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Recap / SMG 4 Lets Go Visit Peach

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I'm sure Peach has been fine down there...

All that's left to complete the castle is a Power Star – and the only one available is unfortunately located deep inside the monstrosity that ate Peach's castle a few months earlier. Mario, Meggy, SMG4, and SMG3 venture into the depths of the chasm to find it, but Meggy soon goes missing. As the boys head off to find her, they soon discover what became of their former home and its ruler...

  • Badass in Distress: Meggy gets kidnapped and Bound and Gagged by Peach after the first act, making the episode just as much about rescuing her as it is getting the Power Star.
  • Body Horror: Months of being left behind inside a demonic abomination have not been kind to Peach; it's implied the powers from within have morphed her body into something monstrous, and her head is nothing more than two soulless red eyes with an alien-like mouth at one point.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • SMG3 does this when he complains that he keeps getting put on the cast of horror themed episodes. SMG4 tells him it's not the time to be breaking the fourth wall, at which point Mario waves to the audience.
    • After scaring off Monster Peach, SMG3 questions how they'll find the Star when there's half a minute left in the episode, complete with him pulling up a fake time bar.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The cannon. It first appears as a place Mario looks into to find Meggy and subsequently get attacked by an angry, Dobby-like creature, but becomes useful for Mario and SMG3 to fend off Monster!Peach with a plethora of the latter's bombs.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The boys find Meggy tied upside down on the castle's wall in what's clearly a trap, but Mario, always missing a beat, thinks Meggy lives inside the window now, forcing SMG3 to tell him point-blank she had been captured.
  • Continuity Nod: Back at the construction site before the group comes back with the Star, Luigi is seen meditating, something he was frequently seen doing before and during the "College" episodes.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The team brave through the horrors of the old castle and successfully retrieve the much-needed Power Star, which allows the Engineer to work harder than ever on finishing the Glitchy Gang's new castle.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Mario may not tolerate Princess Peach, but he's downright mortified when he remembers they left her behind during the fight with the abomination that took both her and the castle. He even cries because of it.
  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Mario tries to get out of the trek into the crater by saying that his cat is on fire. Not that it matters, because tripping on a stray rock sends him flying backwards into it anyway.
  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: SMG3's response for bringing bombs into a cave.
  • Never Trust a Title: The title doesn't actually mean checking up on Peach, let alone rescuing her; the real conflict is tracking down the missing Power Star for the construction worker to use (i.e: eat), and Peach shows up as an antagonist near the end of the video.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: With the episode seconds from ending and the star remaining unfound, Meggy, a character known for being one of the more serious ones, demonstrates her ability to cut through webs by pulling on a lock of her hair (which would have been a tentacle if she was still an Inkling) like a starter-cord and spinning like a tornado to cut through it. The oddity of this is not ignored by SMG3, who is worried he'll become like that if he hangs out with the gang for too long.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: SMG3, in a panic, throws several bombs in a tunnel. The ensuing explosion destabilizes the area and causes a cave in.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Monster!Peach has red eyes to highlight her dangerous, aggressive nature.
  • Running Gag: Mario proclaims he shit his pants three times during the episode.
  • Sleep Cute: While the others wait for their teammates to come back, Tari is fast asleep on a bored Saiko's shoulder, the latter's arm wrapped around her friend. Melony is also shown cuddling with Axol Jr. while sleeping.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Mario touches the same kind of Meat Moss that turned Peach into a monster and says it tickles.
  • Tragic Monster: Peach's fate after the keyboard incident. Months of being stuck inside the demon and failing to escape turned her into a horrifying creature whose speech is reduced to screeching, which is driven home by the Zelda-inspired boss text describing her as a "Malice Transformed Beast". It's lampshaded when SMG4 wonders what happened to her.
    SMG3: "Isn't it obvious? We left her down here to rot for too long."
    Meggy: "Yeah... I agree... This place... is not good for people."
