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    Ashgan the Demon Sword 

Ashgan the Demon Sword

Voiced by: Rintarou Nishii (JP), Jarrod Greene (EN)
Click here to see Ashgan's released body

Asghan the Demon Sword is a malevolent, cursed blade of mass destruction whose true power is kept sealed by the Velvette clan. After the clan's near destruction, Ashgan was taken care off by Helga. Later on he was put into safekeeping by the Paladin Corps. Didn't stop Angela and co from breaching it and attempting to steal both him and the innumerable cursed artifacts within the Paladin's safekeep.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: As the demon sword to end all demon swords, Ashgan in released form shows how ridiculously/absurdly sharp his blade is. A single glance (not even a swing) was enough to create an artificial canyon and completely bifurcate an entire town, the Paladin's floating castle battleship, the gigantic magical barrier housing the ruckus, plus the neighbouring mountain in two.
  • And I Must Scream: Being trapped and sealed in an immobile sword would do wonders for the sanity of any person. Fortunately for Ashgan, there are perks to being nonhuman.
  • Artifact of Attraction: Humans near the sealed Ashgan will begin to desire it, eventually fighting one another to claim it as their own. Ashgan doesn't seem to have any control over this, as he loudly rejects being used by a human and demands Helga reclaim him.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: For all the banter between Helga and Ashgan, Asgan's distraught and fear of the envoy using Ashgan himself to backstab Helga in the back so as to break the seal was truly emotional.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Ashgan technically has the power to corrupt the much inexperienced Helga if needed, but chose not to because she was the only one who took pity at his predicament.
  • BFS: THE god of giant bloody swords.
  • The Corruptor: Well...Ashgan would like to corrupt Helga. But given that she was the only one in her clan to take sympathy for him, he essentially relinquished his goals in taking over after getting thoroughly beaten to a pulp by an awakened Guideau.
  • The Dark Arts: It has been repeated often that trying to unseal Ashgan is not a good idea. Didn't stop the envoy in attempting to control it.
  • Deadpan Snarker: For a demonic sword of mass destruction, Ashgan sure has a personality.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Guideau in awakened form managed to beat the shit out of a full-released mind-controlled Ashgan. Afterwards, Ashgan gives up on trying to free itself and submits his fate to be transferred to the Paladin Corps for safekeeping.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Even in unreleased form, Ashgan's nature makes him an unholy tool that should be kept a hundred meters away. In his released form, he looks like something out of Berserk.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: A subdued example, Helga never treated Asghan so carelessly like a toysword, but their banter kind of makes one forget that she is carrying a sword that could slice the planet in half.
  • Evil Weapon: With a name like Ashgan the Demon Sword, do you expect anything less?
  • Human Sacrifice: One of the ways to unseal Ashgan is to use him to stab the heart of a witch before needing countless human sacrifices to fuel his everlasting hunger for destruction.
  • Morality Pet: Considers Helga to be one.
  • Kaiju: In his released form, Asghan is a towering monstrosity the size of Godzilla.
  • Odd Friendship: You wouldn't expect that a cursed sword of mass wanton destruction would have quite the chummy relation with a young witch desperate in getting a boyfriend now would you?
  • One-Winged Angel: His released form truly puts the word demonic in demon sword.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Asghan's true power and body was sealed by the cooperative effort of an entire clan of witches called the Velvettes.
  • Unholy Nuke: Is obviously treated and viewed as such by both the Velvettes and the Paladin Corps. It is a Death Star that could talk.
  • Weapon of Mass Destruction: THE weapon of mass destruction that is capable of carving the planet to pieces if he wants to.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Ashgan is confused by the fact that he feels an emotion other than "hate" for Helga and expresses some distaste for it.

    The Doll 

The Doll

The Doll is a cursed object in the shape of a human-sized doll. The identity of the Doll is not yet known other than the fact that it was previously a human female who was cursed and sealed within this body frame. Once housed in a private magical antique shop, the Doll would then be transferred into Ashaf's flat.

