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Recap / Power Rangers In Space S1E28 The Rangers' Leap Of Faith

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The rangers hesitantly trust Astronema to finally take them to Zordon.

This episode includes examples of:

  • The End... Or Is It?: Dark Specter still has plans for Astronema and Ecliptor, while Darkonda remarks in private that he has plans of his own.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ecliptor ultimately can't go through with attacking Astronema, letting her and Andros pass without incident.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: Both having to do with Astronema/Karone:
    • When she begins her Trojan Prisoner plan with Andros, he and the rest of the rangers put on cuffs and chains to make it look like Astronema has captured them and the Megaship. She commands Alpha to open a communication channel to the forces on the planet...
      Astronema: [to Alpha] Robot.
      Alpha Six: [he walks over] Please call me "Alpha".
      Astronema: Open a communication channel.
      Alpha: [with slight contempt] As you command.
      [Alpha walks back over to the communication console]
      Alpha: [somewhat sotto voce] It wouldn't hurt her to say please, you know. A little courtesy goes a long way in this galaxy...
      Astronema: Please, Alpha.
      [cut to Andros, who has a surprised expression]
      [cut back to Alpha]
      Alpha: [pauses for a second] Communications open.
      Astronema: Thank you.
    • She is visibly surprised when "Zordon" is revealed to be Dark Specter in disguise, demonstrating to the viewers that she was genuinely trying to help the Rangers rescue Zordon.
  • Friendship Moment: The other Rangers apologizing to Astronema and welcoming her into the fold.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Astronema finally does this.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Of all people, Ecliptor does this, holding off the enemy forces to allow Astronema and the Rangers to escape.
  • Hope Spot: In a clearing, Andros finds Zordon, but it's really Dark Specter in disguise.
  • I Warned You: After getting hit in the back and left for dead, Ecliptor promises to make Darkonda pay for this. Darkonda brushes him off, only to later get blasted to pieces by Ecliptor.
  • In the Back:
    • Darkonda takes Ecliptor by surprise this way.
    • Where Astronema blasts Darkonda before he can attack the Rangers.
  • Little "No": Astronema's reaction to Ecliptor telling her to leave without him.
  • Papa Wolf: Ecliptor destroys Darkonda for threatening Astronema.
  • Properly Paranoid:
    • T.J. is wrong about Astronema's loyalties, but he was right about the villains having a trap ready for them.
    • Darkonda is skeptical of Astronema claiming to have been working for Dark Specter all along.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: According to Andros, Astronema looks a good bit like their mother.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: The Rangers and Astronema flee an army of Piranhatrons.
  • Trojan Prisoner: What the Rangers do to infiltrate the planet.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: After revealing his deception, Dark Specter orders Astronema to finish the Rangers and then simply teleports away.
  • Wham Shot: "Zordon" morphing into Dark Specter.
  • You Fool!: "Zordon" mocks Andros this way before his reveal.
