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Tropers / Galadrieal

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A self-described "pessi-optimist" 20-year-old college student hailing from Arizona, Galadrieal enjoys zombies, music, movies, video games, Minecraft, swearing, working, and referring to herself in the third person.

A writer through and through, she often dreams publishing her novel, but will often abandon writing time for video games, day-dreaming, and good old TV Tropes reading escapades...While still dreaming of seeing her novel on TV Tropes. Nonetheless, she still finds time to write chapters...Mostly during her job in a computer lab.

While not a frequent contributor, she is a constant lurker and enjoys reading TV Tropes while at work, at home...Just about everywhere and is always finding new tropes to apply to her stories. She is something of a walking encyclopedia, thanks to a randomly developed hobby of reading and memorizing random facts, and always puts the information to use some way or another.

She is a science fiction writer, but has also dabbled in fantasy, paranormal, and horror stories, but prefers the genre where her futuristic dreams can run wild. Her current project, a five-book series called "The Safe House", is currently four years of her life in the making, with the first book nearing completion.

She is also known as the one Troper who can't get folders to work properly.

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