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Recap / Total Drama: "Circling the Drain"

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The final 6 compete in a dangerous and painful memory game, where selecting the wrong contestant's square among a scattered pattern of their photos can lead you to a world of pain.


  • Achievements in Ignorance: Wayne and Raj manage to get the correct answer once due to falling asleep and drooling.
  • Anything but That!: Priya's reaction when she discovers her first punishment is from Ripper of all people.
  • Arch-Enemy: Julia becomes one to both Caleb and Priya when they discover she was manipulating the both of them to her advantage after they reconcile..
  • Bait-and-Switch: When Damien is about to use the immunity idol to escape elimination, he puts his hand in the place where he hid it, and discovers, to his horror, that someone replaced the idol with a plunger.
  • Book Dumb: Wayne and Raj take it to a whole new level in this challenge when they reveal that not only do they have a tutor to help them do their homework and schoolwork so that they can focus on their hockey games, but that she even does all of their studying and takes all of their tests for them.
  • Cat Fight: A brutal one occurs between Priya and Julia the moment Priya discovers she was manipulating her.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: Each time a contestant picks the wrong square on the board, they get a punishment that was specifically designed for each contestant on the board based off of either their personality or a notable trait or habit of their's or a significant event that they were involved in from a previous episode or season from the Punishment Pod.
  • Epic Fail: Wayne's attempt at mouth feeding Raj with a spoon is a new level of incompetence, since he fails to reach his friend's mouth at all and just covers him in food.
  • Hope Spot: It seems like the drama has finally ended for Priya and Caleb and they've finally become an official coupleā€¦ until Chris reveals that Julia gave him her shared immunity and Julia reveals a video of Caleb agreeing to make an alliance with her and send home whoever she tells him to for the rest of the competition in exchange for the immunity and not ever sending home Priya to prove that she isn't just making this up, which only ends up resparking some more drama between the couple for the next two episodes.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: A furious Priya says in the confessional that she doesn't flare her nostrils when angry, while angrily flaring her nostrils at the camera.
  • Not What It Looks Like: When Julia sees Damien pick the same square as her twice, she assumes that he's trying to copy off of her when he's really just picking the same square out of chance. When she directly sabotages him over this, he retaliates back in kind, and the two end up beefing so much that Julia eventually not only sends him home along with Wayne and Raj, but even steals his immunity idol that he had hidden earlier in the episode from him so that he can't use it on himself.
  • Shipper on Deck: Raj and Wayne are this to Priya and Caleb once they reconcile at the end of the challenge, leading them to vote off Damien due to not wanting to separate the couple.
  • A Tragedy of Impulsiveness: Before she can even input her own answer for the final part of the challenge, Priya decides to body-check Julia and get into a wrestling match with her to keep the latter from inputing her own answer. Unfortunately, in the confusion of their brawl, she accidentally grabs Julia's tablet instead of her own, which not only gives the latter the last point she needs to win the competition and immunity, but gives her the chance to make a shady deal with Caleb to give him the other shared immunity in exchange for him choosing to send home whoever she told him to for the rest of the competition, which only reignites the fury and drama between him and Priya.
