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WMG / Star of Providence

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Unmarked spoilers ahead!

    General Theories 
Similarly to the two pairs in the main Classical Elements Ensemble, the magic schools of sight and enigmancy are opposites.

Those who can use sight are said to be able to see into the future, resultingly plan for it, and possibly bypass probability. Those who can use enigmancy forego and possibly derail planning due to the use of randomness and variation — often as weapons in and of themselves.

Kleines is the storm member of the Omniscient Council of Vagueness... or at the very least, their pet cat.

From the statue found in the Reliquary, Stormlord resembles a Hermit/Wiseguy in appearance, who appear to have a mafia style structure of authority according to their Monster Compendium entries. When the Care Package Hermit is interacted with, they state that "The cat sends his regards", implying that Kleines has a very high position in their hierarchy.

Monolith and Cave Story take place in the same universe.

You can fight Genesis and Oblivion in Monolith.

The entire game is a simulation by Database.

It wouldn't make sense for there to be a decorated, tranquil hub with friendly robots and a jukebox with all the non-diegetic ambience and a cat you buy item unlocks from, right? Also, the possibility of beating an Arena Blaster run or playing as a Skully? Thus, the game world is somewhat separate from the timeline of the ships' ventures into the facility.

Arena Blaster has a favorite drink.

Each 3-charge pickup is represented by a cup of tea or latte.

Power Eternal is only referred to with a "The" by those who view it as a treasure to claim from an upgrade terminal at the bottom of the facility... opposed to the unkillable, unwieldable entity it really is.

Chaosgod is an Ur-Mage of some sorts.

While most other spellcasters in Monolith technically double as robots, undead, constructs, or living organisms, Chaosgod is one of the few beings that do not fit any of those descriptions well. Chaosgod is a higher weaponizer of Primordial Chaos with some serious connection to The Omniscient Council of Vagueness, and if its power is truly magic, its enemy type might not be stated due to the truth being a bit much to handle.

Following up on the simulation theory, the corruption was never actually real, and Database was holding back just to act as the fun Superboss it is.

If the Monolith universe is a simulation, then the Database that runs it is top dog, secretly more powerful than even Monolith and Chaosgod. However, it has the intelligence to know that the sub-bosses and Nowhere amalgamations are more fun to face than an undodgable, wide-angle Wave-Motion Gun.

Daemon knew what would happen if the council tried messing around with the Power Eternal, but they chose not to do anything because they're a Jerkass.

They're the head of Sight Magic, which would presumably give them immense prescience and would have possibly allowed them to prevent the whole mess before it even started, but they simply didn't care - their Monster Compendium entry describes them as "malicious and abrasive even before this whole mess began".

  • Bet they thought of destroying the conduit to the Power Eternal (something that D-13 later does for real), and secretly decided against that.

Arena Blaster canonically died on like the Maintenance System or something.

Unlike the other ships (with the exception of Skully) who have unique F6 boss fights that indicate their fates, Arena Blaster doesn't get one, suggesting that they died in a relatively mundane manner.

The player cannot kill Daemon in the Archives.

You're attacking a green projection, and not the actual hardware that might comprise the head of sight magic. The magic they are best at being a purely non-combative Informed Ability might be the only reason why they're a lowly Archives boss and put up less of a fight than any other seen member of the council. They are aware that they can't die, and only appear to mess with you.

Monolith's practice fight image depicts a hypothetical D-13 counterpart of Monolith... an alternative to it being seen as an actual predecessor counterpart.

That image of Monolith has a black-colored eye, while the one fought in-game has a red one. This is a reversal of the colors of those belonging to D-13 and Null, respectively. If the canon Monolith was ever defeated, D-13 can be played in Normal difficulty and claim Power Eternal. This reminds me that so long as either of the two kept going to claim the Power Eternal, one of them would become this boss and would have to be killed.

Kleines knows all about what lies below the Sanctum.

He has different unique messages for the true final bosses.

The Ringleader knows that it's the game's easiest boss.

That's why it laughs whenever it actually hits you.

    Star of Providence Update Guesses 

You will have to fight Kleines in a future update, and he will be the most powerful boss in the entire game.

He can not be trusted!!

Continuing from the theory about the game being a simulation of the canon events, the next big update will involve the "Void" elements intruding on the game world that arised.

With the game world acting outside the canon timeline, there rises an opportunity to raise the stakes, even without the threat of the eponymous Star of Providence. The player would have to face off against something even greater. There could be a chance to Earn Your Happy Ending and have the main characters live together in peace, but we'll never know yet...
