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Recap / Sanders Asides S 1 E 01 Return Of The Jam

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The Sides reminisce over the old Logan's Berry commercial they made and how none of them was completely satisfied with the result. So, Logan, Patton, Virgil and Roman try to give their personal views about how they would have promoted Crofter's Jam if they had been put in charge of selling the product. In doing so, they also imagine how their own flavor of Crofter's would have been if it had existed in real life.

Release date: February 19, 2021

WARNING: Untagged spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.


  • Content Warning: The episode starts with one for food.
  • Cringe Comedy: Virgil tries his best to make a cool commercial by skateboarding, but his null abilities to skateboard don't help.
  • Crunchtastic: Roman's approach to how to promote Crofter's, showering his jam with adjectives like "delicacy" or "pinnacle of palatable"
  • Evil Laugh: Roman when Logan accepted to try Roman's new jam:
    Roman: [refusing to let him try the jam] How does it feel to want? Muahahahahaha!
  • Face on the Cover: Each of the Crofter's jar features a drawing of one of the main Sides next to the Crofter's bear mascot. In the beginning, Roman sticks his own face over Logan's on the old 1st gen. Logan's Berry jar.
  • Faint in Shock: Roman's reaction over knowing he'll finally have his own jam, which is also a Shoutout to Logan's same reaction when he got his in Crofter's: The Musical.
  • Fourth Wall Greeting: Patton takes this approach to promote his jam, talking directly to the consumer, even though Virgil continuously lampshades everything Patton is saying.
    Patton: Long day at the office. If you're a busy parent like me, you'll know how hard it can be to find healthy snacks that your kids enjoy too. [pointing at Virgil]
    Virgil: Patton, you don' have a job and we're the same age.
  • Lecture as Exposition: Logan's approach to the commercial was infodumping all the technical aspects of Crofter's until Patton, who assisted him writing on the whiteboards, got saturated.
  • Rule of Cool: Virgil's intended approach to how to make his commercial, "selling out to something cool", like skateboarding. Unfortunately, his lack of skateboard abilities doesn't contribute to make a commercial as cool as he wanted.
  • Shout-Out: Roman's commercial is a knock-off of the memetic Gray Poupon ad from The '80s.
  • Stereotypical Nerd: Virgil's "radical" ad casts Roman as the nerd, with Nerd Glasses, a bow tie, and dorky shorts.
  • Tantrum Throwing: When Roman realizes Virgil has shapeshifted him into a nerd, he angrily throws the binoculars he was carrying to the ground and shatters them in half.
  • That Came Out Wrong: After Logan makes an alliterative phrase with the word consume used in several forms, Patton, not knowing the meaning of what he's really saying, says this happily:
    Patton: It's a consumation of flavor!
    Logan: Patton, that's gross.
    Patton: [confused] What?
    Logan: Just keep writing.
  • Totally Radical: Virgil's commercial, and he even lampshades it, both verbally and written onscreen with big letters and flashing effects.

Alternative Title(s): Sanders Sides Return Of The Jam
