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Recap / Veronica Mars S 02 E 15 The Quick And The Wed

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Mars Investigations. Keith asks Veronica if she's sure about seeing detonators and explosives in the hangar where Terrence Cook keeps his cars, and Veronica says she is. She wonders if maybe there was a legitimate use for them, but Keith doesn't think so. He asks if anyone besides Veronica saw, but Veronica says no, and asks what Keith is going to do.

A little later, Keith is at the sheriff's department, telling Lamb his news. Lamb doesn't believe Keith is telling him this, given how convinced Keith was of Cook's innocence, but he does agree to post a guard on the hangar.

A tabloid news show, Tinseltown Diaries, comes on with a special look at Aaron Echolls. As we see clips of Aaron's career, pictures of him in happier times with Lynn, tabloid headlines about his adultery, and scenes from Lily's memorial tribute, we see Logan and Dick are in Logan's hotel suite at the Neptune Grand and watching the show. We see more clips, including headlines where Trina faked a terminal illness, and Logan's misdeeds, including his bumfights and his leaving the courtroom after the initial indictment for killing Felix was dismissed. During this last montage, we see Hannah and her mother Steph (Stacy Edwards) are watching, and Steph can't believe Hannah is dating Logan. Along with these clips and the announcer's voiceover, we also see new interview footage of Aaron in prison, where he admits to making mistakes, but denies killing Lily. When the interviewer brings up the tapes of him having sex with Lily, Aaron scoffs that the prosecution hasn't turned them over, so he thinks they don't exist. He also accuses Duncan of the murder...

...and on this last part, we see Veronica, who's holding a tray of several cups of coffee, is watching at Java the Hut. Jane walks over and reminds Veronica the cups of coffee belong to her and her friends; Veronica, abashed, agrees to deliver them. The two of them walk past Jane's sister Heidi (Virginia Williams), who's delivering a spirited rendition of "I Want You to Want Me" to the cheering of several other women her age. The other women are part of a bachelorette party, and one of them, Maggie (Dawn Olivieri), tells Veronica that Heidi is marrying Paul Mann, heir to "the oldest money in Neptune". As Heidi finishes the song, the other women enthusiastically cheer and clap, and she walks over to the table. While another singer begins his rendition of "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General", Heidi shows her engagement ring to Veronica, with a rather large diamond on it. Heidi also gushes about Paul, and says this is just the first stop in their bachelorette scavenger hunt (the first two steps were singing a "slutty" song and getting a man to remove his underpants; Heidi holds up a pair of boxers). Veronica wishes them luck, and leaves.

The next day, at the hangar, Keith asks Lamb, who's with the bomb squad, what he found, but Lamb rudely tells Keith he'll learn everything at the press conference.

Meanwhile, in the hallways of Neptune High, Jane approaches Veronica and tells her Heidi has gone missing. A little later, they're outside having lunch, and Jane tells Veronica they haven't heard from Jane since she was dropped off after the party at two in the morning. She acknowledges (and Wallace confirms) Heidi is a bit of a Cloud Cuckoolander, but she doesn't want Heidi to screw up the wedding. After confirming they can keep Paul and his family in the dark (a wedding planner and Paul's sisters are taking care of everything, and there's no rehearsal dinner), Veronica confirms she only has three days till the wedding.

Lamb gives his press conference at the sheriff's department, where he confirms there's a warrant for Terrence Cook for murder, and that the bomb squad found explosives and detonators where Terrence keeps his car. He also says while Terrence hasn't been found yet, he'll be found. Keith has been watching the press conference coverage at Mars Investigations when his cell phone rings. It's Veronica, who asks Keith to check Hannah's phone, credit card and ATM activity. She also tells Keith she's sorry about Terrence, and he thanks her.

At another table outside Neptune, Hannah and Logan are cuddling, and they arrange to get together later. Veronica looks on, disgusted, and a little later, when she sees Logan in the hallway, she calls him on going out with Hannah just to get back at her father. Logan hangs his head a little at first, but then says Veronica is just jealous, and leaves.

Later, at Java the Hut, Veronica asks the others in the bachelorette party about Heidi. They confirm she's someone who acts at the spur of the moment, and mention she used to have a tattoo of her old boyfriend Nick, which she got a week after they met. One of them also mentions how Nick's mother fell off the roof recently while installing a satellite dish. Veronica asks them to get back to last night, and Maggie mentions they took her to an all-male revue called "Packaged Meat", and one of the others took pictures, but they gave the camera to Heidi. They also mention Heidi thought some "creepy guy" was following her. Veronica thanks them.