  • And I Must Scream: Heavily subverted, she bares no signs of insanity for being cursed inside a doll for eternity. She even jokes that Guideau destroying the bodyframe would do her more good.
  • Creepy Doll: Subverted, for a life-sized doll that can create the uncanny valley, the actual personality of the Doll is quite friendly and overly talkative.
  • Funny Background Event: Is quickly becoming this as the Doll's antics creates a very awkward situation for Guideau and the team.
  • Motor Mouth: Much to Guideau's chagrin as she is the only one whose senses are sensitive enough to hear what the Doll is saying.
  • Nice Girl: Pretty friendly, if overly talkative.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: The Doll wears a very nice victorian-era gown.
  • The Pollyanna: For someone whose soul is trapped for god knows how long in an immobile life-sized doll. The Doll seems to be very overly curious and enthusiastic about her predicament.
  • Soul Jar: A quite literal example.

    Jeff Enker 

Jeff Enker

Voiced by: Hozumi Goda (JP), Jeff Plunk (EN)

A police sergeant who contacts the Order of Magical Resonance to help deal with a rampant undead problem in his home city.

  • Innocently Insensitive: Repeatedly refers to the undead as "creatures" or "monsters", which Johan tells him not to do around Phanora if he wants to stay on good terms with her.
  • The Lost Lenore: His fiancé passed away sometime before the start of the series. Enker had been contemplating the idea of turning her into an undead before ultimately deciding against it, and is furious with the unauthorized necromancer for doing so without his consent.
  • Secret-Keeper: He signs a contract with Phanora to keep quiet about her killing the unauthorized necromancer so that the Order of Magical Resonance can continue doing their work unimpeded, with her also throwing in the offer to make Enker's fiancé a registered undead.

    The Unauthorized Necromancer 

The Unauthorized Necromancer

Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (JP), Barry Yandell (EN)

An unauthorized necromancer who had been illegally raising undead for his own twisted ends, until the Order of Magical Resonance catches wind of his actions and sends Phanora to deal with him.

  • Asshole Victim: He gets mutilated to near death by Johan and turned into one of Phanora's undead servants after she kills him so she can make him suffer for all eternity. No tears have to be shed for a dirtbag like him, especially not after all the horrible crimes he's committed.
  • Boom, Headshot!: He dies from Phanora putting a bullet in his head shortly after Johan finishes mutilating him.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He makes the mistake of repeatedly antagonizing Phanora, who is both the world's greatest necromancer and a witch. She makes him pay for it with far more than just his life.
  • Facial Horror: Gets both of his eyes gouged out and his mouth ripped off by Johan. Surprisingly, he's still alive even after this and only dies when Phanora puts a bullet in his head.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Phanora turns him into one of her undead servants after she kills him and forces him to maintain all the undead he resurrected as complete human beings, all the while promising to make him suffer for the rest of eternity even if his soul should return to the void.
  • Kick the Dog: He resurrects Enker's late fiancé to keep him in check, then later uses her to try and kill him.
  • Lack of Empathy: He's been raising dozens of undead for the sake of honing his skills and letting them run rampant without maintaining them, all the while uncaring of the consequences of his actions or what happens to souls that get pulled away from the afterlife. Phanora, Johan, and Enker all consider him a scumbag of the highest order for it.
  • The Lost Lenore: He lost his wife in a fire sometime before the start of the series, and since then has been trying to find suitable women to graft their parts onto her now skeletonized body to restore her lost beauty. The fact that he's willing to make her into one of his combat undeads as a last line of defense strongly implies that he never really loved her as much as he claimed, with Johan even lampshading it.
  • Mugging the Monster: He tries making a hostage out of Johan, who unbeknownst to him is a powerful and specially maintained undead. It ends in the latter easily breaking out of his confinement and cornering his captor when he tries to make a run for it.
  • No Name Given: His name is never given in-story.
  • Serial Killer: His targets for resurrection are mostly redheaded women, and he's implied to have been behind several murders of living ones as well. The reason for this is because his late wife was also one.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Definitely thinks he is above the rest when he really is, at best, mediocre for a necromancer.
  • Smug Snake: He considers himself a powerful necromancer capable of performing feats greater than anyone before him. He quickly loses this attitude once Phanora shows just how much of an amateur he really is compared to a true professional like her.
  • Undead Abomination: His "combat undeads", a series of undeads outfitted with grotesque body proportions and weapons to make them suitable for fighting. They don't hold a candle to Phanora's Death Knights, who slaughter them all in seconds.
  • Villains Want Mercy: He begs Johan not to hurt him when the latter corners him and reveals to him his true nature after escaping. Johan has none of it, especially not after his captor pissed Phanora off as much as what he did.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He devolves into a panicking mess upon finding out that Phanora is a witch and her Death Knights make quick work of all his combat undeads, with him practically begging for his life when Johan corners him after he effortlessly escapes from captivity and he reveals to him his own true nature.



