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Recap / Kamen Rider Revice, Episode 15: Ruination! Confrontation! Ending the Deadmans' Reign!

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Ruination! Confrontation! Ending the Deadmans' Reign!

Original Airdate: December 19, 2021
Written by: Hanta Kinoshita
Directed by: Satoshi Morota


Aguilera's mood switches quickly as the truth behind her wedding to Lord Giff has finally been revealed! Aguilera is the final sacrifice required for Lord Giff's revival! Aguilera is stunned and defeated, Olteca gives a knowing smirk, and Julio tries to contain his anger, as everyone else is shocked and overwhelmed by the news! The ritual sacrifice of Aguilera to Lord Giff, and not the wedding ceremony between the bride and groom, is now about to commence!

Meanwhile, Fenix is still recovering after the Chameleon Deadman stole the Giff Stamp from the Skybase Lab while disguised as Commander Wakabayashi! Fenix plans a counterattack with no time left to lose, as they seek to invade the Deadman's Base to prevent Lord Giff's revival! Despite this however, none of them know exactly where the Deadmans' Base is located! The only clue they have lies with Kagero, who is the only one among them who has actually had contact with the other Deadmen! As a result, Ikki and Sakura attempt to summon Kagero, at the expense of Daiji's efforts to try and stop them...!


  • An Ass-Kicking Christmas: It is the Christmas Episode of the series. It has the Igarashi siblings and Fenix go all out against the Deadmans.
  • Crazy-Prepared: George put a tracker on the Giff Vistamp just before giving it to the Chameleon Deadman, allowing him to locate the Deadmans' base. The next issue was how to get in there, as it is located deep underground.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Haitani and Kudo find themselves getting crushed by the Igarashi siblings, despite having been empowered as Gifftex the episode just before.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The fact that Lord Giff's arrival is approaching soon causes Ikki and Sakura to get Kagero to reawaken in Daiji to get the method of entering the Deadmans' base, in spite of knowing how dangerous he is. Luckily, they manage to strike a deal with him for the info in exchange for extremely spicy curry, satisfying Kagero enough for him to willingly regress back into Daiji.
  • Headache of Doom: After Giff absorbs the two newest Gifftex Deadmen and the base starts rumbling, Vice gets this.
  • Killed Off for Real: After Ikki and Sakura with Daiji defeat them once again, Haitani and Kudo are absorbed into Giff, with No Body Left Behind.
  • Mood Whiplash: The Cold Open has the heavy scene of Aguilera being revealed as a Human Sacrifice being immediately followed by the Igarashis happily celebrating Christmas.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The three Igarashi siblings, especially Ikki, are visibly shaken when they see Haitani and Kudo disintegrate after their defeat, with the implications that those two were actually killed by the triple Rider Kick.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Had the Igarashis arrived a minute later, Aguilera would have been successfully sacrificed and Giff revived.
  • Save the Villain: Ikki chooses to save Aguilera (and Julio by extension) instead of letting her be sacrificed to Giff nor let them get caught in their base's destruction.
  • Say My Name: The cliffhanger final scene has Aguilera crying out for Giff as Julio holds her back.
  • Spot the Impostor: During the fighting in the Deadmans' base, the Chameleon Deadman took the form of Kamen Rider Vice Rex Genome. Revi had to do an Impostor-Exposing Test to figure out the real Vice.
  • Storming the Castle: This time it's the protagonists' turn to attack the Deadmans' base.
  • Tap on the Head: Done to Aguilera twice, first by Olteca and then by Vice to get her to stop resisting the ritual and then the rescue.
  • Wham Shot: Instead of the humans separating from their demons unharmed after they are defeated, as we've seen with Phase 1 and 2 Deadmen up until now, Haitani and Kudo (Phase 3) actually disintegrate and are absorbed into Giff.
  • Worst Wedding Ever: It's less of a Marriage to a God situation and more of a Human Sacrifice ritual for the Deadmans offering up Aguilera to Giff.
