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Trivia / Vs. Sonic.exe RERUN

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  • Approval of God: Despite having made an official remaster of their original creepypasta, Chinelin, the original creator for "SONIC", voiced their approval of the teaser for the creepypasta's song in this mod, citing it as "badass". The devs were quickly excited about this and even asked about what the song's name could be from Chinelin's view.
  • Author's Saving Throw: After the initial leak of the old Nayu build, the team decided to return to it and fix things up to make a more complete experience for people to play while the mod continues development, despite a good deal of the content planning to get reworked or outright scrapped.
  • Content Leak: As mentioned on the main page, a build containing 14 of the songs intended for the mod was leaked and released publicly. The team did catch on to the possibility of this happening, of course (with muto even shrugging it off), and (as mentioned above) fixed it up a bit to make it feel more complete and away from the Obvious Beta state of the original build.
  • Creator Backlash: After Lord X was banned from mods by JoeDoughBoi, NayuKhrome unjustly condemned Joe of abusive behavior, despite the latter not intending to harass anyone.
  • Creator's Pest: While still okay with keeping Secret History Tails in the mod, muto has shown on Twitter that he's not a fan of his appearance in There's Something About Amy, seeing the original as "peak" in comparison.
  • God Never Said That:
    • People were pretty quick to associate Piracy Sonic with this mod due to his song. However, this incarnation of him actually originated from a video made during the anti-piracy craze by PorteWeeker. It got to the point where he was explicitly split between his original incarnation and his RERUN incarnation in EXE polls accordingly.
    • Once Sonic.NES got scrapped from the mod and mention was that the "SONIC HAS PASSED" Vinesauce corruption would be added, fans were initially quick to assume it would mean that Genesys was getting into the mod, when that clearly wasn't the case.
  • He Also Did: NayuKhrome, aside from directing this mod, has done other contributions to the FNF community, like a mod based on Smile Dog, songs for a mod based on FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, and had even originally composed "Gamebreaker".
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor: After controversy fully came out against RightBurst, he was promptly kicked out of the RERUN team, with Sonic.NES being scrapped outright and being replaced with the "SONIC HAS PASSED" variant instead.
  • Schedule Slip: RERUN was initially planned to be released sometime during December 2022, as brought out on Reddit. However, several plans changed, including the Content Leak mentioned above, and the official release is yet to be announced.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • muto had created Christmas-themed appearances of Boyfriend and Girlfriend with the mod's overall design for them, though these are most likely to go unused due to a lack of Christmas content in this mod.
    • Controversy with JesterFrog led to her EXEs, Shell and Jolly, getting scrapped from this mod, alongside their songs, "Vessel" and "Machina" respectively. Both songs were fully planned out before getting scrapped, though, and the official music video for the latter shows off some concepts for the song's sequences.
    • At one point, the EXE Non-Existent was considered for the mod, even getting a song dubbed "Null-Control" for it. These plans were eventually scrapped, though Non-Existent got his own standalone mod to compensate for this.
    • Half of the originally-intended roster of characters (such as Needlem0use and Fatal Error), were eventually pulled from the mod in the aftermath of the leaks.
    • Due to controversy surrounding RightBurst, Nayu cut ties with him alongside having "Top Loader" be assigned to the Somari/Sonic NES corruption video by Vinesauce. This also removed any connection to Satanos getting included in the mod.
  • Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things: Once "Vessel" got scrapped, some fans asked for the instrumental to the song, most likely to try charting it, though the Teasers & News YouTube account for the mod stated bluntly in the pinned comment that they won't do that, nor will they allow any fan-charting of the song for obvious reasons.
