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Recap / Ash Vs Evil Dead S 3 E 7 Twist And Shout

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Recap of Ash vs. Evil Dead
Season 3, Episode 7:

Twist And Shout
"No one is that stupid! Or that lucky!"

Brandy: Look, if you're right, and Ms. Prevett is a demon, then that means she killed my Mom and Rachel, and who knows how many others. I need to know for sure, and when I do...
Ash: Daddy-O's gonna swoop in for the kill.

Ash, not knowing that Kelly's body has been possessed by Kaya, tells her about the plan, while Brandy prepares to go to the homecoming party. Her father demands her to stay home, but Kaya says she'll keep an eye on her, so Ash takes them to the school. Meanwhile, Ruby's child finally emerges from the cocoon as a complete copy of Ash. She tells him to saw his chainsaw hand off, and he reluctantly obeys her orders.

Pablo consoles Zoey about her losing her squad, and he sees Kelly in the Deadlands. She says that Ruby's killed her, and he decides to

Ash gets recognized and tries to hide from the police on site, so he goes to sneak in from the back. Kaya tries to sow some doubt into Brandy's mind. Meanwhile, Ruby's child disguised as Ash goes into the school and kills a pair of students. Ruby appears on the stage and organizes a moment of silence for Candace and Rachel, trying to sway Brandy to her side. Kaya lets them talk in private while the real Ash sneaks in and finds blood on the stairwell and a severed hand. He gets his chainsaw on and follows the trail, finding his doppelganger. A police officer walks in, and Evil Ash disappears, leaving the real one with a corpse at his feet.

Ruby says that Ash is a demon, trying to convince Brandy to take her side, with Kaya backing her up, but the girl refuses to listen. She encounters Evil Ash who pretends to be her father and shows her the bodies of students he slaughtered and his demonic mouth. Kaya knocks out the officer arresting Ash and pretends to help him. He encounters other students who panic at his sight, and Brandy accepts that her father is a monster, going to Ruby.

Evil Ash enters the dance hall and starts slaughtering people, while Pablo arrives at the school and meets Kaya, confronting. Ruby gives Brandy the dagger and confronts her son who disappears while the real Ash arrives. He tries to talk his daughter down, and Ruby impales herself on his chainsaw. Pablo finds Evil Ash and tells him about Kaya, but he hears another chainsaw, and the demon attacks. Brandy confronts her father, but still refuses to kill him. Pablo leads Evil Ash into the hall, where the real one shoots him in the head. Ruby gets up, revealing her nature to Brandy, and tosses the dagger at Ash, but hits Brandy. She dies and wakes up in the Deadlands.


  • Boom, Headshot!: Ash blows off his demonic doppelganger's head with two shots.
  • Bluff the Imposter: Pablo tricks Kaya into kissing him and headbutts her while she leans in.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Brandy takes the dagger meant for Ash and dies while he's holding her.
  • Frame-Up: Ruby uses her son to frame Ash for the murders.
  • Lock-and-Load Montage: Same as usual, only this time Ash puts a codpiece into his pants.
  • Mirror-Cracking Ugly: While Ruby's grown-up son isn't exactly ugly looking due to being Ash's carbon copy, he still can't look in the hand mirror due to it shattering.
  • Mirror Match: Ash goes up against Rash, a demonic clone of himself sired by Ruby.
  • Momma's Boy: Ruby's child is completely obedient to her, even sawing off his arm at her orders.
  • Neck Snap: Ruby kills one of the female students this way when she tries to warn her about the killer in the school.
  • Rapid Aging: After spending some time in the cocoon, Ruby's baby ages from pre-teens to 50-something to completely resemble Ash.
  • Taking the Bullet: Brandy protects her father from Ruby's dagger by shielding him with her body.
  • Voice Changeling: Kaya perfectly copies Kelly's voice and mannerisms while around Brandy.
