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What An Idiot / Metal Gear: Green

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In these times of war and peace, there are times to remind us all that despite our claims, we are flawed creatures. And like flawed creatures, we tend to have boneheaded moments.

  • After the nukes are detonated in their silos, Madam President is approached by Night Owl and offered evidence that points to the current HPSC VP at the time as the saboteur.
    You'd Think: She would take this with a hint of salt or be very skeptical. After all, it is weird for a scientist to do investigations, and had she pried deeper, she would've found out that the actual saboteur was in front of her. In fact, she internally notes how awkward it is for a scientist to investigate the saboteur.
    But Panic Was Prevalent: She takes it hook, line and sinker, if only to prevent the HPSC from dissolving further into chaos.
    The Result: The aforementioned VP is dragged off and likely killed, and Night Owl begins to subtly eliminate the competition for the VP position, becoming the VP of the HPSC by the Outer Heaven Arc.
  • During the 60,000 Hero attack on Nigeria, the 100 heroes in the area are escorting Bison and nearly 40 captured MSF personnel to get them to prison, where in the hero's eyes, they belong. Because the MSF have air supremacy (and their transports do not have fighter protection), they walk out and see a large group of refugees.
    You'd Think: They would ask the MSF personnel or the refugees what the hell happened or ask themselves what's going on. Usually, when refugees are rescued by heroes, they are grateful.
    Or At The Least: Question why the refugees are even remaining here, as if they got a bit more of a clear picture, they would find out the MSF has spent the past week protecting these refugees from the fucking warlords that run Africa and many of them cannot go back home because the warlords will kill them or their lands were irradiated via the Congo Tyrant's nuke.
    Instead: They tell the refugees to go home and expect autographs.
    The Result: The now pissed off refugees attack the heroes and capture a good chunk of them, while freeing the captured MSF personnel.
    Furthermore: These were low-level Cannon Fodder heroes, who seemed to be focused on glory, rather than doing what's right. Not to mention that it was highly likely the HPSC was going to have them kill the refugees and frame the MSF for it.
  • In the USJ Attack, Fudaki had zapped out all the villains in the flood zone and Mineta was calling for him to join him and Asui in safety.
    You'd Think: He would abide by his teacher's orders. He is a 1st year student, after all, and survival is more easier alongside a group than alone.
    Instead: He ignores them and charges off to fight the USJ Nomu by himself.
    The Result: Fudaki is killed by the USJ Nomu due to having a mix of Suicidal Overconfidence, Too Dumb to Live and just plain stupidity.
  • Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki see the USJ Nomu was pinned, Kurogiri was incapacitated and Shigaraki was in the throes of a Villainous Breakdown because he was trapped in the USJ by the combined efforts of All Might and the Ocelot Unit.
    You'd Expect: They let the Ocelot Unit and All Might do what they need to do. After all, they have the situation under control.
    Instead: They jump in to fight the USJ Nomu.
    The Result: Todoroki successfully gives Shigaraki cover and breaks the USJ Nomu out of being pinned, combined with Bakugou and Kirishima's brute force idea, meant that the Ocelot Unit couldn't shoot the USJ Nomu without hitting those three, and Todoroki's attempts ruined a well thought-out plan. Ocelot rightfully calls the three out for being idiotic dumbasses for jumping into a situation that was already under control and making things more difficult. They narrowly escape expulsion and blacklisting by All Might's intervention, but Ocelot warns them if they try something like that again, they will be expelled and blacklisted, regardless of All Might's intervention or not.
  • During the same attack, several members of the Ocelot Unit were getting Tokoyami and Koda out of the downpour zone of the USJ, and were confronted by the thugs in that region. The Ocelot members told the thugs to put their hands up and surrender.
    You'd Think: They would surrender, as Quirk or no Quirk, they are going up against an armed unit with assault rifles, machine guns and a fifty cal.
    Instead: They refused and attack the Ocelot Unit.
    The Result: All of the thugs in the Downpour zone were brutally slaughtered in a vicious Curb-Stomp Battle. When Tokoyami explains what happened, he said that there was Not Enough to Bury the thugs.
  • In Chapter 65, Bakugou finds Akatani chatting with someone on his Idroid and becomes pissed with him over the disaster of a class trial where he was knocked out effortlessly.
    You'd Think: He'd try to hold his temper in. As much as he hates Akatani, if he was caught attacking or threatening bodily harm to a TA, he would not only be expelled, but blacklisted thanks to Ocelot.
    Instead: He becomes Blinded by Rage, grabs Akatani by his uniform and threatens bodily harm.
    The Result: Bakugou gets effortlessly beaten, zip-tied in a manner that would keep him from using his Quirk on his restraints or Akatani, and left to try and get out of them on his own.
    Later: Akatani is going over who he thinks is the bigger threat in class 1A.
    You'd Think: He'd keep his mouth shut.
    Instead: His pride overtakes him and mocks him for having Jiro, Shoji and Koda as the biggest threats.
    The Result: Akatani tells him that they were a bigger threat than him and that he still hasn't gotten out of the zip-ties when he claimed he could be strong enough to do so effortlessly, causing most of 1A to laugh at him and destroying his reputation even further.
  • In Chapter 68, Ocelot explains to Class 1A that the ones who barely passed over-relied on All Might and it cost them a lot. When Bakugou argues they Nerfed All Might, Snake explains this is designed to be as realistic as possible.
    You'd Expect: Bakugou to keep his mouth shut. He's already on thin ice and in a MSF command post.
    But This Being Bakugou: He calls Snake a villain to his face, causing all of Class 1A to collectively panic.
    The Result: Ocelot threatens to add another week of cleaning duty to Bakugou to shut him up, but it's clear to everyone that if the MSF were villains, all of them would be leaving the MSF Command Post in body bags.
    Furthermore: This will likely convince Class 1A that Bakugou shouldn't be befriended unless they want to get killed by his stupidity.
