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Quotes / Vulgar Humor

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"You can certainly get a cat out a tree by raping people under it until emergency vehicles scare it away, but it is my belief that the American people will regret not finding a better solution."

"I do have a cause though. It is obscenity. I'm for it."
Tom Lehrer, introduction to the song "Smut", That Was the Year That Was

851. When plumbing the depths of depravity, I must remember to come up for air.

"Any genuinely cutting-edge comedy will risk offending people who watch it; but how is a penis joke supposed to offend the average college student? The answer is, it's not supposed to offend anybody who watches the show; it's supposed to give college kids a smug sense of superiority in believing that someone else might theoretically be offended by that penis joke."
Jaime J. Weinman, "Why I Hate Family Guy"

Joseph Smith, fuck frog,
Brigham Young, clit face,
Shit come out da butt,
Jesus says fuck, fuck,
The Book of Mormon, "Joseph Smith American Moses" (yes, It Makes Sense in Context)

Ken: This morning, and this afternoon, we're doing what I want to do. Got it?
Ray: 'Course. Which I presume will involve culture.
Ken: Oh, we shall strike a balance between culture and fun.
Ray: Somehow, I believe, Ken, the balance shall tip in the favour of culture. Like a big, fat, fucking retarded, fucking black girl on a seesaw... opposite... (Beat) a dwarf.

My dick looks like the fat that you cut off a steak, smashed in like my balls went and stepped on a rake
The Lonely Island, "We're Back!"

"Every comedienne has to make at least one joke about her vagina. It's a rule."

"As a saving grace, this series of vignettes contains gratuitous references to all pleasures of the flesh. You may enjoy it."
Prologue, The Elder Scrolls In-Universe Books, "Fools' Ebony: Part the Oneth"

"In Conker's Bad Fur Day, you'd go inside a toilet and have a boss fight with a giant poo, and the poo sings an operatic song as it fights you, with profane lyrics that rhyme the word "scat" with the word "twat". This exhibits wit; it's "wit" to rhyme with "shit", but it's wit. The humor lies in a poo (a very unrefined thing) singing opera (a style of music generally considered very refined). In contrast, in Hell Pie, you go into a sewer, and there are poos, and there's no joke there. Some of the poo is alive and hostile and wearing Nazi helmets, but that's not a joke, either; there's no comical throughline from "Nazi" to "poo". If the poos had all resembled former British home secretary Douglas Hurd and had been called "Douglas Turds", that would've been a joke with some wit; as it is, all the game has done is drop some poo on the floor, and then looked at me as if it expected me to know what to do with it."
