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Naofumi's Party

In General

  • Adaptational Badass: Aside from the levels of Badass that Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo have over their canon counterparts, Naofumi's Party easily boasts the largest collective of Allies and Party Members that Naofumi has gathered which comprises of several Royal Mons, Knights, Nobles, Lords, and even a Wave Boss.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Downplayed Trope, but Rishia Ivyred isn't a part of Naofumi's Party.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The various members of Naofumis' Party outside of his Family all run the gamut of both nobility and notoriety within the story: ranging from freed Slaves, fallen Knights, impoverished Royalty, and former Brigands. But all of them readily answer to Naofumi Iwatani as their leader.

Iwatani Family

  • Badass Adorable: Filo along with Naofumis' other sons and daughter all classify as various shades of this throughout the story.
  • Badass Cape: The Family Crest Shield I's Unique Ability Coat of Arms allows for the members of the Iwatani Family to gain a cloak made of green energy that gives them a boost to their Defense and Magic Defense based on 10% of Naofumi's own. After upgrading the shield to SR, this is increased to 15%.
  • Badass Family: The Iwatani Family consists of many layers of Badass to it, from Shield Hero Naofumi Iwatani and his "Wife" Raphtalia, to their four sons and daughters: Monti, Filo, Teal, and Leon.
  • Random Drop Booster: Currently Naofumi's Party has 13 items that increase Item Drops for their party: consisting of twelve Shields unlocked by Naofumi and a formerly-cursed Treasure Chest found during the pirate ship Wave that is owned by Leon.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Given Filo and Leon's species have a natural hatred of each other, they tend to squabble the most out of the siblings.
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    Naofumi Iwatani 

The Shield Hero who was summoned from another world to help fight against The Waves of Catastrophe who wants to build a place for himself and for his newfound family.

