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Characters in The Isle Dragon Roars

Main Characters

    The Voice 

The Voice

Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto (Japanese), Todd Haberkorn (English)

The Game Master and narrator of the story.

  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: We never see any part of his body.
  • Narrator: In addition to describing the events of the story, he also voices all of the characters.

    The Would-Be Hero/Ash
The main protagonist and leader of the group of adventurers that band together to stop the dragon. Rude and self-serving, his real aim is attaining a massive amount of wealth.

  • But Thou Must!: His dialogue options only range from rude, ruder and rudest. There are no polite options.
  • The Cameo: If you return to the Apothecary after a certain point in the demo, he briefly appears as a silhouetted card of a boy trying to browbeat the Apothecary Woman into giving him a discount.
  • Canon Name: While you can name him whatever you want, all official materials refer to him as Ash.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Ash comes from a destitute family who used to live in the Village of the Sick. An attempt to escape the village results in the Ivory Order capturing the family and forcing them to ingest untested medicines, leading to the deaths of his parents and his twin sister Mar transforming into a monster.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He may be selfish and greedy, but he isn't without compassion. He cares deeply for Mar and goes through an entire detour to save Mar from the effects of debilitating poison, and it's shown subtly throughout the later parts of the adventure that he treats his allies like True Companions.
  • Morality Pet: Mar, especially after The Reveal of their backstory.
  • Only in It for the Money: Ash is obsessed with money, and will do just about anything for a decent reward, whether that's fulfilling certain quests or stealing a treasure hoard from thieves.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: While he was lucky enough to survive ingesting the experimental medicine without any of the more dangerous side effects, the shock of what happened to his family in addition to the medicine caused him to suppress the memory of his Dark and Troubled Past.

A strange creature that's rarely seen without Ash.

  • Big Eater: During Chapter 2, Mar completely devours an entire buffet and drinks an entire huge bucket of water in one gulp. In the ending where only she's returned to human form, it's mentioned that she still has a massive appetite. In Ash's flashbacks to his childhood, he and Mar argue with their parents over wanting more food, suggesting that she always had this trait.
  • Forced Transformation: Mar is Ash's twin sister, transformed into a monster after being forced to ingest medicine that her body wasn't capable of taking.
  • Foreshadowing: During Chapter 4, Mar is incapacitated by a knife coated in a poison that is noted should have no effect on them as it only affects humans.
  • Gender Reveal: Despite going by male pronouns for half of the game, when it's revealed that Mar is Ash's twin sister turned into a monster, the game starts calling Mar "she".
  • Meaningful Name: The word "mar" means "to disfigure" reflecting that her current body isn't her true form.
  • The Quiet One: Aside from a few monster-like noises, Mar doesn't really talk. Considering Melanie stops talking after turning into a monster in the ending where Mar is returned to normal but she isn't, it might be symptomatic of all monsters.

A proud and taciturn witch seeking the dragon in vengeance.

  • And Then John Was a Zombie: She uses forbidden magic during the final battle, causing her to turn into a monster that possibly resembles a dragon considering the representative card showing her mid-transformation has her growing scales all over her body. In all but two of the endings, it's permanent.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The dragon killed her mother, hence why she's so hellbent on killing him.
  • Fantastic Racism: She despises all monsters, even assaulting Mar at first sight.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She uses forbidden magic in order to turn the tides against the Dragon, which causes her to turn into a monster shortly after the Dragon's defeat.
  • Only Sane Man: Between Ash's greed and Ridis's air-headedness, Melanie remains the only serious one in the party.
  • The Unreveal: There's only a card showing her in the process of the transforming into a monster, so unlike Mar, just exactly what she turns into isn't revealed visually or even through description.


A carefree woodlander who joins the party in hopes that killing the dragon will help pay off her family's horrendous debt.


A passionate body builder who dreams of being an adventurer despite his father's wishes to stay home and become a nutritionist like him.

  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Bruno explains that the sword in his card art is just for show and he really only attacks using his fists.
  • The Big Guy: He's positively ripped.

The Ivory Order

    In General 
A group of white-clad adventurers who are beloved by the people of the Island of Bliss. In addition, they provide the kingdom with effective medicine.

  • The Ace: The particular group the Ash and his party come across are experts in combat.
  • Deconstruction: Of adventurer guilds, especially when the origin of their famed medicine comes to light.
  • Decoy Protagonist: You play as the Ivory Order trio in the demo and the opening moments of the full game. The narrator mentions that they're a renowned group of adventurers and anyone would consider them to be the heroes of the story...but they'd be wrong.
  • Theme Naming: All of the members have "wyn" somewhere in their names. "Wyn" is white in Welsh, befitting their status as members of the Ivory Order. Notably; the male named characters have 'Wyn' at the end of their name; while the sole named female has it at the start.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The reason they tortured the Dragon was to gather a substance called dragontears which is a vital ingredient for their medicines. This practise has also existed far longer than Winifred has been alive, as she was born into the Order.


A woman who leads the trio of Ivory Order members seen throughout the story.

A burly man of few words.


The oldest member of the party.

  • Black Mage: His spells are primarily offensive in nature.