The house keeper that Ashaf and Guideau stay in and the manager's daughter. She is a young woman who constantly takes care of whatever mess Guideau is causing in their flat.

  • The Caretaker: Takes care of the food and living expenses. May patch up Guideau's wounds and cleans up her room if given the chance.
  • The Fashionista: If you wonder where Guideau got all her nice clothes from. Now you know.
  • Kindly Housekeeper: Both very nice and courteous and the guardian of the flat that Ashaf and Guideau is staying in.
  • Nice Girl: Very much so as not even Guideau would lay a hand on her. That and the fact that she is the daughter of the manager for the Order which grants her some immunity.

    Mysterious Boy 

Mysterious Boy

A mysterious boy who was 'born' from a forbidden instrument and quickly grew to the body of a ten year-old after Angela and co breached the Paladin Corp's safekeep and stoled some forbidden items. Not much is known about him other than he is highly susceptible to magic due to his magical nature and Guideau must take care of him.

  • Amplifier Artifact: One of the reason why Guideau needs to take care of him is because she doesn't expel any form of magic at all.
  • Artificial Human: Born from a forbidden instrument. He may look human, but his nature is anything but.
  • Artifact of Doom: May or may not become one due to his origins as a forbidden instrument.
  • Clingy Child: He grew pretty damn close to Guideau. Even sleeping with her in her own bed without her knowledge.
  • Constantly Curious: As expected for someone that grows extremely rapidly, especially when absorbing magic.
  • Creepy Child: Downplayed. Yes, his large empty eyes, perpetual muteness and status as a living forbidden artefact may make him creepy. But his behaviour is like that of any curious child of his age.
  • Dream Stealer: A rare positive example. The Doll informed Guideau that when the Mysterious Boy sleeps with her, he unknowingly removes her nightmares, preventing the usual violent fits that she is known for in her sleep.
  • Empty Eyes: Has two large, black empty eyes.
  • Goo-Goo-Godlike: He is a little kid with the power to No-Sell the most powerful magics even from other forbidden artefacts and witches.
  • Human Weapon: A magical version of this.
  • Like Brother and Sister: His relationship with Guideai is quickly becoming like this despite only staying for a few days with her.
  • Magic Eater: What makes him so dangerous in the wrong hands, and why Guideau is in charge of taking care of him. He is able to absorb all types of magic, mimic them and then fire it right back at them. An example of this is when he successfully copied Helga's flying Zweihanders and even made a miniature version of this as a gift to Misha. He basically acts like a giant magical sponge and may potentially become a WMD if he is unable to control the magical absorbtion.
  • Messy Hair: His hair is very messy, justified since he was born literally ten days ago.
  • Our Homunculi Are Different: He is, by definition, a homonculus that has the powers to absorb magic and redirect them at the owner.
  • Rapid Aging: Born ten days ago and already has the body of a ten year-old.
  • Staring Kid: Is prone to this.
  • Tyke Bomb: Quickly revealed that he is a forbidden instrument and weapon when he grows up, so he needs to be under supervision by the Order to ensure malign entities don't grab their hands on him.
  • The Quiet One: Doesn't seem to talk much from what we see.

