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Recap / Victorious S 1 E 3

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Stage Fighting

When Tori and Jade are partnered up for a stage fighting skit, the two end up causing Tori to get in trouble when she seemingly hits Jade for real.

Also, when Robbie is in a skit with Trina for acting class which involves a kissing scene, he thinks that she has these feelings to be actual.


  • Armor-Piercing Response: When Jade suspiciously asks Tori why she would care about breaking Beck up from a fight, Tori replies that she figures he suffers enough pain from dating HER. This causes Jade to go berserk and almost hit Tori.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Robbie does not understand romantic acting at all. When Trina kisses him on the lips as part of an acting activity in class, he mistakes it for a real one. And so he constantly pesters Trina, wanting to date her. And when Cat explains the situation to him, and also fake kisses him to let him know what she means, he mistakes it again for romance.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Because Tori made an insulting jab at her, Jade pulls a Wounded Gazelle Gambit which gets Tori 2 weeks of detention, a drop in letter grade, and community service.
  • Innocently Insensitive: When people are helping Jade after her “black eye”, Tori offers her a chair to sit on. It turns out to be a prop chair that breaks away during a fight scene, and it promptly falls apart once Jade sits down on it. This ends up making Tori look even MORE guilty.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When the teacher is telling Tori that Russ’s and Beck’s “fight” was just stage fighting. Jade predicts that Tori will ask what stage fighting IS, and Tori immediately denies this. She then asks the teacher what it is.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Robbie thinks that because of the kiss in their class acting assignment, he thinks that he and Trina are starting a budding relationship. In reality, she was just acting and couldn’t stand him out of practice.
  • Not Helping Your Case: When Cat asks Tori if she actually hit Jade, she viciously denies it in a threatening tone. This scares Cat, and makes her think she’ll hit HER, too.
  • Not What It Looks Like: When Tori gets into the auditorium for theatre class, she sees Russ seemingly beating up Beck is with realistic effects as practice. However, because it looked too real for her, she immediately springs into action, telling Russ to leave Beck alone, jumping on his back.
  • Spit Take: When Robbie kisses Trina on the lips while she’s drinking milk, she is understandably shocked, and spits out the milk she just drank all over Robbie’s face after doing said kissing on her.
  • Thinks Like a Romance Novel: This is apparently how Robbie thinks when he and Trina kiss as part of a skit. Needless to say, she is frustrated over this, as well as Cat at the end of the B plot when the same thing happens to her.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Trina receives the gift that Robbie gets her as part of his crush on her, but she still shuts the door on him, locks the door, and turns off her patio light.
  • Wham Shot: After Jade gets splashed on, her black eye begins to run, revealing it was only makeup and Tori was right all along.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Jade uses this by pretending Tori hit her during their stage fighting scene.