  • Adaptational Badass: Compared to his canon self, Naofumi managed to unlock more utilitarian Shields due to him holding onto the book that summoned him that allowed him to gain Prophecy, along with immediately afterwards absorbing his Cellphone that unlocked the abilities: Inspect, Record, and Tele-Communicate. On top of this, Naofumi would also absorb a slew of Item Amplifier and Random Drop Booster Shields that would all prove to be quite useful for both him and his family. And that's just in the first week...
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Due to his Prophecy ability allowing him to see through Malty's early deceptions, along with the Coin Series Shields letting him keep his money from being stolen; Naofumi doesn't suffer as much from the betrayal that his canon self went through. Most of this attitude is also reflected in how he treats others even-handedly as a Merchant along with how he and Raphtalia raise their kids.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Downplayed Trope, but due to Leon devouring both parts of Gaelion's Dragon Emperor Shard, Naofumi doesn't have access to the Curse Series Blood Sacrifice ability.
  • Family Man: The Patriarch of The Iwatani Family, and is very much proud of it.
  • Friend to All Children: Naofumi is a lot softer when it comes to dealing with children since he began raising four monsters as his own sons and daughters. This allowed for him and Melty to hit it off much easier and quickly reconcile. It also leads to Naofumi openly crying his heart out over his failure at healing Frederick's illness that he spent hours holding to the boy's corpse pleading him for forgiveness.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Originally a Hero who was Kidnapped by the Call and only managing to gain 7 EXP after a day of solo-leveling on his first day. Following the end of The Three Heroes Churchs' Coup where his children and numerous allies managed to defeat not only the Church; but also the other Three Heroes and the traitorous Greater Lords of Melromarc, not only is he simply given a Lordship over Luroluna Village and the Seaetto Region, but the majority of his Allies are also promoted to serve as Melromarcs' new Greater Lords; thereby giving Naofumi an equal amount of political power over Melromarc as Queen Mirellia has.
  • Humble Hero: Compared to the other Three Heroes, Naofumi doesn't at all care much about showering in praise and glory and just wants to be treated with basic common courtesy, and if there is still a crisis going on or a problem that needs fixing; he won't bother half-assing it and will do everything in his power and reaching the brink of total exhaustion just to go that extra mile to accomplish it.
    • After beating Motoyasu in the Race for Lordship over Lute Village; Naofumi finds out that Queen Mirellia had sent a message saying the he was to be made the new Lord of the village through royal decree, only for Naofumi to kindly turn down the offer and say that Lute needs an experienced Lord like the original Lord to maintain order and safety within the village and uses his authority to appoint the original Lord back to his post. The villagers are grateful enough for all the help he had provided to them for saving the Village from the Wave Monsters to helping to rebuild most of their town over the last few days with his various Skills that they decided to help Naofumi build him his family Cart as a sign of their gratitude.
    • Following the defeat of the Bioplant in Lerno Village, Naofumi would ask from Lord Lerno the unmodified Bioplant seeds as his only payment in-lieu of an actual monetary reward and spends the following morning using his newly-mastered Plant Modification and Plant Analysis abilities to modify Bioplant seeds to create safer fruit-bearing plants to feed the village with.
    The incredible thing to the lord wasn't that Naofumi considered the seeds the property of the town and not fairly won monster spoils, but that he asked. As if they would be denied to him. "How badly must the other nobles and royalty have treated this man to assume I'd try and cheat him after what he'd done for this village?"
    • In the aftermath of the Second Wave; which was Melromarcs' first successful Zero-Casualty Wave thanks to Naofumis' efforts, and that when brought before King Aultcray, Naofumi stated that while he was an efficient Frontline General in that battle; he was just "a single Hero" with just a small squadron of Knights and his family at his side, and that the entire battle plan and strategy that was drawn up in two hours preparation before the Wave was actually done by Princess Melty: whom Naofumi wanted to speak with and congratulate on her success.
  • Magnetic Hero: Due to Naofumi's ethic and personality, he's able to gain the allegiances of many villages and townships that it slowly tears down the many many lies that Malty and Aultcray tried leveling against him that following the ending of the Second Wave when Naofumi decided to abandon Melromarc for the shitty treatment that Aultcray and Malty caused him, the Royal Knights staged a Military Coup to put Melty in power. Later on following the end of The Three Heroes Church and their Coup against Melromarc, which had resulted in the deaths of all but one of Melromarcs' original Greater Lords: Naofumi's high-leveled Party Members and Allies would step in to fill those vacancies and indirectly give him an equal amount of political power to Queen Mirellia.
  • Mission Control: The unique ability of Naofumis' Satellite Shield: Tele-Communicate, which allows for Naofumi to communicate with people who are a part of his Party even when they are separated by vast distances, which allows for Naofumi and his party to coordinate with one-another during major engagements where they have to divide the attention of their enemies.
  • Papa Wolf: Woe betide anyone that so much as threatens the lives of Naofumi's kids, be they bigots, Nobles, Kings, Heroes. Even Fitoria herself is caught off-guard by how viciously protective Naofumi is for his children.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues: Due to Naofumi having a better outlook due to being aware of Maltys' betrayal and having taken the necessary steps to prevent most of it; it results in Naofumi embodying ALL Seven Virtues at some point or other.
