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Recap / Big Mouth S 07 E 4 Day Tripping

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Andrew and Nick follow Judd to Brooklyn to score drugs, Jay gets jealous of Kurt and Lola's relationship and Jessi oversteps at Matthew's house.


  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Leah's friends all think Judd is hot, much to her disgust.
  • Anti-Role Model: Near the end of the episode, Rick tells the audience "Drugs Are Good!" before Maury tells the audience to ignore what he says.
    Maury: Hey kids, don't listen to Rick, okay?
  • Art Shift: Nick and Andrew’s shroom trip takes them through numerous art styles that change with every scene.
  • Brutal Honesty: Nick asks Judd why he likes Melon Ball more than him.
    Judd: Because you suck, and Melon Ball's the shit.
    Nick: (weakly) Oh.
    Andrew: Well, you did ask.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Matthew does this to both of his parents on account of them trying to censor everything LGBTQ+ in their household.
  • Distinction Without a Difference: Honeydew, Judd's drug dealer, insists that she's "a purveyor of natural psychedelic products that allow her clients to open their consciousness".
  • Gasshole: Andrew starts farting when he gets nervous about the possibility of being arrested, which alerts Judd to his and Nick's presence, as his stench is very distinctive.
  • Going Commando: After getting high, Andrew takes off all of his clothes and wears one of Honeydew's kaftans.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Downplayed. Andrew correctly assumes his parents don't know how to track his phone. Unfortunately for him and Nick, Diane is far more tech savvy and reaches out to the Gloubermans to track Andrew's phone after Nick turns his off to prevent Diane from tracking his.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Jay believes that if Lola and Kurt have a son, that boy will be his grandfather.
  • Lecherous Licking: Maury reveals that Andrew "licked the tub clean" after one of Leah's friends used it.
  • Parental Sexuality Squick: Nick is disgusted after Elliot says that he hopes he didn't keep anyone up from the sounds of him orally pleasuring his wife.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Both Jay and Lola think that the fact that the latter is dating Kurt, Jay's brother, is technically incest.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Andrew claims that he wasn't listening to one of Leah's friends while they were in the shower.
