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Tokugawa Clan

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Debuting in Sengoku Basara 1

    Tokugawa Ieyasu 

Tokugawa Ieyasu
Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa (Japanese), Toshiki Masuda (Japanese, Basara Academy), Jason Michas (Devil Kings), Liam O'Brien (English)

"Let us unite, and form a bond."

The third unifier, and probably the only sane one between the trio (because Nobunaga is like the personification of evil, Hideyoshi is... freakin' nuts). Unlike the fat turd that most fictions portray, Ieyasu here is somewhat of a Bratty Half-Pint, but despite that possesses quite a lot of wisdom and virtue and love for his people. While not much of a fighter, he makes it up with his humongously powerful retainer Honda Tadakatsu.

However, Capcom decided to poke fun at his days of being the hostage of Imagawa, thus turning him into Distressed Dude extraordinaire, especially in Tadakatsu's story where everyone races to kidnap Ieyasu (and him getting kidnapped is a gimmick when playing as Tadakatsu in the fighting game). He's unplayable in both the first and second games, but the Expansion Pack made him playable and gave him a non-Distressed Dude role as Motochika's friend, but he has no story mode.

It isn't until SB3 (and consequently the second season of the anime) that he finally becomes a full-blown grown man, gets past his James Bondage tendencies and is now punching people out on the guts with his fist. He successfully slays Hideyoshi, but then had to deal with Hideyoshi's fanatical follower Ishida Mitsunari, leading up to the decisive battle at Sekigahara.

