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Trivia / Dino Crisis

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  • Acting for Two: Gail and Dr. Kirk are both voiced by the same actor, Adrian Truss.
  • Accidentally Correct Zoology:
    • Concerning the first game's Therizinosaurus:
      • The game's versions look and act absolutely nothing like the real dinosaur by that name. However, as medium-sized carnivorous dinosaurs with giant claws on their hands, they are actually decent portrayals of a different dinosaur called Megaraptor, which was believed at the time to be a giant relative of Velociraptor (as reflected in Dino Stalker).
      • The game's versions are erroneously depicted with longer arms and shorter, sickle-shaped claws, more similar to those of the giant ornithomimid Deinocheirus whose arms were only known at the time. Fast-forward to 2014, when it turned out Deinocheirus had a body plan quite similar to the real-life Therizinosaurus.
    • The Tyrannosaurus ability to swim fast enough to keep up with a speeding boat in the climax of the first game has recently proven to be completely plausible due to its hollow bones and powerful legs, as Prehistoric Planet showed.
    • The Inostrancevia from Dino Crisis 2 are inaccurately depicted with scaly armor, which actually makes them more similar to terrestrial crocodyliforms such as the later discovered Kaprosuchus.
    • Similarly, the Mosasaurus are depicted looking more like finned crocodiles and much smaller than in real life. However, this enables them to be passed off as thalattosuchians or marine crocodyliforms, though their tails would be shark-like than eel-like.
    • The Miaplacidus from Dino Crisis 3 is a Spinosaurus mutant bio-engineered for amphibiousness. In 2014, Spinosaurus indeed turned out to be semi-aquatic, and this would be further confirmed by the 2020 discovery that its tail was eel-like.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: In a Spanish strategy guide for the first game, the Therizinosaurus is named Pterosaur when those two couldn't any more different. Incidentally, the Pteranodon is named Pterodactyl but that’s a common mistake.
    • The Spanish version of the manual for the Dreamcast port of the first game included some blurbs telling scientific facts about the prehistoric beasts you find in the game. All well and good, except for the fact that the very first one is about Saber-toothed Tigers aka Smilodons, when no animals of the sort appear in the game.
  • Franchise Killer: Due to poor reception by fans and critics alike, Dino Crisis 3 has pretty much put the series into a deep coma since it strayed too far away from the previous installments and the game itself was loaded with problems. To wit, the only mention the series has had since 3 was Regina's appearance in Namco × Capcom, plus a costume for Annie in the EX Plus Alpha add-on for Dead Rising 3. The fact the game was released in the Xbox, which was (and still is) very unpopular in Japan didn't help matters either, so it's very possible Capcom released the game there instead of the Playstation 2 or the GameCube, two Japanese-made consoles, knowing well the game would bomb and probably damaging the company's reputation in Japan should the game be released for either of those two consoles.
  • Prop Recycling: As noted on TCRF, most of the door textures were edited versions of the ones from Resident Evil 2
  • Preview Piggybacking: Early copies of the PlayStation version also came with a demo disc for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In very early stages of development, the first game was meant to take place mostly in the jungle and the enemies would be animals that could be found in real life, like snakes and gorillas. A few months in, Shinji Mikami made the decision to have them be dinosaurs instead, laying the foundation for the game series as a whole.
    • The first game was going to feature a sequence set in a part of the jungle, but because of the hardware's limitations in producing such detailed environments, it couldn't be included.
    • Regina was intended to have a lover named Alex who was her superior at S.O.R.T.. The producers nicknamed him the "Kiss Demon" since he would try to kiss Regina any chance he got. An alternative ending had Regina leap into Alex's arms and kiss him after using the gate and going back to her original timeline.
    • Paula was originally intended to be Dr. Kirk's daughter.
    • There was originally going to be a senior officer who bullied Dylan.
    • The third game was originally going to be set in a dinosaur-infested city. Capcom ditched this concept out of fear of offending post-9/11 American audiences.
    • Triceratops and Ankylosaurus were planned to appear in the first game, although the former was Refitted for Sequel and the latter appeared in mutant form of the Regulus in the third game.
    • Among the many pitches that the now-defunct Dead Rising 2-4 developer, Capcom Vancouver, presented to the main Japanese branch was a new Dino Crisis game. This, as with the vast majority of these pitches, was shot down for no adequately explained reason.
  • Word of God: Dylan kept his late sister's necklace and gave it to Paula when she was born.
