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YMMV / The Bad Education Movie

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  • Ass Pull: Joe having a tracking chip in his neck is only mentioned once and introduced solely as a Deus ex Machina to allow the police, Susan; and Rosie, Fraser, and Martin to find out that Alfie and the CLA are at Pennlaven Castle.
  • Evil Is Cool: Pasco to a tee. He's part of an underdog group fighting an unlikable elite, has a cool wardrobe and shows unflappable courage. Not to mention the swordfight he has with Alfie.
  • Funny Moments:
    • The entire opening scene where the class visits the home of Anne Frank, during which Mitchell slips Alfie magic mushrooms. Alfie then tries to "liberate" the Anne Frank mannequin E.T. style and ends up almost drowning in a lake.
    • Susan gets a gerbil fired up her dress. She's shocked at first, but starts to enjoy it.
    • Rosie, Fraser and Martin race to Cornwall to rescue Alfie's class. Along the way, Fraser plays Christmas songs (when the film is set in June), which Rosie protests. He switches to playing I Spy with Martin, but gives such annoyingly obvious hints that Rosie snaps and screams for Fraser to put the music back on.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The scenes where Susan is drugged, smuggled to France against her will, and then hitches a lift back to England in a lorry full of illegal immigrants are considerably less funny than intended thanks to the film’s release coinciding with one of the worst migrant crises of the modern age.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Much like the show it's based on, it has its moments:
    • Doubles as a Tear Jerker. The scene where everyone gets held hostage by the the CLA in a room, they later reveal that it's not just Alfie they'll be leaving, they'll be leaving each other. This results in Chantelle and Stephen making up and becoming BB Fs and Class K telling Alfie he's a good teacher.
    • Near the end of the film where everyone gets their GCSE results, it's revealed Joe has received an A in History as a result of Alfie and his tutor mentoring him. Joe gives Alfie a hug and Alfie finally gains Susan's approval.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Iain Glen paraphrasing Bane is ironic considering he'd eventually get cast as Bruce Wayne.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Pasco crosses it when he uses Alfie to bomb Atticus Hoye’s house and just keeps going further away from it from that point on.
    • Alfie drugging Susan, and getting Mitchell and Pasco to smuggle her to France.
    • The reveal that Susan had Joe implanted with a tracking chip during his appendectomy. And that's assuming you don't find her refusal to save Joe from being stabbed just so she could record Alfie in a compromised situation a step too far.
  • Special Effect Failure: The prosthetic scrotum used in the scene where Alfie is dared to teabag a swan isn’t particularly convincing.
    • The green screen effects when Alfie is dangling from the helicopter after Rosie, Fraser, and Martin carry out a Gunship Rescue.
  • Squick: Alfie is forced to swallow the forseskin of John the Baptist.