Known as Irdene in Devil Kings

  • All-Loving Hero: Evolves into this from SB3 onward.
  • Ascended Extra: Was an NPC in the first game and only became playable a couple of time before he grew into the main character of SB3.
  • Badass Armfold: Does this in cutscenes and is one of his idle animations.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Fights with his fists from the third game onward.
    • Boxing Battler: His fighting style is mostly boxing-themed, especially in how he bobs and weaves in his block animation and his hoodie. However, he's more of a brawler in how he fights.
    • Megaton Punch: He can hit really hard, especially once he charges up.
    • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: And he becomes fond of this, drawing similarities with Kenshiro.
  • Battle Aura: Weaponizes it with the "Tokugawa Might" technique.
  • Battle Discretion Shot: His battle with Hideyoshi in the SB3 intro takes place off-screen while we follow Mitsunari's point-of-view, who only arrives after Hideyoshi is dead. Exactly how the battle went down is unknown, although Ieyasu (obviously) won.
  • Blow You Away: One of his alternate weapons in Sumeragi is called Mikawadanuki (Mikawa Tanuki), a pair of absolutely adorable gauntlets that change his element from light to wind.
  • Boss Subtitles: "Ieyasu Tokugawa - In it to Win it"
  • Bratty Half-Pint: According to his voice actor, he's only 15 years old!
    • And while for all intents and purposes he's an adult, Shingen still addresses him as Takechiyo, which is his childhood name.
    • Lampshaded in 3, where his previously reverent soldiers immediately go into mother-hen mode when "Takechiyo-sama" is apparently kidnapped by the Hojo, and they, led by Tadakatsu, wrecked the whole castle... only to find Ieyasu just hanging out to take in the flower-viewing.
  • Can't Catch Up: Starts out as this is the games, but manages to overcome it in Battle Heroes. And by the third game, boy, has he caught up!
    • Lampshaded by Masamune, who states that he had to grow up at some point.
  • Character Catchphrase: He really likes using the word "bonds" a lot.
  • Charged Attack: His attacks can be charged up to go from "Punching things really hard" to "Punching things absurdly hard with added range".
  • Combat Compliment: In the third game, he spends just about every single one of his levels singing his opponent's praises while beating their forces into dust.
  • Cry for the Devil: In the ending where he defeats Mitsunari, he sheds tears of genuine grief for the troubled man he considered a friend.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: As of the third game, Ieyasu is out to unite Japan as one, even if he has to punch every single Japanese person in the face to do it.
  • Distress Ball: Due to his youth and historical kidnapping, Ieyasu is often the victim of kidnappings in several story routes. Once he's matured in Sengoku Basara 3, he ditched the habit.
  • Distressed Dude: Thankfully he's gotten strong enough to avert it by the third game (though that doesn't stop his soldiers jumping to conclusions).
  • Extremity Extremist: Most of his attacks involve his fists.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Ieyasu is burned alive by Hisahide during his Utage story mode.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: Gets a leather version of TMRevolution's Hot Limit costume as DLC.
  • Heroes Fight Barehanded: Ieyasu can be considered the main protagonist and fights bare-handed (so he too can feel pain), contrasting with his rival Ishida Mitsunari.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: Basara is probably the only series so far to make Ieyasu the Only Sane Man amongst the evil past unifiers. Not to mention he has become quite the looker compared to his usual portrayals as a Fat Bastard.
  • Honor Before Reason: "The Tokugawa never betrays a promise, even to the Demon King himself". It just takes the next episode in the anime to finally make him screw that.
  • Hypocrite: His rhetorics are mainly about the power of bonds, yet by betraying and killing Hideyoshi he severed his own bond with Mitsunari and other Toyotomi retainers. Justified as if Hideyoshi was left alone, he would have made everything worse for Japan with his lust for power and Might Makes Right philosophy.
  • In the Hood: He wears a boxing hoodie by the third game. When he puts it on with his taunt, the charge time for his attacks is decreased.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With Ujimasa. His friendship with Motochika may also count since they've been friends since Ieyasu was still a kid and Motochika was already an adult at the time.
  • Invulnerable Knuckles: Averted - he fights with his fists specifically so that he too feels pain, and his soldiers talk about giving them medical attention.
  • Irony: Here he's good friends with Motochika, while in history he basically ended the Chosokabe bloodline by executing Motochika's son Morichika and his family following the battle of Tennoji.
  • Kid With The Remote Control: For Tadakatsu. Lampshaded by just about everybody complaining that he has no right to Tadakatsu's loyalty.
  • Knuckle Cracking: In his revamped design, he cracks his knuckles dramatically before executing his Basara attack.
  • Light 'em Up: Reflecting his heroism and desire to inspire people like the light of day, Ieyasu's attacks are charged with light.
  • Magnetic Hero: Is played as one in the third game, although to be honest he makes just as many enemies as he does friends.
  • Moveset Clone: To Toshiie in Heroes. Later gets his own in 3.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Made all the stranger since it apparently happened naturally, but none of the other characters have changed at all. More unusual is the fact that he retains said appearance in the fourth game, which is canonically a prequel.
  • Power Fist: His new weapons in SB3 are his fists, equipped with special gloves.
  • The Power of Friendship: His main theme in Sengoku Basara 3 is "unifying the land with the power of bonds". However, he might seem a bit of a hypocrite, as he actually destroys many bonds along the way. At least he's aware of this, with the fourth game depicting him as being concerned that he's simply using others for his own goals.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Mitsunari Red. As he prefer more calmer and sociable approach. He is the most reasonable toward his approach than Mitsunari recklessness.
  • The Rival: Towards Mitsunari. Mitsunari's view of Ieyasu on the other hand...
  • Say My Name: "TADAKATSUUUUUUU!!!!!!"
  • Shock and Awe: In 2 Heroes.
  • Sparkling Stream of Tears: In the anime, when Tadakatsu goes on a suicide mission.
  • Stepford Smiler: Ieyasu puts on a brave front as the benevolent leader he wants to be, but he is shadowed by doubt in his mission and guilt for what he had to do to Hideyoshi and Mitsunari for the sake of peace.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Becomes best friends with Chosokabe Motochika, who happens to be one of his kidnappers. Then the third game suddenly subverts it when Ieyasu attacks Motochika's territory after killing Hideyoshi, ultimately straining their relationship. Then subverted again as it turns out it was Kanbe's doing, with Motonari and Yoshitsugu behind it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Come SB3, he is now grown up, with a revamped fighting style and having effectively beaten the tar out of Hideyoshi.
  • Unexplained Recovery: In the anime. After we saw Nobunaga's soldiers stab him to death on-screen in season one, too. Don't ask us how that happened.
  • Use Your Head: His Super Art, "Hard Head". Absurd damage, knocks down even enemy commanders, and hits enemy on ground when fully charged. Commanders can be taken out in seconds with it.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: That vest of his is pretty much all he wears above the waist. And his alternate look in both SB3 and SB4 removes the crop top.
  • We Can Rule Together: As his plan is to "unite the country through the power of bonds", he tries a non-villainous take on this on a large number of characters to try to avoid fighting them, up to and including Mitsunari. Gets especially egregious in Yukimura's SB3 campaign, where Ieyasu offers Yukimura a place at his side after Yukimura has already beat him up and scattered the Eastern army.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In the third game, Toshiie accused him of kidnapping Matsu so the Maeda will be Neutral No Longer and join him. Ieyasu is flabbergasted because he never gave such orders. In fact, Yoshiaki was the one who did it, to empower the Eastern Army and earn Ieyasu's favour.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Which leads him to make some pretty dumb mistakes at times.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: He uses an elbow-drop as his ground pound.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: His lightning is yellow in 2 Heroes.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: In his drama route in the fourth game, he willing takes the blame for Hideyoshi's death since Hisahide died along with him, Ieyasu believes that without someone to exact vengeance upon Mitsunari will lose the will to live, or worse.

    Honda Tadakatsu 

Honda Tadakatsu


One of Sengoku Basara's most ridiculous, yet fricking awesome, presentations. Tadakatsu is a...uh...Gundam. Or just a Humongous Mecha in the middle of ancient Japan. He doesn't speak and mostly lets his massive ass-kicking capabilities do the talking. He's also unfailingly loyal to Ieyasu.

