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Characters / The Witch And The Beast Orlencia

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Orlencia Sett (simply known as just Orlencia) is a domain found within the 4th level on a lone island sandwiched between the 8th and 7th continent. Said island has a mysterious hole of immeasurable depth called The Fall that houses the various domains from the 1st to the 17th level. A dark, gothic, Edwardian Era society populated by Vampires and devoid of any magic. Orlencia is perpetually trapped in a technological freeze where the entire world is split between two rival Vampire factions.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Vampires always parade themselves as noble in comparison to the humans living in Orlencia. They are also in command of an incredibly toxic patriarchy where women are traded around like trophies, abuse of power is rampant and where rape is considered culturally legal so long as the rapist is more powerful than the rape victim. Yeah, not a nice society at all.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: The realm of the Vampires are ruled by two organisations. The Conglade which represents the largest faction; melding into human society. And the Gnir, the faction scorned by the sun and adored by the night.
  • Bloodlust: No surprise since this is a world populated by vampires.
  • Code of Honour: Orlencia's society is upheld by essentially what they call 'manners', although it would be more accurate to call it a code of conduct. Anyone violating it is deeply frowned upon.
  • Council of Vampires: Both the Gnir and the Conglade have a high consulate of vampires that kneels only to the reigning monarch.
  • Down the Rabbit Hole: A very interesting example. Rather than just literally falling through the various realms. The hole in particular has been modernized and industrialized into something like a giant hotel mixed with border security. In this case, an elevator would help you where you want to go depending on the world you would wish to be transported.
  • The Edwardian Era: A stark contrast to the Roaring Twenties of the overworld, Orlencia is so technologically and societally stagnant, that horse and carriages is still a thriving business.
  • Enforced Cold War: Both the Gnir and the Conglade hate each other due to ideological differences. Yet open conflict has not been initiated for over a century thanks to the Bridge.
  • Evil Wears Black: Well...not truly evil per say, however, in Orlencia, only Vampires wear full-on black clothing whilst the regular humans wear other colours. For Ashaf and Guideau to both stand out whilst blending in the relatively xenophobic society, they wore black to fool the local populace into thinking they are vampires.
  • Gothic Horror: Orlencia really puts the 'Goth' in gothic horror. Reading the Orlencia arc feels like you are reading a completely different manga due to the rapid tonal shift from fantastic noir to something so gothic, even Bela Lugosi would nod in respect.
  • Hat of Authority: In a world modeled directly after 19th century London, is anyone surprise that most men wear a top hat?
  • Layered World: How not only Orlencia, but the other 17 worlds operate on the lone island in the literal sense of the term.
  • Made of Iron: Since vampires are near immortal, they can survive plenty of things that would kill a man a thousand times over. This includes decapitation, dismemberment being crushed to a pulp; all of which merely incapacitates them, not kill them.
  • Medieval Stasis: Sort of, it is more accurate to call it Edwardian Stasis more than anything else.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Vampires are basically immortal and impervious to all but the most extreme levels of damage.
  • No Woman's Land: Whilst not to an extreme level, it is very clear and stated early on by Dunward, that Orlencia is a heavily patriarchal society, especially amongst vampires, with multiple women following the whims of a much stronger male like a pride of lions; and women being paraded around in gala events as objects of possession by the men. This is justified (given the period setting) and surprisingly subverted once you realized that a woman is in charge of the entirety of the Gnir.
    • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: To give you a very dark example on the levels of toxic masculinity is in Orlencia Sett, one way a powerful vampire (Which are always male) can take control of a weaker one (Which is always female) is through 'blood servility' where the male essentially do a blood transfusion whilst raping the female. The overpowering aura of the dominant vampire forces the weaker vampire into submission.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Orlencia have Vampires that are nearly immortal and could survive even the most egregious wounds. Also, garlic and holy water is not going to do that much to them as magic does not exist there.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Every women in this realm dress in a Victorian-era dress.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Believe it or not, even more so than the overworld. You would not see a single lad without wearing an expensive suit.
  • Testosterone Poisoning: Orlencia provides a critique and deconstruction of the Quintessential British Gentleman trope prevalent in most vampire gothic media. In Orlencia, the Victorian-esque society would create a stagnant, toxic environment for women and folks of lower societal status. Stagnant due to the nobility refusing to part away from backwards tradition as it may threaten their power. Men of nobility, rather than being gentlemanly, are an incredibly egotistical lot who lust for power and fight over petty slights. Even the ones who do act gentlemanly are condescending at best and treat and view women no better than property due to their birthright, allowing them to abuse their status. Men in these positions, as shown during the Conglade Gala, act as depraved beasts of uncontrollable lust whilst hiding behind a facade of civility.
  • Vampire Monarch: The king and queen of the night rules over both the Gnir and the Conglade.
  • Victorian London: Orlencia is basically that.