    • Charity: A given due to his status as a Hero, he often treats other people even-handedly, providing them with quality wares that are above and beyond the relatively low asking prices for them. This also applies to him whenever he makes concessions and requests for items as payment if currency is in short-supply for an ailing community.
    • Chastity: Again, due to the False Rape Accusation made about him Naofumi is very reserved whenever dealing with the fairer sex, even turning down Beloukas when he tried to offer to sell him some Sex Slaves.
    • Diligence: Due to his Japanese upbringing Naofumi is the epitome of efficiency, as shown in his dealings as a Merchant selling his services or to repair the damages caused by the other Three Heroes: where he manages to not only resolve the initial problem, but to actually provide the original service that the Hero had unintentionally skimped out on by going above and beyond the call of duty.
    • Humility: Naofumi doesn't like to use glory as the motivator for his Heroics, and will often state that he wants to be recognized as "The Savior": who merely travels the land selling high-quality wares and providing essential services to the people instead. And as shown in the Zero-Casualty Wave, he stated that the honor of that victory goes not to him, but instead to Princess Melty: who had devised the stratagems Naofumi and his Party had used to beat the Wave without anyone dying.
    • Kindness: Naofumi is willing to help out those who are in trouble, and often shows kindness to other merchants and his business associates by providing them with samples of his wares or praising them for the assistance and services that they gave to him and his family. Naofumi especially loves watching out for young children, knowing they don't deserve to suffer for the problems that adults cause. This also extends to how Naofumi spends his time with his family whenever they aren't busy working or leveling up, taking time to help them through their own problems or playing with them.
    • Patience/Temperance: At times, Naofumi often tries to avoid direct conflict with others; knowing that because of the accusations levied against him by King Aultcray and Malty it would make doing business difficult. This is best shown in his meeting with King Aultcray following the Zero-Casualty Wave where he was willing enough to put up with Aultcrays' beratement if it meant that he'd be allowed a chance to speak with Melty. And when denied that chance along with not removing one of the arbitrary restrictions Aultcray unjustly placed upon Naofumi to prevent his Party from getting any stronger; especially when shown that the other three Heroes aren't up to the task, Naofumi decided to just leave Melromarc altogether, and cites that either the Queen would show up to put her husband back in his place, or the Citizenry will get fed up with their Kings' actions and decide to do him in: in either case Naofumi will not do anything more with Aultcray if it means choosing between protecting the people or protecting his family.
  • Spider-Sense: Naofumi after absorbing the book unlocked Prophecy which allows him an early-warning to incoming attacks from outside of his direct line-of-sight or to guard against hidden dangers that would pose him trouble. It serves as the first Shield ability he Mastered upon arriving in the new world, and a mainstay ability that he makes constant use of.
    [Alert! Danger Imminent!]
  • Summon Magic: Naofumi absorbed a wooden door which unlocked the Door Shield and its unique skill Knock Knock: which allows for Naofumi to summon members of his party to his side, even if they are entire miles away from him with the only limit being he can only do this skill 10 times per day. In battle, Naofumi often uses this to help his family as a means of dodging otherwise unavoidable attacks. After unlocking the Portal Shield skill that allows for him to only bring six other Party members with him when teleporting and is on an hour-long cooldown, Naofumi often uses Knock Knock in-conjunction to move entire armies with him.
  • Team Dad: A literal example to most of Naofumi's Party at some point or other, even willing to go to war against those that threaten his kids.
  • Wallet of Holding: The Coin Series Shields that Naofumi possesses allows for him to hold his coins inside of his shield without having to carry them on his person, along with serving as three more Random Drop Booster Shields.
The Shield Hero's first party member, a Tanuki demi-human woman who comes into the story as a sick child slave that Naofumi buys after the Kangaroo Court over Malty's False Rape Accusation. Thanks to Naofumi's gentle care, she not only grows out of her sickness, but into the strong sword that Naofumi needs to survive in this screwed-up world.
  • Adaptational Badass: Naofumi buying her one month earlier than in canon means she's stronger with each Wave she meets.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Naofumi saving her from death and spending a lot of time and money in feeding, healing, and equipping her with the best gear he can afford makes her incredibly loyal to him.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Due to her lack of knowledge about sex (in the beginning), she says things that sound a lot dirtier than they should be.
  • Made a Slave: She was enslaved by Melromarc knights who took advantage of Lord Seaetto's death to attack Lurolona after the First Wave.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: Much like her Canon self, Raphtalia is much more deadlier in combat compared to Naofumi due to her not having a low ATK Stat.
  • Team Mom: While she had some issues with this at the beginning (due to her fear of Monti), she eventually grows to become as fierce in her protection of her and Naofumi's children as him.
  • Trauma Button: Wave Monsters, and particularly dog-like ones, due to how her parents were killed by one.
  • Trauma Conga Line: She saw her parents getting ripped apart by a Cerberus during the First Wave, then was enslaved by Melromarc knights along with the few survivors of the attack, was tortured by Idol Rabier, and then sold to Beloukas. Being bought by Naofumi was the first good thing to happen to her in a long time.
  • Undying Loyalty: She's so loyal that, when the King has her Slave Crest removed, not only does she call him and Motoyasu out for doing it, she goes and gets the Crest redone.
  • Younger Than They Look: She's just shy of 11, but due to the demi-humans' Rapid Aging she looks like she was in her late teens.
    Monti Iwatani 