Goes by the name Iron Ox in Devil Kings

  • Anachronism Stew: He's depicted as what is basically a gundam. In medieval Japan.
  • Attack Drone: They even look similar to those used in Gundam.
  • Bilingual Dialogue: Constantly with his fellow Tokugawa soldiers, if you consider his mechanical whirs as a language.
  • Boss Subtitles: "Tadakatsu Honda - Activated"
  • Cyborg: Possibly. It's very vague, but he does seem to have a face with skin, and everyone treats him more like a human being than a robot.
  • Electronic Eye: One of his eyes glows red when he's activated. It may act as a scouter.
  • Frozen Face: Said face is locked in a single expression that never changes. He is able to move his eyes, but that's it.
  • Glowing Eye of Doom: His right eye will shine brightly when he goes on the offensive.
  • Heroic Sacrifice/Disney Death : In the anime, he fights Nobunaga to try and restore his master's honor, despite knowing it's a lost cause. However it turns out he's not quite dead.
  • Immune to Flinching: He shrugs off most attacks easily, and it's almost impossible to stun him or break through his guard.
  • Instant Awesome: Just Add Mecha!
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: Portrayed as a silent and selfless bodyguard and warrior, and has a chin so enormous and square it warrants its own armor plating.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Thanks to his Gundam-ish features, he's both quick and MEGA POWERFUL. He's a bit difficult to steer in combat though since his normal combo has him slide around. His "Heavy Mode" makes him a full-on Mighty Glacier though.
  • Number Two: Ostensibly, but his role is more befitting of The Big Guy, since he seems incapable of giving orders.
  • Optional Boss: Tadakatsu is never the Final Boss in any stage he participates in: Fighting him is generally optional and often discouraged by the game itself, though fighting him anyway leads to rewards of bonus XP. The player is also generally given other ways to deal with him by accomplishing other optional objectives, such as weakening him, outrunning him or bypassing him.
  • Pile Bunker: His Heavy Mode turns his drill into this.
  • The Rival: To Yoshihiro. He's a fellow member of the old generation of warriors and Yoshihiro is one of the few men alive who've been able to fight Tadakatsu on any sort of even footing.
  • Shock and Awe: Tatakatsu can channel electricity through his mechanical body, empowering himself or firing off bolts of lightning.
  • Shout-Out: To the Gundam franchise, mostly.
  • The Silent Bob: Despite him only communicating in either mechanical whirs or total silence, other characters seem to understand him perfectly well and even make casual conversation with him.
    • Becomes ridiculous in one Utage cutscene where Ieyasu tells him "don't look at me like that!", when Tadakatsu's face hasn't changed at all from the Perpetual Expression it's always been.
  • Silent Partner: Ieyasu tends to chatter away during the times when Tadakatsu would otherwise be expected to say something. He'll even call out his Basara attack.
  • Shoulder Cannon: He can whip out a pair of cannons from his shoulders to fire away at his enemies.
  • Smash Mook: He has the smallest number of directly offensive special moves and he telegraphs his attacks: It's usually not very hard to figure out what he's going to do next. Stopping it, on the other hand.
  • Spirited Competitor: About the only thing that can make him ignore Ieyasu's command is when he finds a Worthy Opponent to fight (such as Yukimura in the anime, and Yoshihiro in the games).
  • This Is a Drill: In the third game, Tsuruhime even says that Tadakatsu will pierce the heavens.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Twice in the anime.
  • The Unintelligible: Though it seems that other characters understand him well enough (or just decide to willfully misinterpret him).
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: He is a Humongous Mecha in the Sengoku Era. WHY DOES NO ONE EVEN BAT AN EYE AT THIS?
  • Visible Silence: The most you'll get out of him is "!!!"
  • The Worf Effect: For all his hype and features as shown previously, he is hit hard with this in the anime, getting blown up first by Nohime and then by Nobunaga. He gets better.
  • World's Strongest Man: Known as the Strongest Warrior of the Sengoku Era for good reason.

Debuting in Sengoku Basara Judge End

    Sakai Tadatsugu 
Voiced by: Takanori Nishikawa (Japanese), Ian Sinclair (English)

An anime-only character appearing in Judge End. Tadatsugu is a general of the Tokugawa army, one of the Tokugawa Shi-Tennou along with Tadakatsu, and an old friend of Ieyasu.

  • Childhood Friends: With Ieyasu.
  • Easy Evangelism: Convinced to join Xavism near the end of the show. He abandons Ieyasu and his forces as a result.
  • Shout-Out: Not only is he voiced by TMRevolution (credited by his real name above), but he also wears the "Hot Limit" outfit after joining Xavism.

Debuting in Sengoku Basara Battle Party

Voiced by: Himika Akaneya

Debuting in Battle Party, Komatsuhime (alternatively known as Inahime) is the daughter of Honda Tadakatsu (and eventual wife of Sanada Nobuyuki)... don't think too much on how a robot can have a biological daughter. She wields a non-mechanical, non-drilling version of her father's spear.
