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YMMV / Final Vendetta

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  • Awesome Music: The game has many wonderful music scores with Power and Beats, No Turning Back , Attack the Club and Give a Little More standing out as the best of the OST.
  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Of the three characters, expect to see videos of Claire or Duke the most. Due to their combat, combo potential, and exploits. Miller does not have as many solo or combo videos.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Liu and one of her variants, Karen, seem to have gain a lot popularity among fans. There's a thread on Steam requesting her to be playable and there's also the #playablekaren hashtag on Twitter, complete with fanarts. She also has her own entry in "The Female Villains Wiki" (under Liu) while the other female villains are absent.
    • Duke is usually favored the most of the three playable characters, because of his play style and easy to learn combo moves. The fact he is a combination of Adam Hunter and Axel Stone, is a big motivating factor for most Streets of Rage and brawler fans.
  • Game-Breaker: Duke is this before, and even after the patch update. His flaming fists had no limits and could be exploited for air juggles, with his dashing flash kicks. The patch nerfed this a little, but similar or new exploits were discovered, making it almost a non-issue.
  • It's Hard, So It Sucks!: Before the big patch update, this was the mentality for many. You had lives with no continues, and no way to grab extra lives, aside from finding one each hidden in a stage, and hazards that are One-Hit Kill.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks!: The other major flaw. For a game priced at $25, there's only Arcade Mode with six stages, and not many bonus modes. Just Training, Versus, Boss Rush Mode, and Survival mode.
  • Low-Tier Letdown: Miller; especially before the patch update. Even though he's the Mighty Glacier of the group, Miller was too disadvantageous. His attacks had too much wind up, recovery was too slow, his hit box would be a hindrance, and there was a Game-Breaking Bug where the fourth boss could endlessly grab him in a loop. Needing him to beat the game on Hard to unlock Ultra mode did not help matters. It was usually viable to have a co-op partner with you, if playing as him. After the update, he became much more fun to play, but most players still prefer playing as Duke or Claire.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: All the bonus modes or hardest difficulty have to be unlocked with specific characters. Training Mode has to be unlocked by completing the game. Compared to Final Vendetta's contemporaries, and most games of the past, training mode is usually something unlocked from the start, or added in later as free update. Survival Mode has to be unlocked by beating the game as Duke. Boss Rush Mode has to unlocked by beating the game as Claire. To unlock Ultra Difficulty, the game has to be beaten with Miller on Hard Mode. Miller is by far the most difficult and worse character to use, before the patch update. Even after the update, it's just false padding to extend replay value.