A little later, Veronica and Jane are at Heidi's apartment. Veronica is worried because the apartment looks like it's been torn apart, but Jane assures her it's always like that. They see two wine glasses, one of them broken, and her cell phone charger.

Cassidy and Kendall are inside an elevator. Cassidy brags how he's gotten great deals on new properties, but admits their company is low on capital at the moment. Kendall brings up the Kane house being on the market, but Cassidy says it's not in their territory. Kendall starts to flirt with Cassidy, who rebuffs her, but he smiles when she says he's her adversary, since her name is on everything.

Cliff and Logan are in Logan's hotel suite. Cliff says Logan's trial is set in six weeks, and the D.A. is offering a deal for involuntary manslaughter, which means Logan would only get four years and might get out in two. Logan isn't interested, reminding Cliff the only witnesses are the PCHers and Dr. Griffith, whom he describes as a cokehead. Cliff, in turn, reminds Logan Dr. Griffith is a prominent and well respected doctor, and that juries love convicting people like Logan. Logan adamantly refuses the deal, so Cliff sighs, says he'll be wearing an "I'm With Stupid" T-shirt at the trial, and leaves.

That night, Veronica and Wallace are at a car park near where Heidi used three different ATM machines to withdraw large amounts of cash. Wallace discovers Heidi's car. Veronica calls the sheriff, but hears they won't do anything until Heidi's been missing for 48 hours. She hangs up in disgust, but sees the camera in Heidi's car and digs it out.

Meanwhile, Keith is at Magic Touch, where Terrence gets his cars detailed. He mentions he saw the detailer at the hangar when it was being searched. The detailer explains he services Terrence's cars every month, and it was his time. Keith mentions the explosives and detonators found in the cabinet, but the detailer says it's where Terrence kept the calfskin chamois used to clean the cars. Keith confirms Terrence knew the detailer would be out there, and that he didn't see any explosives the month before.

The next day, at lunch at Neptune High, Jane is looking through photos while Veronica tells her Heidi received calls at 2:55 and 2:57 in the morning, which she took, and used the ATM about 20 minutes later. Also, the calls were made from a number no longer in service. Jane recognizes a picture; it's only of a torso, but Jane recognizes the shirt, and Veronica realizes it's a bowling shirt.

Kendall visits Aaron at prison. She offers to make him rich when he gets out of prison, and he's tempted, but only if she does something for him. She unzips her dress in the front to show her cleavage, and while Aaron is interested in that, he also wants her to drop by Logan's hotel room, which she agrees to do.

Logan is inside a convenience store, buying candy, while a couple of PCHers glare at him. When he leaves, they walk outside, run past Logan, and spit on him.

A little later, Logan is at Hannah's mother's house, and they're watching Easy Rider. Hannah teases Logan for not paying attention, and they start to wrestle. Steph appears and asks to speak to Hannah. Logan politely introduces himself to Steph, who remains icy towards him, and asks to borrow their computer so he can check fantasy baseball scores. Once Steph and Hannah go into the kitchen, Logan gets into Steph's e-mail account and sends a fake e-mail from her to Dr. Griffith, saying she found condoms in Hannah's room. He goes to the kitchen and hears Hannah arguing with Steph about Logan, saying she knows Logan's not the bad person everyone makes him out to be. Logan walks in, lies about what he found out, and offers to help Steph with the garbage bag she's holding.

That night, at the bowling alley, Veronica shows the picture at the shoe counter, and the man points her to the One-Eyed Ducks team. After dismissing a few suspects, Veronica recognizes Vinnie after he's bowled a strike. Vinnie, in turns, salutes Veronica. A little later, as Vinnie gets a beer, Veronica asks him about Heidi; naturally, he denies knowing her. Veronica says she's missing, and Vinnie feigns outrage at being accused of kidnapping, saying it's her racket. He refuses to say who hired him, and dismisses her, saying he needs to get back to bowling.

Meanwhile, outside of Steph's house, Hannah asks Logan if he heard what her mother said about him, and he confirms he did. He also says maybe Steph is right about him, but Hannah is more interested in going back to his place, and he's surprised by this.

