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Lessee... what to say?


...dammit, I have no clue, so I'll impro-*THWACK!*

Okay, guys wearing lampshades are no longer allowed in this profile! *THWACK!*

Taking the lampshade off immediately before attacking doesn't count as not wearing it! *THWACK!*

Games I've played: Dragon Quest V. (OTP: Protagonist and Debora. Partly because her quotes amuse me, partly due to Alternate Character Interpretation)

Former player of Blargy, a Big Eater Extreme Omnivore animated filing cabinet with a tendency to shout "BLAAAAARGGG!" at every opportunity (usually with FIVE A's and THREE G's, with a varying number of exclamation marks afterward) who is filling in for the deceased hero, wielding an oversized sword and wearing a spiky wig. Performed a Power Glows Foe-Tossing Charge on an army of Hollywood Cyborgs and a suplex on The Starscream after a Bare-Handed Blade Block... or is he The Man Behind the Man?

My thoughts on...

Naoto Shirogane: Transsexual or Male-Presenting Crossdresser? Some people insist that she's actually a transsexual, and reprimand people who believe otherwise for judging on her birth gender. I, on the other hand, would like to reprimand these people for hypocrisy: It's perfectly possible for someone to dress and present themselves as one gender while identifying as the other, or even something else entirely (for example, someone who identifies as genderless, but dresses and presents as their birth gender- I'm more or less one of these).

As for why I think she's the latter rather than transsexual: She's relatively easily convinced to identify herself as female, albeit with little effect on dressing habits and, to a lesser extent, speech patterns. If she was truly transsexual, it would take extensive brainwashing to change her mind, not a month or two of talking to an upperclassman.

KanNao: Good Couple or Crush Doomed To Failure? Frankly, I've seen a story that summarizes my opinion on this quite well, but for those of you who haven't seen it: The biggest argument against them presented in it was "What would they talk about?" (On a side note, said story brings up an alternate pairing I'd never considered, but makes sense in hindsight: KanChie.)

And yes, I'm sure we've all had crushes on people who we later turned out to be completely incompatible with at some point.

Kanji: What's his sexual preference? Some people argue one way or the other due to his in-game reactions. Personally? I think he's a closeted bisexual, because the hints of him being attracted to each gender are too strong for me to narrow it down to binary preferences.

Active RP Characters

Old RP Characters

  • Lampface- Scrounge's Maid RPG thread (now defunct)
  • Blargy, detailed above, in the We Are Mooks thread (last post: Dec 25, 2010)
  • Lokum "Booze" Facestabbed, briefly appearing in Hydrall's Dwarf Fortress RP (last post: Mar 10, 2011)
  • Saito Fujita, Chariot Arcana, Persona: Benkei, in lightdarkhero250's Persona: Year of the Eclipse thread (last post: Nov 11, 2011)
  • Spartan, Swordmaster class, in randomtropeloser's Fire Emblem RP (last post: Aug 16, 2010)
    • Athena, Shaman class and Spartan's granddaughter, also in the Fire Emblem RP
    • Sir Plusse, Bard class antagonist, in the same RP
      • The captain of Sir Plusse's guards, unnamed NPC, in the same RP
    • Jodus, Mercenary class, sidequest-important NPC (if the RP had gotten that far), still in the Fire Emblem RP
    • Malsch, Bandit class, purely existing to be a bandit, last of my characters in the Fire Emblem RP
  • A different Malsch, Barbarian class, former lumberjack turned freedom fighter, in cerebralTheatrics' Fire Emblem RP