    Sherwyn (Unmarked Spoilers

One of the highest-ranked members of the Ivory Order.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's one of the highest ranking members in the Ivory Order and is far stronger than the trio Ash and his friends encounter throughout the story.
  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Has been part of the Ivory Order for years, but secretly intended to reduce it to nothing the entire time.
  • Best Served Cold: Sherwyn has waited for years for his revenge, biding his time for right opportunity to slay the Dragon.
  • Big Bad: He's the closest the game has to one, even being the final boss at the end.
  • Draconic Abomination: He becomes one by drinking a Dragontear and becoming the Ewyllyswyn.
  • Light Is Not Good: Is light-affiliated, but is the closest the game has to a main villain.
  • Mind Control: The monotone, almost robotic speech patterns of the Knights he leaves to bar your way strongly implies he somehow brainwashed them.
  • Motive Decay: When Sherwyn becomes the Ewyllyswyn, his motives quickly flip from destroying the Ivory Order to destroying everything.
    Ewyllyswyn: A lifeless world. A deathless world. This fetid plain will be purged so that it gleams pure white once more. I… the Ewyllyswyn… will make sure of it…
  • Non-Indicative Name: Partly averted as the Ewyllyswyn. As one redditor notes, "wyn" means white in Welsh, but "ewyllys" means "will", more specifically "goodwill". The Ewyllyswyn is a white dragon, but its actions are anything but done out of goodwill.
  • One-Man Army: Even without the Dragontear, Sherwyn is easily able to handle the Ivory Order trio and they say you stand no chance alone either. It takes both parties to take him down. He's also able to One-Hit Kill the Dragon.
  • Revenge: Sherwyn's entire motivation for entering the rising up the Order's ranks were to destroy the medicine that killed his parents.
  • Telepathy: Whenever the Ewyllyswyn speaks; it's stated to be a 'voice echoing in your head'.
  • The Power of Hate: Combined with the Dragontear; it's what transforms Sherwyn into the Ewyllyswyn.
  • Unstoppable Rage: His hatred combined with the Dragontear turns him into the Ewyllyswyn. The "eldritch beast" is completely unstoppable without the self-sacrificial forbidden magic; and even that only renders it vulnerable briefly.

Other Characters

    The Dragon (Unmarked Spoilers

The driving force behind the game's events. Ash and his party are determined to slay it for different reasons.

  • Bait-and-Switch: The game builds up the dragon as this malevolent force that must be destroyed... only for it to turn out that he's actually a victim in the grand scheme of things.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Hooooo boy. In the past, the dragon was kidnapped by the Ivory Order in order to create medicine from his tears. What makes this more horrendous is that he was tortured every single day of it.
  • Gentle Giant: While he will defend himself if necessary, the dragon is actually quite friendly. He even calls off his second boss fight because he doesn't want anyone else to get hurt.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Any disasters that may have happened in the story are due to the dragon's sheer power. However, it should be noted that he didn't do them on purpose.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Should Ash choose to revive the dragon instead of changing Mar or Melanie back to normal, the dragon chides him then leaves him behind.

    Vince (Unmarked Spoilers

A young man who hails from the same village as Melanie. However, he not only outclasses her in magic, but is allied with the Dragon.

  • All for Nothing: In the end, Vince failed to protect the Dragon. He died from using the Forbidden Magic, and the Dragon was cut down by Sherwyn shortly after.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Vince is built up as the Dragon's... well, dragon, but it turns out his aims are far more benevolent.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Vince only wanted to free the Dragon from his suffering, but he uses dark magic to get the job done.
  • Eyepatch of Power: He wears an eyepatch and is a powerful wizard.

    Queen Nilla

The ruler of the Isle of Bliss and the one who petitions heroes from across the realm to slay the Dragon.

  • Advertised Extra: The demo implied that Nilla would have a more important role in the story, but she's only seen in the beginning and very end.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Especially in the Golden Ending. She was completely unaware of the methods the Ivory Order used in manufacturing and testing their medicines. When she finds out, she denounces the Order and makes a far more equitable deal with the Dragon.

Characters in The Forsaken Maiden

Main Characters

    The Voice 
Voiced by: Show Hayami (Japanese), Mark Atherlay (English)

The Game Master for this story.


The main protagonist. A young man from Omega Isle who wants to save it from destruction by helping Laty become a maiden.

  • Casanova Wannabe: A lot of his dialogue gives him options to hit on every beautiful woman he sees. For instance, when Phila asks him which seashell in either of her hands is cuter, the third option is to say that the one holding them is. Everyone's reactions? Phila acts bashfully, Hyd grunts, Laty (mutely) whistles to the side, and Lac looks ready to rebuke and hit Barren for whatever reason.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: Compared to Ash, Barren is much nicer and his motivations are more pure.
  • Nice Guy: At his core, Barren is a good man, if a little quirky, given that his mission to leave the island is to make Laty a maiden and save his home.