    The Bridge 

The Bridge

Dunward's younger brother. Simply and only called the Bridge since he acts as a neutral arbiter between the feuding factions of the Conglave and the Gnir. Despite his neutrality, he himself has his own agendas to attend do.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Dunward views his smarminess to be obnoxious.
  • The Casanova: First seen surrounded by lustful women and enjoys every second of it.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Everyone refers him as only the Bridge. Not even his own brother calls him by his name.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Sports a very, very long hair that he needs to tie up in a ponytail.
  • Made of Iron: He is a vampire so that is a given.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Tricked Ashaf and Guideau to attend a meeting where he lit up some candles infused with his own blood so that he can knock both of them out with incensed blood servility.
  • Neutral Evil: What his job is meant to be like. Suffice to say, he doesn't do a good job at it.
  • Neutral No Longer: Was seen as siding too much with the Conglave. Suffice to say, his head got the axe.
  • Off with His Head!: His eventual fate near the end. Fortunately, he got better after that.
  • Smug Snake: Consistently alludes an aura of smugness around.
  • Vampire's Harem: First shot of him is being surrounded by half-naked women.

    Dornez Guywasse 

Dornez Guywasse
Dornez Guywasse is the current Queen of the Night and ruler of the Gnir. After overthrowing Dunward, she has been ruling over Orlencia with an iron fist.

  • Alpha Bitch: She sure thinks like one and acts like one. She is so arrogant she even surpassed Dunward.
  • Big Bad: Of the Orlencia arc. And even then, it was revealed that Angela merely used her as a pawn.
  • Canis Major: Dornez owned a ridiculously gigantic wolf the size of a building block.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Died via Dunward giving her several dinner plate-sized holes on her torso.
  • Driven by Envy: Part of the reason why Dornez is so ambitious to become the ruler of Orlencia is because she despised her own physical weakness and frailty as a woman. Until of course, when Angela came and visited her.
  • Death by Irony: Died the same way she claimed power, through a coup by the very man she disposed of.
  • Evil Matriarch: Ruler of the Gnir and by extension, the vampires. Which is hella impressive given the sheer levels of toxic masculinity in the heavily patriarchal society of that place.
  • Evil Versus Evil: What her feud between her and Dunward deevolved into.
  • Femme Fatale: On a political level, this was her to Dunward.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: In the end, this was what she always wished for as others merely used her for either power or for sex.
  • Healing Factor: Due to having the powers of Angela, Dornez was able to heal her body on an absurd degree. She can god damned regenerate her entire head.
  • The Kindnapper: Subverted. She kidnaps a bunch of girls on a weekly basis in order to uphold a contract with Angela. This includes Dunward's only surviving daughter.
  • Made of Iron: If she can survive having her head vapourised, she can most definitely survive being dismembered.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Manipulated Dunward into viewing her as not a threat whilst manipulating the human populace to burn down Dunward's palace and slaughter his family.
  • The Mistress: Was this for Dunward before he was usurped by her.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A downplayed example, yet at the same time, the most fanservicey character in the entire series as she wears a very low-crop and loose-hanging gown dress.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Even by vampire standards, Dornez stood out by being a vampire with burrowed witch powers.
  • Pretty in Mink: Always sports wearing a mink scarf.
  • Pride Before a Fall: An ironic example as Dornez manage to overthrow Dunward by using his pride against himself, only for her to become even more arrogant and complacent than Dunward and suffering the same fate.
  • Runic Magic: When she uses her witch powers.
  • Schemer: She used clever politics and just the right time to create a human uprising and overthrow Dunward's reign.
  • Stripperific: The most scantily clad woman in the entire series.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Near the end of her life, she realised that Angela might have been using her all along.
  • The Usurper: Was this to Dunward again.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Is willing to murder young girls to act as a vessel for Angela in exchange for Angela gifting Dornez her powers.
  • The Vamp: On a sexual and more literal level, this was also her to Dunward.

