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Trivia / Doctor Who S32 E8 "Let's Kill Hitler"

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  • California Doubling: Much of Berlin was filmed in Swansea.
  • Dawson Casting: Amy, Rory and Mels' high-school selves are played by their regular actors.
  • Deleted Scene: A motorcycle Chase Scene between the Teselecta (disguised as a German soldier) and Amy and Rory was cut because of the budget.
  • Fake Nationality: The English Albert Wenning as Adolf Hitler.
  • Reality Subtext: Melody mentions taking her age down a bit. "Just gradually. To freak people out." Because, of course, it was a slightly younger Alex Kingston playing the older River Song.
  • Referenced by...: This episode was referenced during the 84th Academy Awards, during a spoof of Midnight in Paris. As Justin Bieber ducks inside the vintage car, he finds Sammy Davis Jr. holding a sonic screwdriver and announcing, "And then we're gonna kill Hitler!"
  • Troubled Production: Steven Moffat was overseeing six episodes of Doctor Who, making three film-length episodes of Sherlock and writing The Adventures of Tintin (2011), and was stretched too thin and overworked. When filming was due to commence on "Let's Kill Hitler", Moffat's only option was to hand the actors his first draft and hope for the best. Most of the problems people have with the episode are things like lazy filler jokes ("She's trying to kill me... plus, she's a woman!") and the lack of anything addressing the brutal finale of the last series, which likely would have been fixed had Moffat had more time to write it.
  • What Could Have Been: Jenna Coleman was considered for Melody Pond before going to Nina Toussaint-White.