The first and oldest of Naofumi's children. He was hatched from an egg taken from the Chimera Wave Boss Monster from the attack on Lute Village.

  • A Lizard Named "Liz": Monti is classified as a Manticore by Naofumi, which doesn't normally exist in Raphtalia's world with the closest analogue there being a Nue.
  • Army Scout: Back when Naofumi was moonlighting as "The Savior of The Heavenly Fowl", Monti's primary role when on the road was to scout ahead for Monsters or Highwaymen that could threaten their family wagon.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Due to him being a Manticore, this is more apparent since it's also laced with strong poisons easily capable of paralyzing and even killing fully-grown men.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Much like Naofumi and Raphtalia, Monti is prone to leaping headlong into action to protect his younger siblings.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: Because of Monti's Lightning Affinity, Naofumi taught him the principles of electricity that he had learnt from High School and College to help his son master his powers to a higher degree than anyone else in the world could manage, spending time building up an electrical charge by looping the current through his body faster and faster until discharging it.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Initially, Monti starts off with little more than his flight and poison abilities and no form of Magic ability, however he possesses the unique Skill Incorporate which allows for him to gain powers by eating the flesh or body parts of matching types of prey: Chimeras, Royal Monsters, and even Wave Bosses. For instance, he gained the ability to become humanoid by eating one of Filo's feathers.
  • Cool Big Bro: Monti easily commands the respect from his younger siblings, and that they are willing to come to his defense should he find himself in-danger without Naofumi or Raphtalia around to protect them.
  • Cowardly Lion: Though Monti is good in a fight, his deep-set issues and insecurities over being seen as a Wave Monster by those around him leaves Monti rather meek and non-confrontational when interacting with other people.
  • The Dutiful Son: Among Naofumi's children, Monti always takes to heart the role of the dutiful and diligent son; someone that Naofumi says that he would genuinely praise and be proud of showing off to others back in Japan.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Monti's eyes take on the appearance of a multi-colored vortex of colors: like a Wave of Catastrophe.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Unlike Filo's golden blonde hair, Monti has burnt golden hair and has just as much of a noble heart in either form.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Monti is very tough on himself, insisting upon being the best son he can be and beating himself up if he ever makes a mistake.
  • Humanity Ensues: After Filo managed to ascend into a Filolial Queen and gain a humanoid form, Monti plucked and ate one of her feathers in order to gain a human form of his own.
  • Hunter of His Own Kind: Despite being the child of a Wave Boss, he identifies more with Naofumi and Raphtalia and is willing to help protect his adoptive homeworld from the monsters spawned by the Waves of Catastrophe that threaten it. Along with his Incorporate Skill allowing him to gain more powers by eating the flesh or blood of other Wave Monsters and Wave Bosses making him a quite literal example of the trope.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Following the end of the Three Heroes Church's Coup, Monti Iwatani comes into possession of the Replica Artifact; which he kept in its' Shield Form until the Cal Mira Wave forces him to realize that he can't limit himself like that.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His two uses of Wave of Catastrophe have allowed for Merodach, the Parade, to bring 30% of his body into Raphtalia's world.
  • Orc Raised by Elves: A Wave Monster that was hatched from a Wave Boss Egg that is instead lovingly raised by a Cardinal Hero as his Son.
  • Our Manticores Are Spinier: While Monti shares many traits with the classical Manticore, his quiet and reserved personality along with his Cannibalism Superpower allows for him to stand apart.
  • Poisonous Person: Monti's poison is said to be so strong that not only can it cause paralysis and kill, but that it can also dissolve flesh.
  • Shock and Awe: Monti's primary ranged attack, though it's not as powerful at first.
  • Terrain Sculpting: Naofumi gifts Monti with the Golden Shogun Shield from Siltvelt through the Inherit system, which enables Monti with the ability to not only instantly construct buildings, walls and roads in Luroluna Village, but also manage the terrain and towns throughout the entire Seaetto Region and presumably Siltvelt too, provided Monti has enough Resources to work with.
  • Token Heroic Orc: On top of being a Hunter of His Own Kind, Monti upon managing to Class Up at a Dragon Hourglass is now classified as the class [Wave Boss]: granting him the skill [Wave of Catastrophe] that allows Monti to create his own smaller artificial Waves at will and lets him exude a degree of control over the Wave Monsters that are summoned by it, along with allowing for Monti to actually usurp control over a natural Wave from its own Wave Boss to stop it automatically: should that Wave Boss have lower health and stats compared to Monti. Even Fitoria herself admits that because of this new ability, Monti truly is a Game Changer.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Monti is often the victim of this thanks to his nature as a Wave Monster; initially being viewed as Always Chaotic Evil by the other Three Heroes at first, and having to constantly walk on eggshells whenever he is around Fitoria.
  • Willfully Weak: Monti's insecurities mean that he very rarely uses his full power. The rest of the family has a collective Oh, Crap! moment when the Spirit Tortoise clones him, as even with the clones being only about 80% of the strength of the originals said clone is able to give the rest of the group a hard time before Monti manages to restart his brain from the shock and face the clone himself.