Meanwhile, at the sheriff's department, Keith tells Lamb about what he learned from the detailer, which is when Lamb drops his bombshell; Terrence was shot by Ms. Dumass' father while he was breaking into their home. Keith is stunned.

The next day, in FBLA class, Mr. Pope brings up Woody's incorporation plan for Neptune, and says while it would bring on an actual police department and allow the rich to get richer, that wouldn't be all. As he gets a slide show ready, Hannah walks by the classroom and blows Logan a kiss, which Veronica sardonically notes. As various slides go through, Mr. Pope tells the class about Palo Alto, which is in the heart of Silicon Valley, and where the dot-com explosion took place in the late '90's. He mentions how Palo Alto used to be a diverse community until incorporation happened, and now it's become the crime capital of America, and property values inside the incorporated area skyrocketed while those outside became worthless. Mr. Pope then moves on to the stock market game and notes Cassidy has pulled ahead. Cassidy accepts congratulations from the class but looks a little worried.

After class, Veronica gets a call from Keith, who tells her Heidi made two quick phone calls to her fiancee. Veronica calls Heidi, but only gets a fax tone. A little later, she meets Jane at Heidi's apartment, and asks if Heidi has a fax machine. Veronica also points out the two calls Heidi received the night she disappeared might have been faxes instead. When they find the fax machine and print out old faxes, they discover a flyer from a band called XLR8, which Jane says is the band of Heidi's old boyfriend Nick. There's also a note on the flyer from Nick, saying he needed to see Heidi.

Later, at a bar in San Luis Obispo, Veronica shows the flyer to the bouncer, who points her towards a tour bus. Veronica goes to the tour bus, and a band member lets her in. Sure enough, Heidi and Nick (Brad Ashten) are sitting in the back. Heidi is surprised to see Veronica, and is skeptical of her detecting abilities, especially when she points out her "abandoned" car was parked near the bus station, and there were two wine glasses because after she accidentally broke one, she used another instead. Heidi also says the wedding is off because when she called Paul, he didn't answer, but he apparently was back with his old girlfriend, and she went to Nick because of what happened to his mother. Nick, however, says he never sent Heidi a fax, and Veronica points out he couldn't have, since the number doesn't exist. Veronica also realizes the "text messages" that Heidi got about Paul being with his old girlfriend weren't true either, because the person who supposedly sent them lost her phone, and that it was all done by Vinnie.

The next day, at the wedding, Paul (Christopher Mur) waits impatiently for Heidi, along with the preacher, when Heidi breathlessly runs up in her gown, followed by Veronica. Paul accuses Heidi of being a "used-up groupie", and Heidi asks if he's calling off the wedding. Paul says he is when his father yells out, "NO!" Heidi guesses Paul and his family wanted Heidi not to show so they could keep the ring, but since Paul called it off, she gets to keep it, and the irony was she would have been glad to give it back if he had simply asked, instead of having to waste two years on him. She tells the stunned guests to enjoy the reception, and she and Jane happily walk off as Veronica watches. Veronica muses Paul's parents requested the background check and Paul couldn't live with what they discovered.

Meanwhile, at the Neptune Grand, Kendall is pitching Cassidy's real estate company to a bemused Logan. They're interrupted by a knock on the door, and Kendall excuses herself to go to the bathroom. When Logan answers the door, it's Dr. Griffith, and Logan invites him in. During this time, Kendall has been in Duncan's bathroom, and using a pair of tweezers, she extracts hair from the shower and puts it in a case. She comes out of the bathroom, kisses two of her fingers, puts them on Logan's lips, asks him to think about her offer, and leaves. Once she's left, Dr. Griffith tells Logan he'll make his testimony go away if Logan agrees to stay away from Hannah. Logan nods and agrees, but when Dr. Griffith storms off, doesn't look happy.

Veronica is at Java the Hut when Vinnie answers, claiming she cost him $5000. Veronica asks for the cell phone he stole from Heidi's friend, and after a long pause, Vinnie hands it to her. Veronica says what's most disturbing about Vinnie is he's actually decent at his job. Vinnie slinks off, and Veronica returns the phone to Jane, who shows her a picture of Heidi and Nick hugging, and says they're at Nick's next show. Jane says one can never know where true love will appear, and Veronica says if true love comes looking for her, she'll be at the espresso machine. As she walks over to it, she sees Logan, who tells her he's done something bad.

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