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Playing With / Synthetic Plague

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Basic Trope Description: A deadly disease created by humans.

  • Straight: Troperitis, The Plague, was created as a bio-weapon in an army lab.
  • Exaggerated:
    • It turns out that any disease humanity ever knew was in fact made by them.
    • Troperitis was not just man-made, but even its spread around the world is steered by people.
  • Downplayed: Troperitis was created by humans as something much milder, but mutated into something deadly after it Escaped from the Lab.
  • Justified:
    • Troperitis was intended for biological warfare. Then some idiot just had to bring it out to the world.
    • Some Mad Scientist had the idea to cull human overpopulation with a deliberate pandemic. Whether or not he expected it to cull off a specific part of the human population or the entirety of humanity is Depending on the Writer.
  • Inverted: Mystical Plague
  • Subverted: Troperitis is said to have been created in a lab - but it wasn't a human lab, it was created by aliens to support their invasion of Earth.
  • Double Subverted: But then we find out that the aliens just stole human plans for a bio-weapon after all, and enslaved some human scientists to work on it in their labs.
  • Enforced: The writer aims for An Aesop about the dangers of genetic engineering and weapons of mass destruction.
  • Averted: Troperitis is just a disease that crossed the species barrier or came from the wilderness in some other way.
  • Parodied: Bio-weapons in an army lab are secretly plotting how to flee and eradicate humanity.
  • Zigzagged: There are always new ideas about how Troperitis came over us: first, it looks like Escaped from the Lab, then infected monkeys are caught, then they turn out to have escaped from the bio-weapon lab, later pathogens are found in the water far away...
  • Invoked: Dr. Evil deliberately creates Troperitis as a plague to decimate humanity.
  • Exploited: To get his Evil Plan in motion, Emperor Evulz causes a containment breach in a bio-weapon lab to trigger a deadly pandemic.
  • Defied: The Government stops the bio-weapon project since they rethought and deemed it too unplannable and dangerous at second thought, not to mention the possible consequences if this bio-weapon actually gets out and is spread throughout society.
  • Lampshaded: "Everything apparently began in Tropetown - of course! They have this army lab close by!"
  • Discussed: "Do you think we humans are now killed by our own creation?" "Well, first cases reported from this town with the army lab and so on...I think it could be true."
  • Conversed: "Damn scary...and this virus could be developed somewhere right now."
  • Deconstructed: Man-made plague means that there are already people who know everything about it, and can develop a vaccine quite easily. Maybe it was even part of the plan.
  • Reconstructed: There was no time to develop the vaccine yet. And Troperitis killed its own developers first.
  • Implied:
  • Played for Laughs: Troperitis was made by some nerds and turns anyone infected into other nerds. Finally they have some company.
  • Played for Drama: Humans not just have to deal with a deadly disease, but also with the knowledge that they now factually caused their own demise.