    Owent Farmington 

Owent Farmington

Voiced by: Aimi Tanaka (JP)

Falvell's younger brother. Because he is a boy, Owent was not cursed to be mute and acts as his sister's 'voice' when it comes to daily conversations with strangers. Due to his sister's curse and vulnerability, he is forced to take charge in defending her from suspicious towns folks.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Heavily subverted as Owent is just as responsible as his sister.
  • Brother–Sister Team: Both he and Falvell have to work together to survive an increasingly hostile town.
  • Little Brother Instinct: Even though he is younger, Owent has to defend his sister as best as he can from accusations against the towns folks.
  • Big Little Brother: By the time we have seen the siblings again, it is assumed a year or two has passed. By this point, Owent is a good few inches taller than his sister.
  • The Bus Came Back: We didn't know what has happened to the siblings. However, they returned in Chapter 51, with the two living in a safe house until unknown marauders threatened to harm them.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Was on the receiving end of this when the Executioners wanted to lure Falvell out of the woods to kill her.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Is this to his sister. When he was impaled and presumed dead, it broke Falvell on an emotional and mental level.
  • Mature Younger Sibling: For a kid who looks like he is around ten years of age, Owent is shockingly quite mature.
  • Not Quite Dead: You would think that being impaled by a giant greatsword in the chest would be enough to kill a kid. Fortunately, Falvell manage to unwind the wounds by talking it out of existence.


    Kiera Haines 

Kiera Haines

Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (JP), Morgan Laure (EN)

A detective for the Hayden Police Department who also moonlights as a private detective. She is active in solving a string of murders that are connected to the witch responsible for the deaths of both her sons and her husband Reuben.

  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: She already looks quite young to be a mother. The twins outright admitting that she is too young for motherhood all but confirms that the Twins were adopted.
  • Mama Bear: Part of the reason why she is so adamant in capturing the Witch of Hayden is because said witch was responsible for the murders of both her adopted sons and husband. In a way, she was somewhat correct in her assessment.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: A reason why she has such a conviction in hunting down the witch. Played straight when she personally offs them off with an assault rifle after their crimes were exposed.
  • Private Detective: She is both part of the police department and a private detective on her own part.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: After finding out that Shulk and Loran were the true culprits behind the murders of Reuben and countless other innocent people, she deems them too far gone to be forgiven for their crimes and personally kills the both of them.
  • Would Hurt a Child: A justified example. She is the one who puts the final bullets to both her sons' brains once their crimes were exposed, having deemed their crimes to be unforgivable.

    Witch of Hayden/Shulk and Loran Haines 

Witch of Hayden/Shulk and Loran Haines
Click here to see the Witch's true identity.

A witch plaguing Hayden, the capital city of the island of Pheres. Also known as the Passtime Witch, she is responsible for a slew of random murders that are only related through a bunch of cryptic messages. It turns out that the "witch" isn't a witch at all, but is instead Shulk and Loran Haines who faked their deaths and had been masquerading as a witch to sustain the deal between them and the Sarnouasuth Grimoire granting them their magical abilities.