    Filo Iwatani 

The second-eldest of Naofumi's children and often the most childish of them. She was hatched from a Filolial egg that Naofumi purchased from Beloukas after the First Wave just a day after Monti hatched.

  • Adaptation Name Change: Unlike her canon self which Naofumi only treats as a surrogate daughter at best, here Naofumi has openly declared Filo to be his own child and as such shares the family name as Filo Iwatani.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: Because of her being treated as a member of the family, Filo Iwatani learnt how to read in order to better understand the abilities of her Wind Affinity Magics and to create her own newer versions of Wind Spells and Attacks instead of just relying on physical training. This lets her have a much better chance at fighting against Fitoria.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Unlike her canon self, Filo Iwatani doesn't have a Monster Crest and thus cannot benefit from the Slave Crest Series of Shields' Stat Boosts like Raphtalia can, nor did she swallow a fragment of Gaelion's Dragon Emperor Shard.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To a lesser degree than Monti, but Filo still cares just as much for Teal and has a Hypocritical Heartwarming nature with Leon.
  • Big Fun: True to her canon self, Filo is always one who wants to play with her family and friends.
  • The Empath: Filo has a sense of a person's intentions just by being around them and hearing them talk to her or others around her, with Naofumi making use of these abilities as a Living Lie Detector.
  • Fantastic Racism: Starts off instinctual hating dragons as much as any filolial, which results in her bullying and butting heads with Leon at first. She gets better, but still will inevitable argue with her little brother.
  • The Name Is Bond, James Bond: Because of Filo's Third-Person Person way of speaking, she often introduces herself in this manner.
    "Filo is Filo Iwatani."

    Teal Iwatani 

The second-youngest of Naofumi's children. Unlike her siblings, Teal was grown from a modified seed taken from the Bioplant Monster that threatened Lerno Village.