    Dunward L. Colvect 

Dunward L. Colvect
Click here to see Dunward's Gnir form 

A tall, grim man who was once the King of the Night and ruler of the Gnir. Dunward has forged a pact with Oscar in order to reclaim his rightful position as King.

  • A Lighter Shade of Black: If Dunward were in any other manga, he would be the Big Bad of the series. Is just that, in the world this place is set in, Dunward is the least biggest asshole in Orlencia. At least he is able to honour most of his contract and was shown to be a stern but fair father of what little glimpses we have of his past.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: As much of an asshole he is, Dunward does dress nicely.
  • Blood Knight: Dunward is very much into fighting when needed.
  • Canis Major: Dunward in his Gnir werewolf form is a towering muscular beast.
  • Destructive Saviour: Saved Owent and Falvell from a group of sinister mages at the cost of accidentally freeing the Demon Eye and destroying the entire town.
  • Evil Counterpart: A somewhat interesting case as both him plus Oscar offer a mirror image to Guideau and Ashaf in their relationship dynamic.
    • Dunward for example, is very much the Guideau for Oscar. It is even stated by Ashaf that the two are shockingly alike in terms of their aggression, single-minded goal and crassness. The only actual difference being that Dunward has far more pride than Guideau.
    • Meanwhile, Oscar is the equivalent of Ashaf, being both acting more as handlers rather than partners. Both are also mages who are part of the Order.
  • Evil Versus Evil: What his fight between him and the Queen of the Night is.
  • Fallen King: Dunward Colvect was once the king of the Gnir, before he was overthrown by Dornez. He got back his title later on in the story however.
  • Family Extermination: What happened to his half-human family; all of which was burnt on a stake at the behest of Dornez.
  • Jerkass: Although he may have a few redeeming qualities, overall, Dunward is a egocentric, arrogant, aggressive, petty and bloodthirsty asshole.
  • Kneel Before Zod: He does not take it lightly on being cast down as an outcast and even a century later, he still is not used to be ordered around.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Even when he was cast down from king, Dunward is still better dressed than even some vampire nobles.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: If Dunward takes the blood of a person, he awakens his inner Gnir blood. Basically turning into a goddamned werewolf.
  • Pride Before a Fall: His biggest weakness was his pride and his obnoxious levels of arrogance. Suffice to say, his feud with the Conglade was what led him to be distracted by Dornez leading a human uprising and tearing his palace and his family to the ground.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: What he did to a female vampire so he can do a blood servility on. Yeah, he is still a unpleasant prick.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Oscar's blue.
  • Rightful King Returns: A dark example. But Dunward finally bested Dornez to rule over the Gnir once again, and the Gnir isn't what you call a nice place.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Part of his reason on getting back at Dornez is not only to regain his title and his pride, but to avenge the death of his family.
  • Schemer: Whilst not a Manipulative Bastard like his younger brother, always remember that Dunward is a politican first and foremost and is willing to play dirty when needed to. Like how he did not warn Ashaf and Guideau that the candles were scented with a higher vampire's blood that knocked them out. Since if he kept quiet, it would give him a chance to meet the Queen in-person.
  • Super-Speed: Par for the course as a vampire. Get's a ridiculous boost in his Gnir form.
  • Super-Strength: Even for a vampire, Dunward is ridiculously strong to the point he can manhandle Guideau. This gets increased to a ludicrous degree when he awakens in his Gnir form.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Him falling from grace, seeing his entire family wiped out and burnt on a stake and humiliated by Dornez caused a number on his psyche. He is still a dickhead mind you, but his asshole levels definitely decreased after a century.
  • Token Evil Teammate: To Oscar. Honestly, he would make a threatening and horrid villain in any other fantasy works. Is just that, in the political shitshow that is Orlencia, he is only seen as a 'good guy' in the sense that he provides a stable political force.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: When he was a king, Dunward was very much a tyrant that even other vampires detested.
  • Uncertain Doom: Not to Dunward, but to his last surviving daughter who he believes to be alive due to the numbers of bodies not adding up a century beforehand. The only thing we know off, is that according to Dornez, she is being used as a vessel for Angela.
  • Wicked Cultured: Subverted. You would expect someone of royalty would behave with some class, not Dunward. He is very much the same brutish bestial thug as any other vampire.
  • Villain Protagonist: Even though he is technically a tertiary protagonist by basis on being on the side of Ashaf and co. Dunward is not a nice man. all.