  • Adoption Angst: With the twins stating that Kiera was "too young" to be a mother and that Kiera herself stating that she "took them in", it is heavily hinted that the twins were adopted by Kiera and Reuben at a much younger age.
  • Beyond Redemption: Both twins are deemed this by Kiera, who proceeds to put bullets in both of their heads.
  • Boom, Headshot!: The fate of the twins once Kiera realizes that they're at the point of no return.
  • The Corrupter: How much of the twins' actions was based on genuine sociopathy or was the result of the Grimoire corrupting them is in the air. However, given their pointless murder spree, it is very likely that they were corrupted by the Grimoire's influence.
  • Enfant Terrible: How innocent they were before the Grimoire corrupted them is unknown, since by the time we meet them they've grown to become absolute monsters.
  • Extremely Protective Child: A dark and corrupted example. The twins went on a killing spree because they didn't like the idea of their stepfather Reuben, or anyone else for that matter, getting too close to Kiera. However, such an excuse is way too flimsy to stand by itself given how disproportionate it is, so it is likely to be a diversion created by the Grimoire's influence.
  • Evil Twin: Both twins turn out to be quite the sadistic bastards once their getup is exposed.
  • Fake Wizardry: Sort of. The witchcraft getup is all bullshit, but the magic itself from the Grimoire is still very much real.
  • Human Sacrifice: The primary reason why the twins are so hell-bent in committing mass murder is so they can repay a blood debt to the Sarnouasuth Grimoire in return for them using its power.
  • Not Quite Dead: The "witch" is revealed to actually be the Haines twins who were thought to have been among the witch's victims. Turns out they faked their own deaths so they could role-play their sick and twisted game.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The Sarnouasuth Grimoire is a set of two Grimiores that is most likely sentient and very much evil and corrupting in influence. As a Grimiore, it acts as a proxy for magic powers and spellcasting so that even dunces like the twins could use it like that of a proper witch.
  • Serial Killer: Very much so.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: The twins really made a name for themselves for a while. But once Ashaf and Guideau figure out their true nature, it doesn't take long for them to get smashed.
  • Space Master: A limited example, but spatial vanishing magic is the Grimiore's specialty and is how the twins managed to always teleport and disappear like smoke.
  • Spell Book: The Sarnouasuth Grimoire is a very dark example and the first hint that forbidden equipment should not be carelessly used with abundance.
  • Witch Classic: Is depicted as a classical shadowy robed figure with an extremely old-looking face like Baba Yaga. This foreshadows the "witch" to be a fake as there is no such thing as a hideous witch in this setting.
  • Wicked Witch: Possibly the most stereotypical example. A hint that this "witch" is anything but.

Vagner Police Force



A member of the Vagner Police Force. Marda is an eccentric but powerful mage who came to investigate the altercation between the Witch's Disciple and the Order of Magical Resonance. She often goes along with Lt. Joz for assistance.

  • Action Girl: Par for the course of this manga. Although Marda goes one step further by bringing a baseball bat to a magic fight.
  • Batter Up!: Uses a baseball bat as her primary weapon.
  • Buddy Cop Show: Has this relationship with Lt. Joz.
  • Combat Stilettos: She wears high-heels in the middle of a high-level magic fight between mages, one of which transformed into a dragon.
  • Cool Shades: So cool that her shades seem impervious from the gravitational affects of Stayler Allman's compression magic.
  • The Fashionista: Just look at her outfit. No one would have suspected her to be a cop to begin with.
  • Military Mage: Downplayed, she is a mage from the police force however.
  • Sunglasses at Night: She wears a prominent sunglass at night.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Joz's red.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: Sports an incredibly long ponytail that would reach down her waist if she let her hair down.

    Lt. Joz 

Lt. Joz
A member of the Vagner Police Force. Lt. Joz is a hardline police mage that came to investigate the altercation between the Witch's Disciple and the Order of Magical Resonance. He often goes along with Marda for assistance.

  • Buddy Cop Show: Has this relationship with Marda.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Seems to have a bad case of it, if his introduction is anything to go by.
  • Improvised Weapon: His magic seems to be based on turning the literal city around him into a weapon.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Marda's blue.
  • Messy Hair: His hair is often messy and unkempt.
  • Military Mage: Downplayed, he is a mage from the police force however.
  • Only Six Faces: He looks suspiciously similar to Johan. What being both broody men with messy black hair that follows a female lead. The only difference is that Johan wears an eyepatch and that he is far more chill than Joz.