  • Acquired Poison Immunity: Thanks to being struck by Motoyasu's Sun Spear skill twice, Teal managed to adapt to the attack and transform its energy into a new skill for herself: Solar Burst
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Teal often makes sexual jokes, often with the intent of riling up her parents or Monti, but she is very kind and does not approve of far less innocent interest in Filo.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: After learning how to speak, but before she was fully grown; the Plant that would become Teal asked Naofumi what exactly was her purpose to be. She was then told that it was something that everyone always struggles with, and that it must be something that she must decide for herself. She manages to come up with four different purposes to go after.
  • Earthy Barefoot Character: Often goes barefoot. This is mostly due to her nature as a Plant Person, so being able to root into the ground would be a lot harder if she wore footwear or even leggings.
  • Green Thumb: Due to her nature as a Plant Person, Teal Iwatani has a strong affinity for growing plants in various ways, modifying and refining their abilities to suit her current needs: ranging from creating new types of crops for agriculture and selling, to creating slightly unmodified Bioplant Monsters to either Mob Grind for more Shields Naofumi could use, or to modify them in unique ways to sell to Beloukas.
  • Hermaphrodite: Due to her nature as a Plant Person, this means that she has both sets of genitals; though she mostly refers to herself using Female pronouns.
  • Kimono Is Traditional: Teal finds herself drawn towards the Kimono due to both its appeal for men and women, and as a means of connecting more with her father Naofumi; who showed her a picture of his family back in Japan during a festival years ago.
  • Master of Your Domain: Her abilities allow her to manipulate her own biology to an impressive degree.
  • My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That: Because of Teal's Plant-like nature, she is able to pick up on pheromones much easier than her siblings; leading to her having Covert Pervert tendencies whenever Naofumi and Raphtalia are starting to feel intimate with one-another.
    I'll leave you two alone now, feel free to breed.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Due to Teal being able to read pheromones, she is repulsed by how Motoyasu is lusting for her sister Filo.
  • Not So Above It All: After getting the chance to properly read her personality after "Picking" her, Naofumi concludes that Teal is actually the biggest pervert out of the entire family.
  • Panacea: Due to her origins from the Bioplant Monster that was grown from "The Miracle Seed", Teal has become the embodiment of this trope through her powers.
  • Vampiric Draining: Vein Vines is one of Teal's Class Up Abilities that allows her to plant seeds into open wounds that can drain blood from its victims and funnels that health into her.

    Leon Iwatani 

The fourth and youngest of Naofumi's children. He was hatched from an Egg that was sired by Gaelion that lived above Mirso Village.

  • The Archmage: Leon's specific Class Upgrade which allows for him to cast a variety of all Magic types, along with Anti-Magic and Healing Magics.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of Naofumi's children, and is often tied with Filo in terms of overall brattiness.
  • Boom Stick: Naofumi had commissioned a Stave/Spear weapon for Leon to use in his humanoid form to serve as a means of focusing his spellwork through.
  • Composite Character: Leon shares several traits of Gaelion, Naofumi's pet orange Dragon he gets in the Novels that is partially possessed by the soul of "Old Gaelion".
  • Generation Xerox: As noted by Wyndia, Leon looks like a slightly-smaller Gaelion in his draconic form.
  • Greed: Because of his nature as a Dragon, Leon is naturally greedy and has a nose for value. This allows him to easily sense that Therese Alexanderite wasn't Human due to him sensing her gemstone.
  • Large Ham: Overdramatic and a sense of flair in everything that he does due to his pride, Leon often breaks out into full Ham mode coupled with an Evil Laugh.
  • Money Multiplier: The Chest of Triumph is a formerly-cursed Treasure Chest that Leon found during the pirate ship Wave that slowly fills with Plunder whenever someone in their Party kills something. The Chest's chance of Plunder is boosted further thanks to Naofumi's own Item Drop Boosting Shields.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Despite being the youngest of them, Leon is still willing to attack Motoyasu when he learns that the Spear Hero was lusting for Filo.
    Leon: Touch my sister and I'm gonna break your arms!
  • Odd Friendship: Most outsiders that know of the natural rivalry that exists between Dragons and Filolials are left perturbed at how Leon and Filo see one-another as siblings; while at times they border somewhere between Sibling Rivalry and Vitriolic Best Buds.
  • Were Dragon: Due to his status as a Royal Monster raised by a Cardinal Hero, Leon possesses the ability to transform from his Draconic form into a more Humanoid form that has his wings and a single horn on his head.

Other Party Members
