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Recap / OKKO Lets Be Heroes S 3 E 15 Red Action 3 Grudgement Day

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K.O. and Enid attempt to prevent a mysterious power battle between Rad and Red Action.


  • The Big Damn Kiss: Downplayed. Enid and Red Action share a kiss near the end, showing that they're a couple, but it was low-key and quick because it's clearly not something new to them.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Subverted. When Red Action is talking to her past self, it seems like she misses the point, before subverting by admitting Rad was right:
    Red Action (answering her past self): It'll give an unimportant person a very bad opinion of you.
    Red Action (continues): But even if he is unimportant to you right now, he like has a point. Messing with little kids is a really jerky thing to do and trust me, you'll be really sorry for doing it.
  • Commonality Connection: In the final timeline, we see Red Action complimenting Rad on his abs and Rad complimenting Red on being "fellow midriff aficionados".
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Rad claims his problem with Red Action is because she didn't follow him on Social Media and she took the last cake at the Plaza Prom, resulting in him challenging Red to a Power Battle. The real reason for his dislike for Red is because of the video she posted back in "You're Everybody's Sidekick" where she endangered and humiliated K.O., even though K.O. is fine with it, Rad took it personally.
  • Escalating War: Every time K.O. and Enid goes back in time to fix the problem between Rad and Red Action, their Power Battle gets worse. It goes from fighting unarmed, to fighting with their powers, and then fighting in their respective vehicles.
  • Foreshadowing: The first time Enid and K.O. go back in time, K.O. checks social media and finds the embarrassing video Red uploaded of him in "You're Everybody's Sidekick", taking a moment to say he's not even upset about it anymore. Towards the end of the episode, we find out Rad very much is.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: Even though Red Action became a better person since her debut, Rad is still mad at Red for posting a humiliating video of K.O. online and everybody pretending it never happened.
  • I Hate Past Me: Red Action particularly dislikes the haircut she had in "You're Everybody's Sidekick", but she also calls her past self out on being a jerk to a naïve kid.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: After Enid and Red Action kiss for the first time on-screen, Rad (who is voiced by the show's creator) contentedly says "I support this", to Enid's confusion.
  • Meet Your Early-Installment Weirdness: When K.O. and Enid went back in time during the events of "Plaza Prom", Red Action back then had her original design where her eyes were green and her skin was yellowish. Her changed appearance was made obvious when present Red meets her past self from "You're Everybody's Sidekick", with the same original design.
  • Only One Finds It Fun: By this point, everybody detests the video Red Action posted in "You're Everybody's Sidekick" except for K.O., who loves it for the memories.
  • Red Herring: When asked why he resents Red Action, Rad cuts himself off several times saying "I lo-", as if implying he's jealous of her dating Enid. However, he later spits out that he still "loathes" Red Action for tricking K.O. into standing in front of lava and posting a video of it online.
  • Relationship Reveal: The episode reveals that Enid and Red Action have been dating for a while and they hooked up between episodes.
  • Sequel Episode: The final episode of the Red Action trilogy. The build-up from "Back in Red Action" and "Red Action to the Future" reveals that Enid and Red Action are dating each other.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: In order to stop Rad and Red Action from fighting, K.O. and Enid goes back in time to the events where Rad claims Red gave him trouble. After learning the real reason Rad is mad at Red, Red goes back in time with them and stops her past self from uploading the embarrassing video of K.O.
  • Shout-Out: The episode title is a reference to Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Rad's whole beef with Red Action is how she endangered and humiliated K.O. and pretty much got off scot-free and the whole thing forgotten about... except for him. When Enid sees the video, she actually cringes and admits Rad's absolutely right.