A mysterious young woman who failed to become the maiden of Omega Isle.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: She's prone to many a ditzy moment, like hugging some kind of blue fluffball on the way to Coveton, only for Barren to realize it's a monster that the party then fights.
  • Cute Mute: Despite losing her voice, it doesn't make her actions any less sweet and cute.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: After her mother, the previous maiden, performed the Maiden's Ritual, it turned out that Laty didn't meet the requirements to become the next maiden, leading others to shun her.


A spirit and the mascot companion.

  • Anti-Villain: Outside of the Isle Eater, he's one of the game's villains. However, his motivations for doing what he does are because he and the spirits want to stop the cycle of sacrificing maidens. To do so, he had to cause heartscars in Laty's heart, which rendered her incapable of becoming a maiden. However, by fixing them, not only could Laty become a maiden, but she could also house all of the spirits within herself to create a paradise for them. But to pull this off, she would have to sacrifice her memories and be forced to sleep forever.
  • Master of Illusion: When the trio have to enter Omega Village, Laty is against the idea going in herself. Lac takes care of the problem by babbling a phrase and poofing the girl's face into that of a mustached old man, which she is satisfied by to enter the village.
  • Mentor Mascot: Lac is the one who provides information to Barren and Laty on how to make the latter a maiden and save Omega Isle.

The Maidens

The free-spirited Azure Maiden of Coveton. Her Attendant is Hyd.




The Attendants

The attendant of the Azure Maiden, Phila, whose seriousness sets a contrast with his more carefree partner.




Other Characters


Characters in The Beasts of Burden

Main Characters

    The Voice 
Voiced by: Yui Ishikawa (Japanese), Carin Gilfry (English)

The Game Master for this story.


The main protagonist. A young girl from the Subterranean Village who has the power to control monsters at will.

  • The Beastmaster: She has some kind of power exclusive to subterrans that lets her seal defeated monsters into cards, whom she then can summon in battle. In gameplay, the player has a chance of getting a single monster card out of the after-battle rewards, which can then be equipped to any party member and be used as a Gem-using skill.
  • Country Mouse: As a girl who's only read about the world in her books and never been to the surface, she had no clue that the surface was in an Endless Daytime, barely has any idea about whatever she sees in Steelborough, had no idea what money was and tried to walk off with an accessory without knowing, and other such Fish out of Water moments.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Her mother was a woman who showered her daughter with love. It makes it all the more heartbreaking for Al'e when her mother dies.
  • Doomed Hometown: Her entire underground village was wiped out save for herself, providing ample motivation for her revenge on monsters.
  • Fantastic Racism: Understandably, after a life of fighting monsters until her village got destroyed by them, she doesn't have any good views on monsters. When L'gol summons the Wolf she captured and muses about releasing it, Al'e hatefully protests against the idea.
  • Oblivious to Love: Her fellow village guardsman in the prologue is clearly smitten with all his subtle gestures directed at her, but none of this seems to register as anything beyond friendship to Al'e.
  • Past Experience Nightmare: Implied with the Guard's flipside story:
    The girl dreams.
    Of the village underground, stained in blood.
    Of the sight of her family she was powerless to protect.
  • Stripperific: Her initial clothing is nothing more than a white coat with belts crossing over a black bra and shorts. Her new white coat downplays it by covering all of her upper body, but leaving her legs as bare as before.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: As a village guard, she wielded a simple pole to protect her people. With her village razed and people dead, she then receives a double-bladed sword to signify her going on the offensive against the monsters.

A young boy who rescues Al'e from monsters. He is a young orphan raised to be a soldier and mechanically execute his missions, though this hides a passionate side of him.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Just as Al'e was going to be finished off by a monster in her despair of being the Sole Survivor of her village, L'gol cuts down the monster and helps her out of the cave before it collapses.
  • The Stoic: He doesn't emote much to say the least.

A scholar the party meets in the desert, who then becomes their third member. He has quite the fast mouth on him along with a hefty interest in monsters.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He is first met by Al'e and L'gol when they're dying of thirst, who immediately says it's great they're here for no discernible reason and launches into a long talk about his backstory, oblivious to their condition and forgets about the monsters chasing him until they're upon the party. After they defeat the monsters, Pulche then takes an interest in the Steel Primal they summoned, correctly ascertaining Al'e's monster-capturing powers and what the Steel Primal is, demonstrating his a research into monsters—all at Motor Mouth speed. But when L'gol finally tells him to spare water... he says that he doesn't have any. Thank goodness they were saved by a passing caravan after they all fall unconscious.
  • Motor Mouth: Upon his first meeting and him excitedly wondering about how Al'e summons the Steel Primal, the Game Master has to recite three cards of text at a speed way faster than her usual relaxed tone. The GM then takes a breath to make an exasperated remark, "This guy sure can talk..."
  • Mr. Exposition: As a researcher of monsters, he's in the know about all sorts of related knowledge, including what subterrans are and the other two primals.

A beast tamer of the circus troupe.


    Steel Primal

A monster that has once graced the town of Steelborough with its protection, until its sudden aggression endangered the inhabitants and stirred the surrounding monsters with hostility.

    Flame Primal

    Frost Primal

Other Characters


Alternative Title(s): Voice Of Cards The Forsaken Maiden, Voice Of Cards The Isle Dragon Roars
