even the other lesser Shushu fears him.
  • The Cameo: In Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, as part of Kerubim's articles.
  • The Dreaded: He's so feared even by other Shushus that Remington's entire arsenal of Shushu weapons are too scared to act against him.
  • Excalibur in the Rust: Downplayed, he was just one of the many, many Shushu weapons collected by Rubilax and left there to act as decorations. He's apparently extremely powerful, and a true-blue Major Shushu.
  • Flaming Sword: When he activates his powers, his sword is wreathed in flames able to burn through and destroy anything. Even when not lit, Burloif's blade is shaped like a flame.
  • Hellish Pupils: When he tells Remington's Shushus to say his name, his round pupil briefly turns into a menacing slit one.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Invoked, even if he offered himself to help Eva, he's still not very impressed by her frame and claims that he expects to be brandished by someone much bulkier.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His sword can, after stabbing a wall of a house, make the entire structure crack and crumble into rubble. He's apparently preceeded by a "smell of carnage" and judging from the other Shushu's reactions, he took destruction seriously.
    Burloif: "So, ladies, did you miss me?"
    Remington's Shushu: "Oh... you know Burloif... life without you is so... less dead..."
  • Say My Name: Invoked Trope, when Remington's entire Shushu equipment has a Mass "Oh, Crap!" and can't bear themselves to finish saying who he is, Burloif tells them to go on and call him by name.
  • Serrated Blade of Pain: To go with his reputation and flame powers, the blade of his sword resembles a flame.
  • The Unreveal: We never know how he looks like unsealed, though perhaphs is for the best.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The last time he's seen he's falling from a roof alongside Remington and Grany Smisse. When the two reappear, they no longer have him, implying that he was lost when Rubilaxia sunk or that he was taken in custody by the Justice Knight when he caught Remington.



A major Shushu and Rushu's most trusted minion, he's the Guardian in charge of the month of Decendre, as well as being the founder of Brakmar, the oldest of the 12 Guardians and essentially Rushu's Dragon on the World of Twelves. He's the archnemesis of the guardian Jiva, who opposes him and his demonic schemes.

  • Arch-Enemy: He's this to Jiva, and the feeling is mutual. They're always fighting each other.
  • Big Red Devil: Except for the Red, Djaul fits most of the criteria, being a massive, horned demonic monster with wings and two fleshy whiskers on the sides of his mouth (fangs, if you saw the animated series of Dofus).
  • The Corrupter: To the primordial Dragon Aquabrigal, causing him to generate the spoilt Ice Dofus.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Makes his first appearence in the flashback manga by dealing one to Jiva herself on her own turf, but is eventually defeated himself by Ulgrud.
  • The Dragon: He became a Guardian and built Brakmar for the plans of his master Rushu. In the Dofus manga he also served under Cornu Mollu when he came knocking.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: While he's beating up Jiva, he chooses a large spiked mace among the weapons offered by his minions because, as he puts it, he "wants to make a lasting impact" on her.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Makes affable comments on Jiva's garden while beating her to a pulp after having her immobilized.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has two rather simple-looking horns on his head.
  • An Ice Person: He's also responsible for freezing over Frigost and Count Harebourg and is always conspiring to extend the month of Decendre to the entire year to cause a perpetual winter.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In the lore, his first attempt to take over the whole year by causing an eternal winter put a series of events in motion resulting in Sacrier becoming a full-fledged Goddess.
  • Predecessor Villain: Was much more important in the Dofus age
  • Summon Magic: He can summon a swarm of underlings offering him an ample arsenal of weapons such as broadswords, axes and morning stars.
  • Tempting Fate: Claims that Ulgrud, the youngest guardian, is no match for him. Cue to Ulgrud using the Power of Love and Shock and Awe to kick his ass.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Among the Twelve Guardians of the Months, he's the only Shushu.
  • Winged Humanoid: Often pictured with massive wings.
  • The Worf Effect: In Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar he guards the Ivory Dofus and is defeated by Kerubim and Indie, though possibly Unreliable Narrator is at work.


One of the Ten original Demons, he escaped his fate by seeking refuge on what woduld become the World of Twelve. He eventually possessed Goultard, giving birth to his Dark Vlad persona.

  • Animalistic Abomination: Has a massive canine-form covered in eyeballs. Think of the Nine-Tailed Fox, only dark green, with less tails and a more dog-like eyeless face.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He's clearly nowhere near Rushu's league, but he's still acting behind the scenes in an attempt to regain his status.
  • Demonic Possession: First to the Sacrier Qatar, later to Goultard, creating the Dark Vlad persona. After being expelled from the Iop demigod, he went back possessing a revenant Qatar to have his revenge.
  • Dub Name Change: Medoroziam is his original name, changed in the English version to Mongrelamus to keep with his canine appearence.
  • Evil Counterpart: Implicitly to Ecaflip, being a massive, monstrous demon-dog opposed to the cat god. While Ecaflip is the god of luck, Mongrelamus himself seems to be rather unlucky.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: His head is eyeless, but he's covered in eyeballs all over his slime-like body.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: For starters, he pretty much drew everyone's attention to the World of Twelve, which would host the Eliatropes and the (then) Ten Gods. His actions also caused the appearence of Dark Vlad.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Judging by how Qatar went great ways to infuriate Goultard, it's implied that Mongrelamus feeds on rage and fury.

    Rasha (Season 4 Spoilers) 

One of the Ten original Demons and Rushu's own brother. While he somehow resurfaced after his apparent death at the hands of Rushu, he was beaten up by the Iop God and sealed away in Inglorium. Appears briefly in Season 4, where he takes over Pin's body for a while.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It is never explained, during the course of the episode, why Iop merely sealed away such a powerful Shushu (in Inglorium, to booth) rather than kick him back inside the Shukrute or slay him. Likewise, it's not clear if he's dormant inside Pin or was expelled.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Eager to get free and enjoy life as a Demon King like his brother did. He even sneers in contempt when he learns from Goultard that Rushu has been soundly defeated.
  • The Ghost: Never appears in person, only as a possessed Pin.
  • The Magnificent: During his brief This Cannot Be! moment he calls himself "Rasha, Prince of Evil".
  • Oh, Crap!: Panics when he realizes that he almost made Pin punch his own mother Eva, causing the baby to fight back his influence and break free of his possession.
  • Pint-Size Powerhouse: When possessing the newborn Pin he's still able to kick Sadlygrove and Goultard around the place.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: By Iop in Inglorium. When the place was wrecked, Rasha was still blocked in some stone rubble until Pin touched his eye.
  • Transformation of the Possessed: Turns Pin into a red-skinned, one-horned demon resembling a small Oni.