    Oscar Orlencia 

Oscar Orlencia
Click here to see Oscar's other powers 

A youthful, short, extremely effeminate boy who accompanies Dunward and is the Order's chief investigator of Orlencia. Oscar had made a contract with Dunward in getting rid of Dornez and is willing to take help from outside visitors.

  • Barrier Warrior: Similar to Ashaf, Oscar is capable of constructing magical barriers for protection.
  • Blinded by the Light: An overpowered example, but Oscar Orlencia revealed himself to be the descendant of the Great Witch and creator of Orlencia by both blinding and burning the vampires by unleashing a wave of sunlight so strong it incinerates all who looked at him directly in the eye.
  • The Caretaker: Has become this to Owent and Falvell.
  • Disguised in Drag: A forced example, Oscar always wore male clothing until the Bridge forced him to wear a dress.
  • Divine Parentage: Even amongst witches, Oscar is on another different level given that his ancestor is also a creator entity of the entirety of Orlencia Sett.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Oscar who accompanies Dunwald in Orlencia looks very effeminate, to the point that he can disguise himself as a chick. In fact, he looks so much like a girl that even other vampires with their heightened senses had mistakenly misgendered him as a girl. This is a hint that Oscar is a descendent of a witch.
  • Code of Honour: Despite his awesome power and being a descendant of a witch, Oscar would never dare usurp rulership in Orlencia as that would break the contract. In the Fall, each world has a creator and each of them swore to never interfere nor upset the balance of power; intervening only if such balance was broken. This is why Oscar is so adamant in stopping Dornez as she abused her power.
  • Flowers of Femininity: Wears a flowered headband and is very, very effeminate-looking.
  • Light Is Good: A more literal example given that his power is literal sunlight.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Oscar's hair reaches to his neck. So it counts.
  • Nice Guy: The most chill dude in Orlencia by an order of magnitude.
  • Occult Detective: As a member of the Order, this is Oscar's main job.
  • The One Guy: Oscar reveals himself to be a full blown witch. This makes him the only male witch with actual witch powers. His ancestor's blood is so strong that it even makes Oscar look very feminine, which explains his effeminate appearance. Given that other characters like Owent who is also descended from a witch is just a normal boy, this makes Oscar an oddity that even he himself acknowledges.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: As a descendant of the literal witch of sunlight as well as Orlencia's creator. Oscar can literally vapourize the entire world if he wants to.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Forced to wear one when invited over by the Bridge.
  • The Power of the Sun: What his witch powers ended up being. He is literally a walking sun person capable of incinerating anything the light touches.
  • The Reveal: Oscar turns out to be Oscar Orlencia, a descendent of Lionelle Orlencia, the Great Witch, founder and creator of Orlencia. As in, the entire realm.
  • Runic Magic: As a mage this is a given. It is also a given because he is a witch, with a runic tatoo of the sun emerging on his forehead.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Dunward's red.
  • Signature Headgear: His flowered headband that he wears.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Trust us, you are not alone if you get confused whether Oscar is a dude or a lady. It is not helped that other characters refer Oscar as a woman at times.
